Still got my security key.
This place has gone to hell without me.
It's almost 1:00 in the morning, Jim.
???ڶ????賿һ???? Jim
Are you not coming home or answering my calls or texts?
??Ͳ?????ؼ??ˣ? Ҳ????????ҵĶ??ź͵绰??
I told you my editor wanted me to write more personally.
?Ҹ??߹??? ?ҵı༭ ????д?ĸ?˽?˻?һ??
There are classified documents in this room.
You can't be in here.
It was an invasion of privacy. I'm really sorry for that.
???Ƕ?????˽???ַ? ?Һܱ?Ǹ
I was mad. We had just had the last fight
??????????? ?????ճ????
and I went into the other room and wrote it.
??????һ?????? ?ҾͰ?????д??????
You know my computer doesn't trust me.
It always asks are you sure you want to do this?
???????????Dz???ȷ?? ??????????????ѡ??
But it never asks before I hit...
I don't care about the invasion of privacy. I wish I did.
?Ҷ??ַ???˽???????????? ?һ?ϣ????????????
I've been here for hours
trying to make myself mad because it was an invasion of privacy.
??????Ϊ?????Լ? ??Ϊ???ַ?????˽??????
And the crowd would be on my side. That's a no-brainer.
?붼?????? ???ڿ϶???վ???????
- You don't like me very much. - And I wish I didn't like you so much.
- ????Dz?ϲ???? - ??Ҳϣ????˰?
Took five fucking days, Hallie,
?Ŷ̶??????ʱ?? Hallie
for you to give yourself your own reality show.
I understand your wanting to insult me right now,
but that's not what I did.
Writing about the media, writing about the New York elite,
дд????ý??Ŀ??? дд????ŦԼ??Ӣ??????
telling personal stories that resonate with readers
doesn't take one cent away from covering Syria
??Щ?ͱ????????Ǿ??? ????????ͻ
and Afghanistan and Washington.
?????????????¼? ??һ??ͬΪ???ű???
There are foreign correspondents,
sports correspondents, fashion correspondents.
???????? ????ʱ?м?????
And an unbearable correspondent.
Jealous of the New York elites? I've got you covered.
A movie star was at an environmental fundraiser
and they rode on a private jet?
Here's your phony outrage.
Feeling a little like you didn't make the cut?
I hereby declare that amateurs are awesome
?????ھ????? ҵ??IJ????????
and professionals are so 20 years ago.
Only instead of professionals, I'm gonna say old media,
???????????? ?Ҳ?˵רҵ??ʿ ?????ý??
and instead of Jim, I'm gonna say Tim
??Ҳ??˵Jim ????Tim
because I'm Hallie Shea, Senior Fuck You Correspondent
??Ϊ????Hallie Shea ???????ü???
- and I've decided to become a star. - Are you drunk?
- ?Ҿ?????Ϊһ?????ŵ????? - ???Dz??Ǻ????ˣ?
Did you out yourself about the Boston tweet to make sure no one suspected anyone else
??????Ϊ?????????˱????? ???ԲŰ??Լ?????ȥ??
or did you do it to let our enemies know you were available?
???????????ǵĵ??? ֪??????Ա???????
Do you hear the way you're talking right now?
- Our enemies? - Did you?
- ???ǵĵ??ˣ? - ??˵?Dz??ǣ?
I'm gonna stay at my place tonight.
Do you mind if I tell you something?
Your problem isn't with me and it isn't with the site.
???????ĸ?Դ?????? Ҳ?????????վ
It's with the audience. You don't like that they like what they like
???????????ǹ????? ?㲻ϲ??????ƾ?Լ???ϲ??ѡ??????
because you need them to like you and that's no different...
??Ϊ??ϣ??????ֻϲ???? ???????...
I don't give a shit about me or liking me
or following me or friending me or trending.
??ز???ע?? ?Ӳ????Һ??? ?????ҵ????۳ɲ???Ϊ????
It's just ugly.
I think you're threatened by technology.
??ֻ?????Ƚ??ĿƼ? ?????ȡ???˰?
I beam a signal into outer space every night.
I'm not scared of your Samsung Galaxy. What else you got?
?Ҳ?û??????????ֻ??ŵ? ?㻹??˵???ɶ??
I want to be part of the digital revolution. I want to be part of...
??ϣ????Ϊ??????ָ?????һ???? ??ϣ????Ϊ...
Oh, my God! I am not talking about the apparatus.
Ŷ ?ҵ????ţ? ?Ҳ?????̸??Щ?????豸
Just tell me you know I'm right.
??????? ??˵???ǶԵİ?
Please. Please.
At least tell me that.
Tell me when you knock away the digital revolution bullshit...
"We're not beholden to corporate masters."
Yeah, or any standard of good taste.
?ɲ????? ????????Ʒζ????Ҫ??
Tell me, please, that you know all you did
?????˵˵ ????????ֻ????????
was have a fight with your boyfriend and litigate it in public.
Because I have spent time with hardcore drug movers
and they don't pretend they're selling medicine.
Yeah, I'm drunk.
I'm gonna miss you.
You're gonna miss a lot of things, Jim.