The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
You see, Memory's The Thing.
It's The Key.
It's The Key to Everything.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
If It really does want us back here, don't you think the smartest thing we can do is just get the hell out of Derry?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
No, no, no. It does want us back.
Of course It does!
But It doesn't know I know What I Know.
What do you know?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
How to kill the shit out of It!
I've read every book.
I've talked to every person in this godforsaken town, everybody that would talk to me, anyway,
and that's not a long list.
But it wasn't enough.
I had to know how this all started.
How IT started.
And IT started here.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
What am I looking at, Mike?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
It's an artifact.
Early 18th century Shokopiwah.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
Shoko... How'd you get it?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
I found it, in the...
No, no, they gave it to me --
I stole it.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
You stole it?!
From Native Americans?!?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
Uh... It's complicated.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
Yeah, it is......!!
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
They helped me on my journey.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
So beautiful.
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
They showed me things.
A Vision.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
Holy fuck.
I feel kind of funky.
Am I sweating?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
I need you to see what they showed me, Bill.
Bill. They live outside of Derry.
Beyond It's reach.
They moved there many years ago.
Their Holy man, Their Holy of Holies, he took me in.
Fed me their sacred Maturin.
I started to... To react.
All living things must abide
by the laws of the shape they inhabit.
While I sat there, looking out over the valley, I saw It arrive.
I knew that one day, I would have to make you all see.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
Mike, did you put something in my drink?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
It's, uh... It's a root.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
You drugged me? You drugged me?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
No, it's a root, with properties.
It's just a micro-dose of what
the Shokopiwah gave me...
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
Why would you do that?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
...to open my eyes.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
I don't feel real good.
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
I need you to look, and you'll see.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
I don't feel good.
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes.
They showed Me The Past.
Showed Me the way It appeared to Them.
They showed Me Their Pain.
They showed Me How to Stop It!
It's over.
It's over. You're okay. You're okay.
Did you see it?
The ritual?
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
The Ritual of Chud?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
Yeah, I knew you...
I knew you would see it.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
I saw the whole fucking thing, Mike.
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
That's How We Kill It.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
How are we going to do it?
Everybody already said no.
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
But with You, They'll Listen.
This won't work without All of Us.
The Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier of 2016/9 :
Okay. So, what do you mean that you've seen us all die?
Yeah, 'cause I gotta be honest.
That's a fucked-up thing to just drop on somebody.
The Beverley Marsh of 2016/9 :
Every night since Derry,
I've been having these nightmares.
People in Pain. People Dying.
So, you have nightmares.
I have nightmares. People, they have nightmares.
But that doesn't mean that your visions are true.
I've watched every single one of us...
You've seen every single one of us what?
At the place that Stanley wound up.
That's How We End.
Okay, how come the rest of us aren't seeing that shit?
I mean, what makes her so different?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
The Deadlights.
The Deadlights.
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
She was the only one of us that got caught in
The Deadlights that day.
We were all touched by It.
Changed. Deep down.
Like An Infection. Or A Virus.
A Virus. You understand.
Slowly growing.
That Virus, it's been growing for 27 years.
This whole time, metastasizing.
It just got to Stan first, because...
The Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier of 2016/9 :
He was The Weakest.
Jesus Christ, Rich.
The Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier of 2016/9 :
Just Saying What Everyone Else is Thinking, man.
I mean, Rich, come on.
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
What Beverly sees, it will come to pass.
It's What'll Happen to All of Us,
eventually, unless we stop It.
How the hell are we supposed to do that?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
The Ritual of Chud.
The Shokopiwah.
The first ones who fought IT, They have A Saying.
"All Living Things
must abide by The Laws
of The Shape They Inhabit."
The Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier of 2016/9 :
A tribal ritual?
Are you fucking kidding me, man?
All right, there's gotta be another way.
Okay? This thing comes back, what, every 27 years?
Let's just kick the can down the road and do it then.
The Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier of 2016/9 :
Wait, we'll be 70 years old, asshole.
The Beverley Marsh of 2016/9 :
It doesn't work that way.
None of Us make it another 20 years,
and the way it happens...
So, if We don't beat It this cycle,
then... We die.
Yeah, I don't need the "horribly" part.
The Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier of 2016/9 :
I didn't say it. She said it. Not me.
The Bill Denbrough of 2016/9 :
All right, guys. Look.
I've seen What He's Talking About, and it's all True.
It's the only way.
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
If we want this ritual to work...
We have to remember.
Remember what?
The Mike Hanlon of 2016/9 :
It's better if I show you.
We don't have much time.
His cycle will end soon.
And once it does...
We're fucked.
The Barrens.
This is where we came.
After The Rock Fight.
The Clubhouse.
Sir, I told you this is just a routine
follow-up on the Raspail case.
Dr. Chilton :
He is My Patient. I have rights.
Little Bo Peep :
I understand that, sir.
Dr. Chilton :
Look, I am not just some turnkey,
Miss Starling.
