Showing posts with label Cronus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cronus. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 May 2022

No… No, You Ate Yours.

Great Meals fade in reflection. 
Everything else gains
Do you know why? 

'Cause it's only Food
This shit we put in us, 
keeps us going, 
it's only Food.

Shrink :
Who's gonna tell me about it, then?
You or The Boil?

Richard E. Grant :
No, no. I think we should start again.
There's no 'side' to any of this.
There is Me. There is a Boil.

The Boil happens to be Abel to Speak
but that doesn't qualify it 
to give an opinion.

It was Me that decided
to come here, not it.

Shrink :
You don't think the inclusion
of The Boil could perhaps help us?

No. I'm not interested in its opinions.

Shrink :
Even if it says something
that might be of relevance?

Shrink :
I'm not interested in it,
no matter what it says.

In my opinion, it should 
be lanced instantly.

It was the only reason
I agreed to come off the garage roof.

If it wants to join in,
it can pay its own bill.

Come and Lie Down.

Tell me about advertising.

Now, You Resigned 
from an important firm 
with a very highly paid job.
I'd like to know Your Reasons.

Well, at least try and 
give me an example 
of even one of those reasons.

All right. Reason one.
Advertising conspires 
with Big Brother.

And you're afraid of Big Brother?
Someone or Something 
Coming into Your Life and 
Telling You What to Do?

No. I'm not afraid of Him. 
I'm one of the few who 
really understands Him.


The man who conceived of Big Brother never knew what was coming down the line.

Thought his filthy creation
was gonna be Watching Us.
But it is Us who Watch it.
There's one in every living room.

The monstrous injustice of it is,
We stare at it of our own Free Will.

So we could say, principally,
that it's Television that you blame?

We can say entirely it is The Crooks
who've infiltrated it that I blame.

They've moved in on 
The Greatest Means of Communication 
since The Wheel.
And now They've done it,
Their Greed is Insatiable.

They're cutting down jungles
to breed hamburgers,
turning the whole world 
into a car park.

They'd sell off The Sea to satisfy
the needs of their great god Greed.

They won't be satisfied, not till 
we're all squatting in one 
of its fucking hatchbacks
on a motorway.

There isn't going to be
anywhere left to go
except in slow revolutions 
towards the crest 
of the next slag heap.

Do you have trouble
in getting an erection?

- What?
- Can you get an erection?

- Yes!
- Masturbating much?

Constantly! I've got
a talking boil on my neck!
What would you do?

What does this mean to you —
"Are you ashamed of your false teeth?
Put an end to the miseries of dentures.
You could smile again with confidence.
Just ask Barbara Simmons."

The boil said it a few nights ago.
Sounds like a particularly 
crude voiceover.


The Voice That Sells.
If you're selling perfume,
it sounds like A Lover.

If you're selling 
something inedible 
you want people to eat,
it'll sound as stupid 
as they'll have to be 
to buy it.

In this case, it would sound
like A Dentist, someone in the know.

I see. So one could say that it's,
erm, The Voice of Authority?
Like, erm...Well, like 
a parent's voice, almost?

If You Like.

Has The Boil spoken this morning?

Yes, I had a row with it, and it got
very heated when I refused to shave.

Tell me about your parents.

Not part of The Plot.
As far as I know, they 
were completely normal.
I come from a completely 
normal family.

Tell him about your grandfather.

That was the boil. Ignore it.

I don't think we should do that.

It's the first time it's spoken in front
of me, and it might be important.

It has nothing important to say. 
It is destructive, self-satisfied 
and abusive.

You cun...

You see? 
Don't Listen.

Come on. Fair's fair.
You've had your say. Now I'll have mine.

Don't listen to it! Don't listen to it!

Why don't you tell me
about your grandfather?

If you tell me, the boil might be quiet.

My grandfather was caught molesting
a wallaby in a private zoo in 1919.

- A wallaby?
- May have been a kangaroo. I'm not sure.

- You mean sexually?
- Suppose so. He had his hand in its pouch.

- Fucked it, didn't he?
- He did not fuck it!

Just... just lie back.

- What happened to him?
- He pleaded insanity and got three months.

Does the authoritarian attitude
they took with him upset you?

- No. He died before I was born.
- Do you sympathise with him?

If I had been stuck in a trench
for three years,

- I might do something stupid myself.
- Like showing affection for an animal?

- He'd fuck one.
- Shut up!

Ask Barbara Simmons.
He'd fuck her as well.

Oh, my God. How could the boil have
possibly known about my grandfather?

That means it can read my mind.

No, Mr Bagley, it does not.

We'll speak about that in a moment,
when we've had a look at this boil.

What you mean is you want
me to have a look at it. No.

What would you say if I said
that you don't want to look at it

because you're frightened
of what you might see?

I'd say you'd be absolutely right.

Isn't that trying to pretend
it doesn't exist?

Isn't that exactly what you're accusing
everyone else of doing?

Now, we must reduce
this guilt in two ways.

First, it must be physically
reduced with surgery.

