Showing posts with label The Merovingian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Merovingian. Show all posts

Friday 31 July 2020

Niobe is a Gnower

Transcript from "Enter The Matrix" video game, Niobe and the Oracle conversation:


Do I know you? 

You know me, though you just may not recognize me. 

Are you telling me that you are the Oracle? 

I know this may not be easy for any of you, change never is. 
I wish the face you remember was the face I was still wearing, but that face is gone. 

If you are the Oracle, tell me if I believe you are. 

You don't right now, but you will. 

Are you going to tell me something to make me believe you? 

Come on Niobe, you know I can't do that. 

Why not? 

Because I cannot make you do anything. 

At least you sound the same. 

As I said, you may not recognize the face, but who and what I am underneath remains the same. 

Can I ask what happened? 

The Merovingian warned me, that If I made a certain choice it would cost me. 
He is, among other things, A Man of His Word. 

What was The Choice? 

The same one you yourself will have to make: 
The Choice to Help Neo or Not. 

Then Neo is still alive? 

Yes, he touched the source and seperated his mind from his body. 
Now he lies trapped in a place between Your World and Ours. 

Can we free him? 

Trinity can, but she will have to fight her way through Hell to do it. 

Can I Help? 

That's why I called you. 
I cannot tell you what is going to happen. 
All I can do is hope that if given the chance, you will find 
The Courage to Do What You Can. 

You once told me you knew everything you needed to. 

I do. I knew everything from 
The Beginning of This Path to The End. 

I don't understand. 

Even I can't see beyond The End. 

The End? 
Are you trying to tell me The World is going to end? 

Yes. If we cannot save it, it will end. 

You mean Neo. 

I mean “We”. 

The path of The One is made by The Many. 
I have a role to play just as you have yours.

"What scholars will call basic Gnosticism includes some basic themes that they hold in common.

First, The World itself which is material is Evil. Salvation, therefore, from The World, must be escaped from this physical world into something else. Gross materiality is not only temporary in some texts but even bad, it's evil. Salvation, therefore, must be the knowledge of how you, that is the real you, your brain--not your brain, your mind or your soul, or your spirit, not your body, that real you is this thing in this material body but salvation will be if it can learn how to escape the body and escape materiality. 

Salvation will come by knowledge and that knowledge is a secret, not everybody knows it, so only a few people know it. 

The content of this knowledge is related to human origins and destination. 

So sometimes you get these elaborate myths developed in some of these texts. Let's say that the supreme, supreme, supreme, Supreme God is in fact has no name, is not a particular thing, it's this thought, it's just thinking, it's just abstract thinking. 

That thinking thinks, "Well what does a thinking thing think?" 

The thinking thinks thoughts. Those thoughts start becoming emanations out of the thinking, and then those emanations think and emanate, and those become Lesser Beings still. 

The different divine beings, there are lots of divine beings in the existing universe, and by thinking and being they emanate inferior forms of being after themselves. Eventually what happened is those inferior forms of being get less good and less like the most ultimate being.

One of them, according to one myth, Sophia which means Wisdom, it's a female name but it also means "wisdom." Sophia decides she wants to emanate, and she supposed to do that with a male consort because by this these beings have male and female versions of themselves, she's supposed to only emanate or procreate by doing so with her male consort. 

She decides she wants to be like the supreme god and be able to emanate on her own, so she puts out a being on her own. In other words, she sort of gives birth without needing a man, just to be on principle. Well, of course when you do that you end up with a monster. 

The being that came out of Sophia ended up being a clumsy, maybe evil god, all of these are divine beings, that god decided at some point he wanted to create things and so he didn't really do it very well, so he made our earth, he made the world as we know it.

He made little human beings like you just out of dirt and clay, and that's why -- we were all creation, not of the supreme God who would do nothing imperfect, but of some stumbling or evil, at least clumsy god, who made us. 

That explains why things go wrong. 

Why is it that my arthritis acts up all the time? 
Couldn't God have made a human body that didn't have arthritis? 

Well, that's because the supreme God didn't make this body, the evil clumsy god made the body. 

This happened -- and so The World that we created, when you read in Genesis, it says God created the world, that's not the highest God, that's some clumsy god down further on the hierarchy of divine beings in the universe. 

That god created what we are. 

Now what happened was at some point, either Sophia or some other beings, they got sorry for all us claylike mud people and somehow a little spark of the divine itself either fell down, or got cut up or put in our bodies, or God placed in our bodies, or blew it into our bodies, but at least some human beings, not all human beings, in fact human beings are in different categories. 