Little Bo Peep :
This is the number for the US Attorney's office.
Please, either you discuss this with him
or you let me do my job.
Do you understand?
Little Bo Peep :
If your profile helps us catch Buffalo Bill
in time to save Catherine Martin...
the senator promises you a transfer
to the VA hospital at Oneida Park, New York,
with a view of the woods nearby.
Maximum security still applies, of course.
You'd have reasonable access to books.
Best of all though,
one week of the year, you get to leave the hospital
and go here -- Plum Island.
Every day of that week, you may walk on the beach,
you may swim in the ocean, for up to one hour --
under SWAT team surveillance, of course.
--And there you have it.
A copy of the Buffalo Bill case file.
Copy of the senator's offer.
This offer is non-negotiable and final.
Catherine Martin dies, you get nothing.
"Plum Island Animal Disease Research Center."
Sounds charming.
Little Bo Peep :
That's only part of the island.
There's a very, very nice beach.
Terns nest there. It's beautiful.
Terns? Mm.
The Wolf :
If I help you, Clarice, it will be "turns" with us too.
Quid Pro Quo.
I tell you things, you tell me things.
Not about this case though.
About Yourself.
Quid pro quo.
Yes or No?
Yes or No, Clarice?
Poor little Catherine is waiting.
Little Bo Peep :
Go, Doctor.
[ Come, boy - Suckle. ]
The Wolf :
What is your Worst Memory of Childhood?
Little Bo Peep :
Death of My Father.
The Wolf :
Tell me about it.
And Don't Lie, or I'll know.
Little Bo Peep :
He was The Town Marshal, and...
one night he surprised two burglars coming out
of the back of a drugstore.
They shot him.
The Wolf :
Was he killed outright?
Little Bo Peep :
No. He was Very Strong.
He lasted more than a month.
My mother died when I was very young, so -
My father had become the whole world to me, and, uh, when he left me, I had nothing.
I was 10 years old.
The Wolf :
You're very Frank, Clarice.
I think it would be quite something
to know you in Private Life.
Little Bo Peep :
Quid pro quo, Doctor.
The Wolf :
So tell me about Miss West Virginia.
Was she a LARGE girl?
Little Bo Peep :
The Wolf :
Big through the hips?
Little Bo Peep :
They all were.
The Wolf :
What else?
Little Bo Peep :
She had an object deliberately inserted into her throat.
Now, that hasn't been made public yet.
We don't know What it Means, yet.
The Wolf :
Was it a Butterfly?
Little Bo Peep :
Yes. A Moth.
Just like the one we found
in Benjamin Raspail's head an hour ago.
Why does he place them there, Doctor?
The Wolf :
....The Significance of The Moth is Change.
Caterpillar into chrysalis or pupa...
And, from thence, into Beauty.
Our Billy wants To Change too.
Little Bo Peep :
No, There's NO correlation in the literature
between Transsexualism and Violence.
Transsexuals are very passive.
[ The Activists AREN’T. ]
The Wolf :
Clever girl.
You're so close to the way you're
gonna catch him. Do you realise that?
Little Bo Peep :
No. Tell me why.
The Wolf :
After your father's murder, you were orphaned.
What Happened Next?
I Don't Imagine The Answer
is on those second-rate shoes, Clarice.
I went to live with my mother's cousin
and her husband in Montana.
They had a ranch.
The Wolf :
Was it a cattle ranch?
Little Bo Peep :
Sheep and horses.
The Wolf :
How long did you live there?
Little Bo Peep :
Two months.
The Wolf :
Why so briefly?
Little Bo Peep :
I ran away.
The Wolf :
Why, Clarice?
Did the rancher make you perform fellatio?
Did he sodomize you?
Little Bo Peep :
No. He was a very decent man.
Quid pro quo, Doctor.
The Wolf :
Billy is not a real transsexual.
But he thinks he is. He tries to be.
He's tried to be a lot of things, I expect.
Little Bo Peep :
You said I was very close to the way we would catch him.
What did you mean, Doctor?
The Wolf :
There are three major centers for transsexual surgery —
Johns Hopkins, the University of Minnesota,
and Columbus Medical Center.
I wouldn't be surprised if Billy had applied
for sex reassignment
at one or all of them and been rejected.
Little Bo Peep :
On what basis would they reject him?
[ Today? Absolutely NONE. ]
The Wolf :
Look for severe childhood disturbances
associated with violence.
Our Billy wasn't born a criminal, Clarice.
He was made one through years of systematic abuse.
Billy hates his own identity, you see,
and he thinks that makes him a transsexual.
But his pathology is a thousand times more savage
and more terrifying.
The Ram :
It rubs lotion on its skin.
It does this whenever it's told.
The Lamb :
Mister, my family will pay cash.
Whatever ransom you're askin' for,
they'll pay it.
The Ram :
It rubs the lotion on its skin,
or else it gets The Hose again.
Yes, it will, Precious.
It will get The Hose.
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