And secondly, we must reduce
your punishing conscience

by refusing to allow it to hide.

Once we get it out into the open,
it'll be easier to fight.

And I'm certain that
by the time your neck's healed,
you'll be smiling at this problem
and be back at work.

Never. No matter what you reduce,
I will never go back to advertising.

Perhaps. But now, let's have a look
at this bully on your neck.

Just look at it in The Mirror...
and tell me What You See.

Oh, God in Heaven!
It's grown a moustache!

Oh, My God!
Oh, My God.


The Bastard looks just like Me!

What you must understand
is that it's not The Boil
that can read You.

It is you, Mr Bagley,
that can read the boil.

You can read it because it is you.
At least, a part of you.

The Boil knows 
What You're Thinking
because you've projected
Some of You into it.

You've given it the side
that you find intolerable,
the bullying, aggressive,
dictatorial side.

The side that sells 
Toothpaste and Soap.

You've decided that 
Selling These Things is a 
Bad Thing for You to Do,
and you are unable 
to accept The Guilt for 
what you feel you've done.

Therefore, you've transmitted
these qualities into The Boil.
Perhaps, by doing this, you hope 
to escape Your Guilt.

But you've created a symbol of 
Foul-Mouthed Authority instead.

Your Very Own 
Big Brother.

Sunday, 1 August 2021


Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me

Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me

Don't go wasting your emotion

What Things Are Saturnine, 
or Under the Power of Saturn.

Saturnine things, amongst Elements, are earth and also water; amongst humors, black choler that is moist, as well natural as adventitious (adust choler excepted). 

Amongst tastes, sour, tart, and dead-like. Amongst metals, lead, and gold, by reason of its weight, and the golden marcasite. 

Amongst stones, the onyx, the ziazza, the camonious, the sapphire, the brown jasper, the chalcedon, the loadstone, and all dark, weighty, earthy things. 

Amongst plants and trees, the daffodil, dragon's-wort, rue, cummin, hellebore, the tree from whence benzoin comes, mandrake, opium, and those things which are never sown, and never bear fruit, and those which bring forth berries of a dark color and black fruit, as the black fig-tree, the pine-tree, the cypress-tree, and a certain tree used at burials, which never springs afresh with berries, rough, of a bitter taste, of a strong smell, of a black shadow, yielding a most sharp pitch, bearing a most unprofitable fruit, never dies with age, deadly, and dedicated to Pluto

As is the herb pas-flower, * with which they were wont, anciently, tostrow the graves before they put the dead bodies into them; wherefore it was lawful to make their garlands at feasts with all herbs and flowers besides pas-flowers, because it was mournful and not conducing to mirth. 

Also all creeping animals, living apart, and solitary, nightly, sad, contemplative, dull, covetous, fearful, melancholy, that take much pains, slow, that feed grossly, and such as eat their young. 

Of these kinds, therefore, are the mole, the wolf, the ass, the toad, the cat, the hog, the bear, the camel, the basilisk, the hare, the ape, the dragon, the mule, all serpents and creeping things, scorpions, ants, and such things as proceed from putrefaction in the earth, in water, or in the ruins of houses, as mice and many sorts of vermin. 

Amongst birds, those are Saturnine which have long necks and harsh voices, as cranes, ostriches, and peacocks, which are dedicated to Saturn and Juno. 

Also the screech-owl, the horned-owl, the bat, the lapwing, the crow, the quail, which is the most envious bird of all. 

Amongst fishes, the eel, living apart from all other fish; the lamprey, the dog-fish, which devours her young; also the tortoise, oysters, cockles, to which may be added sea-sponges and all such things as come of them.

