Monday 22 November 2021

The Hole

This guy's walking down the street 
when He Falls in A Hole — 
The Walls are so steep, he can't get out.

A Doctor passes by and the guy shouts up,
'Hey you. Can you help me out?' 
The Doctor writes a prescription
throws it down in The Hole and moves on.

Then A Priest comes along and the guy shouts up, 
'Father, I'm down in This Hole can you help me out?' 
The Priest writes out a prayer
throws it down in the hole and moves on.

Then A Friend walks by, 
'Hey, Joe, it's me can you help me out?' 
And The Friend jumps in The Hole. 

Our guy says,
'Are you STUPID!?
Now we're BOTH down here!

And His Friend says,
'Yeah, but I've been Down Here before,
and I know The Way Out.'

Archangel MIKE :
?… it Future
or is it Past….?

Cooper gives him a blank look


Cooper, The Zen Buddhist 
gives him another blank look.

Archangel MIKE :
I am The ARM —
and I Sound Like THIS :

Agent Cooper :
Where is The Ring?

Archangel MIKE :
Someone Else has it, now.

Agent Cooper :
Where am I….?
…..and How Can I Leave?

Archangel MIKE :
Go Home!

Ben takes The Doctor's ring from Polly.

Now look — 
The Doctor always wore this
So if YOU’RE him
it should fit NOW, shouldn't it? 

And slips it on the man's finger. 
It's far too big.

There. That settles it. 

The Cosmic Hobo
I'd like to see A Butterfly fit into 
a chrysalis case after it's 
spread its wings. 

Then you DID change! 

The Cosmic Hobo
Life depends on Change… Renewal

Oh, so THAT’S it — 
You've been ‘renewed’, have you? 

The Cosmic Hobo : 
I've been renewed, have I? 
That's it — I've been RENEWED!

It's Part of The TARDIS. 
Without it, I couldn't Survive. 

Dante went on to marry, and he and Signora Alighieri raised three children. 

Then, suddenly, at the midpoint of his life, he fell into a deep depression. 

His epic poem, Divine Comedy, begins by saying that he was walking along in the afternoon of his life and fell into a deep hole. 

No one has described the midlife crisis any better — You’re going along, things pretty well in hand, and suddenly you fall into A Hole. 

Dante finds himself in the Underworld, and above the portal into what turns out to be Hell is a sign, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.” 

Dante proceeds, and encounters Virgil, the poet from ancient Greece, Heaven-sent to guide him through the nine levels of Hell, which is a spiral downward, each level worse than the pre- vious one. In his writing, Dante peoples Hell with his own acquaintances— even a cardinal or two — which got him into trouble. 

Our present idea of Hell comes in part from Dante’s description. Virgil represents The Intellect. The guide for the first part of your inward journey is Your Intellect, the masculine traits of intelligence, proportion, and good sense. 

The lowest level of Hell is The Worst. It is FROZEN

To reach the coldness of life — Loneliness and Meaninglessness — is the worst experience a human being goes through, worse than the fiery aspects of Hell. Under the guidance of Virgil, Dante gets to the bottom of Hell and just keeps going

You don’t come out of Hell through The door you entered. You go through it and out the other side. On the other side of Hell lies Heaven.

Dante and Virgil are in the middle of the world, which is where the Devil lives. And Dante gets through that nodal point, the point of zero gravity at The Center of The World, by shimmying down the hairy leg of The Devil, and finds himself in Purgatory. 

Hell lays out what’s wrong — the hellish dimensions of life — and Purgatory begins The Repair, what you need in order to be restored. You need to be treated. The verb to treat comes from the Latin tmctus, front tractre, “ to pull or drag.” 

The earliest therapists had a series of stones with increasingly smaller holes in them, and you were literally pulled through the biggest one first, a smaller one next, until you couldn’t be pulled through any more. You came out of this experience minus a bit of skin, but you were treated. 

Dante is pulled through a hole from the center of the world and begins his ascent through Purgatory, its many levels and teachings. 

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