The Irrepressible Genie is Will :
“Your Wish is My Command.”
Will is Here!

A Marshal of France? Ridiculous!
One takes what jobs he can get.
For example,
Star log entry, Stardate Today.
This is Q, speaking for Captain Jean-Luc Picard,
who we consider too bound by Starfleet customs and traditions to be useful to us.
The Enterprise is now helpless, stuck like an Earth insect in amber while its bridge crew plays out A Game whose real intent
is to test whether the First Officer is worthy of the greatest gift the Q can offer.
A. :
So you're taking on Riker this time. Excellent. He'll defeat you just as I did.
Shall we wager on that, Captain?
Your starship command against?
A. :
Against your keeping out of humanity's path for ever. Done?
Done! You've already lost, Picard.
Riker will be offered something impossible to refuse.
[Ready Room]
Listen to me, Q.
You seem to have some need for humans.
Concern regarding them.
Whatever it is, why do you demonstrate it through this confrontation?
Why not a simple, direct explanation, a statement of what you seek?
Why these games?
Why these Games?
Why, The Play's The Thing.
And I'm surprised you have to ask when your human Shakespeare explained it all so well.
So he did, but don't depend too much on any single viewpoint
It's a pity you don't know the content of your own library.
Hear this, Picard, and reflect.
All the galaxy's a stage.
World, not galaxy.
All the world's a stage.
Oh, you know that one?
Well, if he were living now he would have said galaxy.
How about this?
Life is but a walking shadow,
a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage
and then is heard no more.
It is a tale told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing.
I see. So how we respond to a game tells you more about us than our real life,
this tale told by an idiot?
Interesting, Q.
Oh, thank you very much.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Perhaps maybe a little Hamlet?
A. :
Oh, no. I know Hamlet.
And what he might said with irony,
I say with conviction.
What a piece of work is man.
How noble in reason.
How infinite in faculty.
In form, in moving, how express and admirable.
In action, how like an angel.
In apprehension, how like a god.
Surely you don't really see your species like that, do you?
A. :
I see us one day becoming that, Q.
Is it that what concerns you?
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