102:* Pas, from the Latin word "passus," meaning step, pace, or "right of going foremost; precedence." Thus the pas-flower means a plant blooming ahead of other flowers. A co-ordinate word is "pascha," meaning to "pass over," giving the name "Passover," or the feast of Easter. "Pasch" comes from and means the same as "pascha," and we read of the "pasch" egg, stained and given to children at Easter, as also of the "pasch" flower of Easter. The Easter flower was also known as the Pash-flower, Paschal-flower, and Pasque-flower—"pash" and "pasque" meaning Easter, and "paschal" pertaining thereto. This indicates that the pas-flower in the above text is identical with the pasque-flower, of the genus Anemone, having large purple flowers, which usually bloom about Easter, stepping foremost in their- order of blooming as regarding other flowers. Agrippa also makes mention here of the pas-flower as being an emblem of mourning as the ancients used it to "strow the graves before they put the dead bodies into them." While the ancients may have held the pas-flower as sacred to the rites of burial, the sense of its use as the Easter flower would indicate that it was also used as an emblem of great joy, and signified a new life for the departed through a new birth or resurrection. A true understanding of the meaning of the feast of the Passover or Easter will show this: Easter-day is always the first Sunday after the fourteenth day of the calendar moon which comes upon or next after the 21st of March; so that if the fourteenth day comes on a Sunday, Easter-day will be the Sunday after. Easter corresponds to the Passover of the Jews, and "most nations still give it this name under the various forms of pascha, pasque, paque, or pask." The feast of the Passover was instituted by the Jews "to commemorate the providential escape of the Hebrews, in Egypt, when God, smiting the first-born of the Egyptians, passed over the houses of the Israelites, which were marked with the blood of the paschal lamb." With the Christian church it is observed to commemorate the "resurrection of Christ." The Old High Germans celebrated the day in honor of Ostara, the goddess of light or spring, whence they called April (the month of or following Easter) Ostarmanoth. The Anglo-Saxons called the same month, Eastermonadh, from Eastre, their name for the same goddess, and their paschal feast, Eastran or Easter. March was named from Mars, the god of war, and was originally the first month of the year as it was in March that the Sun came to Aries, the first House of the Zodiac, emblemized by the lamb, as the ram was the first animal to forage for food and procreate; and the Sun entering p. 103 the first House was the vernal equinox, or the first day of spring, the first season of the fruitful year, and therefore March, being the advent month of light and fecundity, was esteemed as the first month of the year. The first full month of light and spring, when every fetter of winter was riven and spring was opened wide and fixed, was April, from aperio, to open; and also from the Greek word, aphros—foam—from which Venus was said to have sprung, and hence this month was sacred to her; no doubt Ostara and Eastre were identical with her. As Easter-day falls the first Sunday after the fourteenth day of the calendar moon which comes upon or next after the 21st of March, Easter-day usually comes in April and dates its arrival from the aspect of the Moon to the arbitrary date of March 21. This is a very significant fact and is fully confirmed as such when we find that the 21st of March is the usually precise date when the Earth, in its annual movement around the Sun, enters Libra, causing the Sun to apparently enter the opposite House or Sign of Aries, ending winter and ushering in spring, for the first day of spring always comes when the Sun enters Aries. Aries is the House of the lamb, and with the birth of spring the lamb is resurrected or brought to life anew, while winter is dead, the Sun having passed over the meridian line between winter and spring. Further, the word Easter corresponds with Aries, for it springs from the word East, and Aries is the Eastern part of the Zodiac. Therefore, March 21st is the true Eastern-day, but the celebration of the return of spring is fitly deferred until the first Sun-day after about a lunar cycle, so as to partake of the first fruits of the spring season. In view of the foregoing, therefore, the ancients used the pas-flower at the grave as an emblem of the passing over of the winter of old age and the resurrection of the spirit to eternal light and immortal youth. lased as such the pas-flower or pasque-flower typified joy and hope.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017



The Motley Fool:


The Motley Fool:
How did you come by a name like that? 

It's the diminutive of my proper name, Perpugilliam. 

The Motley Fool: 

" One morn, a peri at the gate of Eden stood disconsolate. "

Who wrote that? 

I haven't the faintest idea. 

The Motley Fool:: 
Of course you don't. 
You don't even know what a peeri  is, do you, Peri


The Motley Fool:: 
I'll tell you. 
A peeri is a good and beautiful fairy in Persian mythology. 

The interesting thing is, before it became good, it was evil

And that's what you are

Thoroughly evil. 

Doctor, stop it! 

No. No, not even a fairy.

 An alien spy, sent here to spy on me!

Well, we all know the fate of alien spies...!!!

(The Doctor lunges at Peri and grabs her around the throat. She manages to grab the mirror from the console before he throws her to the floor, then she shows him his reflection. He lets her go, recoiling in tears.)

Original Transcription courtesy of

The Ultimate Foe :
The Motley Fool (6) and The Evil One


Why waste your breath on that simple minded oaf? 

 You cannot speak as though reality is a one-dimensional concept. 

 Fortunately, there is a reality that you and I can both agree on. 
The Ultimate Reality. 

The Motley Fool
The Undiscovered Country - from whose bourn no traveller returns. 

The Motley Fool
 Puzzles the will. Hamlet, Act Three Scene One.
I really must curb these urges. 
I've no wish to be contaminated by your whims and idiosyncrasies. 

The Motley Fool
Quite so. But what I don't comprehend... 

He's over here, Doc. Slippery customer, your other persona. 

The Motley Fool
What I don't comprehend is why you want me dead. 

No. No, let me rephrase that. 

It would satisfy my curiosity to know why you should go to such extraordinary lengths to kill me

Come now, Doctor. 

How else can I obtain my freedom, operate as a complete entity, unfettered by your side of my existence? 

Only by ridding myself of you and your misplaced morality, your constant crusading, your...

Idiotic honesty? 

Oaf. Microbe. 

Pardon me for trying to help. I'm neutral in this set-up, you know. 

Only by releasing myself from the misguided maxims that you nurture can I be free. 

Sounds to me like Armageddon's beckoning you, Doc. 

With you destroyed and no longer able to constrain me, and with unlimited access to the Matrix, there will be nothing beyond my reach. 

Original Transcription courtesy of

The Hex on Planet 6

Well - so, that was unlucky...