Showing posts with label Jose Chung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jose Chung. Show all posts

Friday 24 May 2024

From Outer Space


What is your opinion, of Hypnosis?

I know that it has its therapeutic value, but 
it has never been proven to enhance Memory

In fact, it actually worsens it since, 
since, since people in that state 
are prone to confabulation.

When I was doing research for my book 
"The Caligarian Candidate..."

SCULLY of the greatest 
Thrillers ever written.

Oh... (He chuckles.Thank you. 

I was, uh... interested, in how The C.I.A.
when conducting their MK-Ultra Mind-
Control experiments, back in the '50s --
.....had no idea how hypnosis worked.


Or what it was.

No one still knows.

Still, as A Storyteller -- I'm fascinated 
how a person's sense of consciousness, 
can be... so transformed, by nothing 
more magical, than listening 
to words -- Mere words.

(Cut to the interrogation room. 
Doctor Fingers sits across from Chrissy very closely. 
In the background, Chrissy's parents 
are sitting down in the back like before. 
Manners is standing, then Mulder is more to the front. 
Scully is still leaning on the door in the back. 
His voice is very soothing and slow. 
She is sitting in a recliner, eyes closed.)

You are feeling very sleepy, very relaxed
As your body calmly drifts deeper and deeper 
into a state of peaceful relaxation, 
you will respond only to 
the sound of my voice.

(She opens her eyes as the room starts to become shaky in her vision. She gasps as everyone is replaced by aliens, down to one still holding Manners' cup of coffee. As the "Fingers" alien talks, the mouth does not move.)

Chrissy? Can you recall 
where you are?

(Chrissy is hooked onto a glass table with white lines all over it up against the wall. She and Fingers talk over the scene.)

I'm in a room... 
on a spaceship... 
surrounded by aliens.

What do the aliens look like?

They're small... but their heads and 
their eyes are big. They're gray.

FINGERS: Are you alone?

(She looks to her left and sees Harold on 
a similar table, one hooked to the floor.)

No, Harold's on another table... 
but he seems really out of it... l
ike he's not really there.

(In reality, the table has donuts and coffee on it.)

What are the aliens doing now?

They're sort of arguing
I sort of hear them but I can't understand what they're saying.
(The aliens bicker illegibly. The "Scully" alien walks over to the "Mulder" alien. She and Fingers still talk over the scene.)
Except the leader. I can understand him.
When The Leader speaks to you, 
does his mouth move?

(She starts to cry.)
But I hear him in my head.

What is he saying?

He's telling me this is for 
the good of my planet, but...

FINGERS: But what?

I don't like what he's doing. 
It's like he's inside my mind, like... 
like he's stealing my memories

(Chung is typing on the typewriter. He hears murmuring outside and sees a silhouette in his window. He takes out his gun and slowly makes his way to the door. He opens it to see Mulder and another man starting off.)

Agent Mulder?
(He motions for him to come in. 
Mulder looks at the other man.)

(Mulder walks in and Chung closes the door. 
They stand opposite each other at the desk.)

What can I do for you, Agent Mulder?

Don't write this book.

(Chung sits. Mulder walks over to the left and 
stands next to a small dresser with books.)

You'll perform a disservice through a field of inquiry 
that has always struggled for respectability. 

You're a gifted writer, but no amount of talent could 
describe the events that occurred in any realistic vein 
because they deal with alternative realities 
that we've yet to comprehend. And when presented 
in the wrong way, in the wrong context, 
the incidents and the people involved in them 
can appear foolish, if not downright psychotic.

(He walks back to the right, in front of Chung's desk.)
I also know that your publishing house is owned by Warden White, Incorporated... a subsidiary of MacDougall-Kesler, which makes me suspect a covert agenda for your book on the part of the military-industrial-entertainment complex.

Agent Mulder, this book will be written. 
But it can only benefit if you can 
explain something to me.
MULDER: What's that?
What really happened to 
those kids on that night?

(Mulder looks down.)

How the hell should I know?

(Chung stands in anger.)

Agent Mulder, 
I appreciate this little visit 
but I have deadlines to face.

(Mulder stares at him for a second, then walks out as Chung sits back down. Chung starts to type again, but stops and looks at the door. He talks over the scene.)
Evidence of extraterrestrial existence remains as elusive as ever...
(Cut to Blaine, pointing his flashlight to the sky as he is lifted up on the electric company crane. Chung continues to talk.)
...but the skies will continue to be searched by the likes of Blaine Faulkner, hoping to someday find not only proof of alien life, but also contentment on a new world. Until then, he must be content with his new job.
(Blaine screams as sparks fly off of the electric pole. Cut to El Cajon, California. A group of people sit on the floor, gathered around Roky, who is standing in front of a strange diagram of the earth with a triangle in the middle, much like an Egyptian pyramid. The triangle has an eye in each corner and clouds in the middle. Roky is wearing a crystal necklace. Chung continues to talk from his book.)
Others search for answers from within. Roky relocated to El Cajon, California, preaching to the lost and desperate.
ROKY CRIKENSON: And so, at each death, the soul descends further into the inner earth, attaining ever greater levels of purification, reaching... enlightenment at the core. Assuming, of course, that your soul is able to avoid... the lava men.
(He holds his crystal. Cut to the X-Files office, where she is reading Jose Chung's new book, "From Outer Space." Chung talks over.)

Seeking the truth about aliens means 
a perfunctory nine-to-five job to some. 
For although Agent Diana Lesky 
is noble spirit and pure of heart, 
she remains, nevertheless, 
a federal employee.

(Scully glares at the book. Cut to Mulder's apartment. Mulder lies in his bed, shirt off, watching television. He changes the channel. Chung continues his monologue.)
As for her partner, Reynard Muldrake... 
that ticking timebomb of insanity... 
his quest into the unknown has so warped his psyche, 
one shudders to think how he receives any pleasures from life.

(Mulder watches the television intently, a shaky video camera 
footage of Bigfoot walking through the woods far away. 
Cut to Chrissy Giorgio, typing at her computer.)

The Writer:
Chrissy Giorgio has come to believe her alien visitation 
was a message to improve her own world, and she has 
devoted herself to this goal wholeheartedly.

(There is another rattling on The Window. 
She goes to it and opens it to reveal 
Harold standing outside.)
Oh, it's you. What do you want?

I just wanted to tell you
 I still Love You.

Love. Is that all You-
Men think about?

(She closes Her Window. 
Harold's eyes tear up. 
Chung keeps talking.)

The Writer: 
Then there are those who care 
not about extraterrestrials, 
searching for Meaning in 
other Human Beings. 
Rare or lucky are 
those who find it.

(Harold starts off.)

For although we may not 
be alone in the universe, 
in our own separate ways, 
on this planet, 
We areall... alone.