There's the really low human beings like undergraduates, then there are beings who are a little bit higher like graduate students, and then you have the supreme beings, Gnostics, like professors.

The True Gnostics, it's not really like undergraduates and graduates, because some of you could be Gnostics. 

You would be the ones who really have a real spark in you, a spark of the divine. 

That spark of the divine wants to escape the mud body that it's trapped in, but you probably don't even know that you're really a spark trapped in a mud body until somebody comes along and tells you, and that's the job of the redeemer. 

That's what Jesus did: Jesus was a redeemer from the supreme God who comes in to find those people who have a spark of the divine in them, to blow on that spark, to get it going, and to get you to remember where you came from. 

You're not a mud body after all. The Real You came from Godself, God's very self, the Supreme God. 

The True Message of Christianity, according to these guys, is to learn who you are, where you came from, to see if you're going to escape the body and get back to your true origin, that is, you will become one with God again. 

This was expressed in a poem by Theodotus, it went like this:

Who we were, 
What we have become, 
Where we were, 
Whither we were thrown, 
Whither we are hastening, 
From What we are redeemed, 
What birth is, 
What rebirth is.

You answer the riddle, the poem riddle. "Who we were?" If you're a Gnostic who were you? Answer?

Student: Divine being.

Professor Dale Martin: Divine being, thank you. See, it's not hard. I'm not asking questions--I'm just trying--you will remember this better if you answer. What have you become? Mud, entrapped in a dead body, trapped in materiality. Where were you? Heaven, with the divine Father, with God?

Professor Dale Martin: "Whither we were thrown," where have you been thrown?

Student: Into The Earth.

Professor Dale Martin: Into the earth, into the world, into materiality. Where are you hastening, where are you going in a hurry--in such a hurry?

Student: Back to The Divine.

Professor Dale Martin: Back to The Divine God. 

What are you redeemed from?

Student: [Inaudible]

Professor Dale Martin: You're redeemed from Jesus?

Student: [Inaudible]

Professor Dale Martin: The material world. 

You're redeemed from being embodied. 

"What is birth?" 
In this system what is birth?

Student: [Inaudible]

Professor Dale Martin: Damnation, death. 

When you're born, your spark is entrapped in your body, that's not a good thing. 

You shouldn't be celebrating your birthday for crying out loud, that's like celebrating when you were thrown in prison. 

"What is rebirth?"

Student: [Inaudible]

Professor Dale Martin: Death or learning your true self, learning that the true self won't die at all, so this learning is your rebirth. So the little poem is a riddle that contains these doctrines within itself. Here's a true self, the spark of life is trapped in an alien body with all its sensual passions. 

Sex, therefore, sensual desire, erotic desire is a bad thing; it's an evil thing because that--you're just trying to trap more sparks into more mud bodies. 

You're just creating more sparks trapped in mud bodies when you have sex. 

Evil powers exist--all the different gods that were emanated, a bunch of those are evil, and they fly around the sky in the heavens and they try to keep the true self asleep or drunk in order to keep the evil world together. 

In other words, they don't want you to learn and they don't want your spark to be able to fly through. 

But really wise guys like me, we have the secrets and I can give you words, clues, secrets that if you know those things you can use these secrets to unlock the gates that lead back to God.

This is kind of a common storyline or myth, there's the Hymn of the Pearl, that I mentioned before, which basically tells this--that 

A King of The East sends a royal prince, by way of the region of Mycenae, to Egypt in order to get a precious pearl, which is being guarded by a fierce dragon, it's like a videogame. 

The Prince is poisoned, or actually drugged would be a better accurate translation, and made intoxicated by the Egyptians. 

But he, The Prince, is awakened by a message from The King. 

He, the prince, takes the pearl by defeating the dragon with the name of his father and returns to the east where he puts on a robe of knowledge, gnosis, and ascends to the king's palace, entering the realm of peace and living happily forever after. 

It's a nice little fable about a Prince who goes to a foreign land, finds the thing of value, defeats the evil purposes and goes back. 

So some people, therefore, have read the Gospel of Thomas as being precisely this kind of--that some of the sayings of the Gospel of Thomas makes sense if you presuppose these mythological structures and ideas.

Again, some scholars would say, “Well you're just putting together as a modern scholar a bunch of disparate kind of text and ideas, and putting them in a system.”

Well, yes, that's where I disagree with some people because I want to say I believe that there's enough commonalities between enough documents that we can say that there were people who had these kinds of common ideas, and this basic structure that I've called the Gnostic structure, the Gnostic myth, certainly influenced ancient writings of some sort and there was some kinds of Christianity that were heavily influenced by this.

