“1977 brought
a shift back to punk,
as expressed in
Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood’s
clothes and music,
bondage and restriction,
amphetamine sulfate use,
and angry, confrontational politics.
The comics boom of that cycle gave us
Judge Dredd,
Frank Miller’s
gritty noir,
Alan Moore’s
harsh logical realism.”
Cop :
Well, are they out?
Then get them out!
Double your patrols.
Go ahead. Send them up there.
Don't call over here every time
another division stubs its toe.
What a night.
We've had a 3-12 every 15 minutes.
Twelve stolen cars, three burglaries,
eight aggravated assaults.
And it's not even 8:00.
Could be The Sunspots….
Pressure on The Atmosphere —
I heard it on The Radio.
At 7:00 I'm going over
to the new station on Ellendale.
You take over here
’til Weaver comes in at 4:00.
All you do is
Answer The Telephone
Send over any strays.
There may be some
who still think
This is a Police Station.
Are there any facilities left over here?
A couple of cells and a bathroom.
I don't understand
why this place is still open.
Well, it is and it isn't, Lieutenant.
The result of transition.
I really think someone in
The Central Office
wanted to give you something special on your first night out.
….That sure got around fast.