It’s a Fortress of Solitude.
It won't take you long to get the hang of it.
WENDY, Darling :
This is The Kitchen, huh?
This is it.
How do you like it, Danny?
Is it big enough for you?
DANNY, Champion of The World :
It's the biggest place I ever seen.
[ Didn't answer The Question. ]
WENDY, Darling :
This whole place is such
an enormous maze --
I feel as though I'll have to leave
a trail of breadcrumbs
every time I come in.
Don't let it get you down.
lt's BIG, but it ain't nothing
but A Kitchen.
A lot of this stuff you'll
never have to touch.
WENDY, Darling :
I wouldn't know what to do with it if I did.
I wouldn't know what to do with it if I did.
One thing for sure, you don't have to worry about Food.
You could eat here for a year and never
have the same menu twice.
Right here is our walk-in freezer.
This is where we keep
all of Our Meat.
You got rib roasts
ten-pound bags of hamburger.
We got turkeys,
we got chickens
sirloin steaks,
two dozen pork roast
and legs of Lamb.
You Like Lamb, Doc?
Dan shakes his head.
You don't? What's your
favourite food, then?
DANNY, Champion of The World :
French fries and ketchup.
[ Ah! A Wise Child! ]
I think we can manage that too, Doc.
Come along. Watch your step.
WENDY, Darling :
How'd you know we call him 'Doc'?
Beg your pardon?
WENDY, Darling :
You called Danny "Doc" twice.
I did?
WENDY, Darling :
We call him 'Doc' sometimes, like
in the Bugs Bunny cartoons.
But how did you know?
I guess I must have heard
you call him that.
WENDY, Darling :
It's possible. But I don't remember
calling him that since
we've been with you.
Anyway, he looks like a Doc, don't he?
Nyah! What's up, Doc?
[ That ain't no kind of Answer, Dick, and You know it..!! ]
Now, this is The Storeroom.....
In here is where we keep all the dried goods and the canned goods.
We got canned fruits and vegetables. . .
. . .canned fish and meats, hot and cold cereals.
Post Toasties, Corn Flakes, Sugar Puffs. . .
. . .Rice Krispies, oatmeal, Wheatena and Cream of Wheat.
You got a dozen jugs of black molasses.
We got boxes of dried milk. . .
How'd you like some ice cream, Doc?
. . .Sociables, finger rolls. . .
. . .and kinds of what have you.
We've got dried peaches, dried apricots. . .
. . .dried raisins and dried prunes.
You know, you got to keep regular if you want to be happy.
-How're you getting on? -Fine.
Can we borrow Mrs. Torrance? We're on our way to the basement.
l promise we won't keep her very long.
No problem. I was just getting to the ice cream.
You like ice cream, Doc?
I thought so.
You mind if I give Danny some ice cream?
-Not at all. -We don't mind.
-Good. -Sound good to you, Doc?
Okay, you behave yourself.
What kind of ice cream do you like?
DANNY, Champion of The World :
Chocolate it shall be.
Come on, Son.
lt's amazing, all this activity today.
The guests and some staff left yesterday, but the. . .
. . .last day's always hectic.
Everybody wants to be on their way as early as possible.
By tonight, you'll never know anybody was ever here.
Just like a ghost ship, huh?
Do you know how I knew
your name was Doc?
You know what I'm talking about, don't you?
I can remember when I was a little boy
my grandmother and I could hold conversations. . .
entirely without ever opening our mouths.
She called it "Shining. "
And for a long time I thought it was just
the two of us that had "The Shine" to us.
Like you probably thought
you was the only one.
But there are other folks. . .
though mostly
they don't know it,
or don't believe it.
How long have you been able to do it?
Why don't you want to talk about it?
DANNY, Champion of The World :
I'm not supposed to.
Who says you ain't supposed to?
DANNY, Champion of The World :
Who's Tony?
DANNY, Champion of The World :
Tony's the little boy
that lives in my mouth.
Is Tony the one that tells you things?
How does he tell you things?
DANNY, Champion of The World :
It's like I go to sleep
and he shows me things.
But when I wake up,
I can't remember everything.
Does your mom and dad know about Tony?
Do they know he tells you things?
Tony told me never to tell them.
Has Tony ever told you anything about this place?
About the Overlook Hotel?
I don't know.
Now think real hard, Doc.
DANNY, Champion of The World :
Is there something bad here?
You know, Doc, when something happens. . .
it can leave a trace of itself behind.
Say, like. . . if someone burns toast.
Maybe things that happen leave other kind of traces behind.
Not things that anyone can notice.
But things that people who shine can see.
Just like they can see things that haven't happened yet. . .
sometimes they can see things that happened a long time ago.
I think a lot of things happened right here
in this particular hotel over the years.
And not all of them was Good.
DANNY, Champion of The World :
What about Room 237?
Room 237?
DANNY, Champion of The World :
You're scared of Room 237 ain't you?
No, I ain't.
DANNY, Champion of The World :
Mr. Hallorann,
What is in Room 237?
There ain't nothing in Room 237.
But you ain't got no business going in there anyway.
So stay out.
You understand? Stay out!
Good morning, hon.
Your breakfast is ready.
What time is it?
lt's about : .
I guess we've been staying up too late.
I know it.
I made them just the way you like them, sunny-side up.
It's really pretty outside.
How about taking me for a walk after you finish your breakfast?
I suppose I ought to try to do some writing first.
Any ideas yet?
Lots of ideas.
No good ones.
Something will come.
It's just a matter of settling into
the habit of writing every day.
That's all it is.
All right.
And you're going to lose.
And l'm going to get you.
You'd better run fast!
Look out!
I'm coming in close.
Loser has to keep America clean.
Keep America clean.
Danny, you win.
Let's take the rest of this walking.
Give me your hand.
Isn't it beautiful?
Dead end.
We made it.
Isn't it beautiful?
It's so pretty.
I didn't think it was this big.
Did you?
Hi, hon.
How's it going?
Get a lot written today?
The weather forecast said it's going to snow tonight.
What The Fuck do you want me to do about it?
Come on, hon.
Don't be so grouchy.
I'm not. . . being grouchy.
I just want to finish my work.
Okay. I understand.
I'll come back later with a couple of sandwiches.
Maybe you'll let me read something then.
Wendy. . .
let me explain something to you.
When you come in and interrupt, you're breaking my concentration.
You're distracting me
and it will then take time to get back to where I was.
We're making a new rule:
Whenever I'm in here
and you hear me typing,
or whatever the fuck you hear me doing in here
when I'm in here, that means
I am working.
That means
Don't Come In.
Do you think you can handle that?
Why don't you start right now
and get the fuck out of here?

Superman :
I’m just like EVERYBODY ELSE.
Except MY Eyes don’t just
ABSORB radiation
like yours do,
they EMIT all kinds.”
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