For example, look at--back to Thomas for our last closing minutes and let's read some of these sayings that sound puzzling to us, and if we assume this myth maybe we'll read them differently. 

Look at 21:
Mary said to Jesus, "What do your disciples resemble? 

He said, "What they resemble is children living in a plot of land that is not theirs. 

When the owners of the land come they will say, 'Surrender our land to us.' 

They, for their part stripped naked in their presence, in order to give it back to them, and they give them back their land."

It could be an allegory. 

Who are the owners of the land? 
The evil powers that rule the earth. 

Who are the children, who are the real disciples of Jesus? 

Those people who know enough to say, “When The Earth is demanded of you, when your body is demanded of you by these evil powers, give it up, just give it up, it's not valuable anyway. “

Look at 24:
His disciples said, "Show us the place where you are, for we must seek it." 

He said to them, "Whoever has ears should listen! 

There is a light existing within a person of light, that it enlightens the whole world. 

If it does not enlighten, that person is darkness."

Remember how I said some people are just dark people, they're just mud people, but some people have a light in them, and what it means to become a true Gnostic is to learn that you are one who has that light.

Look at 37:
His disciples said, "When will you be shown forth to us, and when shall we behold you?" 

Jesus said, "When you strip naked without being ashamed and take your garments and put them under your feet like little children and tread upon them. 

Then you will see the child of the living and you will not be afraid."

What's the Gnostic interpretation of that?

Student: [Inaudible]

Professor Dale Martin: Stripping the material world off yourself. When you strip your soul, your spark of the body, when you realize that it's not The Real You and you come to know The Real You  that's what's going to happen. 

Look at 56:
Jesus said, "Whoever has become acquainted with the world has found a corpse, and the world is not worthy of the one who has found the corpse."

The world is just a dead body, so several of these sayings, if you go back through the Gospel of Thomas with some of this background information I've given you of these ancient myths and ideas, some of these sayings seem to fit that myth and fit that notion.

There are other things though about what I've just told you that you don't find in the Gospel of Thomas, and those are the things emphasized by people who say the Gospel of Thomas shouldn't called Gnostic. For example, there's no mention in here of an evil god that creates the world, like you find in some of these Nag Hammadi texts. You have the Father, you have apparently the good guy, you have Jesus, but tthere's no emphasis on creation here as being a bad thing. Some people said that's one of the fundamental things about the Gnostic myths and it's not in the Gospel of Thomas, therefore the Gospel of Thomas is not Gnostic. There are also simply no string of myths and evil gods' names which you often find in the texts of Nag Hammadi. Some scholars would say the Gospel of Thomas may have some things in common with Platonism of the time, maybe something in common with certain Gnostics, but that it itself is not. If you take the Gospel of Thomas as representing those ideas, then Jesus comes across--the Christology of the Gospel of Thomas becomes something different from the Christology of the other texts, or least Matthew, Mark and Luke.

As we'll see, the Gospel of John looks a lot more like this than the Synoptic Gospels did. 

Jesus becomes this redeemer figure, this Gnostic redeemer figure who comes into the world of materiality in order to find those who have sparks of life, to blow on their sparks of live, to transmit hidden knowledge to them, so they can get back. If you'll stay with me the rest of the semester, maybe I can give you those secrets and you can escape your mud bodies too. "

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Affected Pretend Frenchmen

You see? It's like wiping your arse with silk
I love it.
– The Frenchman.

I’m so sick of His Bullshit.
— The Frenchman’s Wife

Of all the National Cultures of The Modern Age, The French is the most prestigious - in culture, the AngloAmericans provide trash for the mass market, but The French provide luxury goods for The Elite.

In Asia, Africa, Latin-America, intellectual elites who are tired of McDonalds turn, above all to France.

French Culture is a Venetian Monstrosity.

British Prime Minister Robert Warpole gloated that The French are ten times more idiotic than The British because, they are so easily DUPED.

The French, of course, pride themselves on their knowledge, on their urbanity — on their glittering, cynical intelligence.

They think that they are the True Sophisticates and Connoisseurs of INTRUIGE

The Worst Thing That Can Happen to Them is to Be FOOLED....”

No chance, English bed-wetting types!
Ah farte en your generale direction. !! – Your Mother was an amster, and Your Father smelt of elderberries..!!

ICLC Labor Day Conference September 1, 1996
Panel--From Napoleon to Nashville:

The first hour of the panel was a discussion of the birth of the Nation-State in France under Louis the 11th and the subsequent efforts by the Venetian Empire in bringing about its downfall.

The creation of the Jacobin Terror, and rise of Napoleon Bonaparte as a Corsican terrorist foisted on France as a tin-horn dictator used to embroil Europe in permanent warfare.

Napoleon himself pays the conference a visit in order to explain his viewpoint of why he is the Master of the Universe.

The second hour of the panel was a discussion of Napoleon Bonaparte as the first modern Fascist with the showing of an extremely rare silent film. 

Following his defeat at Waterloo, the Bonaparte family escaped to the United States and became a part of the aristocratic disease contributing to the Southern slaveocracy. 

Napoleon himself makes a return to deal with the awful things being said about him with the help of a General from the Confederacy

Here we go.

Maitre d’: 
Puis-je vous aider?

Yes, we are here to speak with The Merovingian.

Maitre d’: 
Of course, he has been expecting you. 
Follow me.

Aha, here he is at last. 
Neo, The One himself, right? 
And The Legendary Morpheus. 
And Trinity of course, si belle qu’elle me fait souffrir. 
I have heard so much, you honour me. 
Please, sit, join us. 
This is my wife, Persephone. 
Something to eat? Drink? 
Hmm… of course, such things are contrivances like so much here. 

For the sake of appearances.

No, thank you.

Yes, of course, who has time? 
Who has time? 
But then if we do not ever take time, how can we ever have time? 
Château Haut-Brion 1959, magnificent wine, 
I love French wine, like I love the French language. 
I have sampled every language, French is my favourite – 
fantastic language, especially to curse with. 
Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperies de connards d’enculés de ta mère. 
You see, it’s like wiping your arse with silk, I love it.

You know why we are here.

Hmph… I am a trafficker of information, 
I know everything I can. 
The Question is, do you know why you are here?

We are looking for the Keymaker.

Oh yes, it is true. 
The Keymaker, of course. 
But this is not a reason, this is not a `why.’ 
The Keymaker himself, his very nature, is means, it is not an end, and so, to look for him is to be looking for a means to do… what?

You know the answer to that question.

But do you? 
You think you do but you do not. 
You are here because you were sent here, you were told to come here and you obeyed. 
It is, of course, the way of all things. 
You see, there is only one constant, one universal, it is the only real truth: causality
Action. Reaction. 
Cause and Effect.

Everything begins with choice.

No. Wrong.
Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without. 
Look there, at that woman. 
My God, just look at her. 
Affecting everyone around her, so obvious, so bourgeois, so boring. 
But wait… Watch – you see, I have sent her dessert, a very special dessert. I wrote it myself. It starts so simply, each line of the program creating a new effect, just like poetry. 
First, a rush… heat… her heart flutters. 
You can see it, Neo, yes? 
She does not understand why – is it the wine? No. 
What is it then, what is the reason? 
And soon it does not matter, soon the why and the reason are gone, and all that matters is the feeling itself. 
This is the nature of the universe. 
We struggle against it, we fight to deny it, but it is of course pretense, it is a lie. 
Beneath our poised appearance, the truth is we are completely out of control. 


There is no escape from it, we are forever slaves to it. 
Our only hope, our only peace is to understand it, to understand the `why.’ 
`Why’ is what separates us from them, you from me. 
`Why’ is the only real social power, without it you are powerless. 

And this is how you come to me, without `why,’ without power. 
Another link in the chain. 

But fear not, since I have seen how good you are at following orders, 
I will tell you what to do next. 

Run back, and give the fortune teller this message: 
Her time is almost up. 
Now I have some real business to do, I will say adieu and goodbye.

This isn’t over.

Oh yes, it is. The Keymaker is mine 
and I see no reason why I should give him up. 
No reason at all.

Where are you going?

Please, ma chérie, I’ve told you, we are all victims of causality. 
I drink too much wine, I must take a piss. 
Cause and effect. Au revoir.

Touch me, and that hand will never touch anything again.

Well, that didn’t go so well.

Are you certain the Oracle didn’t say anything else?


Maybe we did something wrong.

Or didn’t do something.

No, what happened happened and couldn’t have happened any other way.

How do you know?

We are still alive.

If you want the Keymaker, follow me. 
[to man in washroom
Get out! 
I’m so sick of his bullshit. 
On and on, pompous prick. 
A long time ago, when we first came here, it was so different. 
He was so different. He was like you. 
I’ll give you what you want. 
But you have to give me something.


A kiss.

Excuse me?

I want you to kiss me as if you were kissing her.


You love her. She loves you. It’s all over you both. 
A long time ago, I knew what that felt like. 
I want to remember it. I want to sample it.
 That’s all, just a sample.

Why don’t you sample this instead?


Such emotion over something so small. 
It’s just a kiss.

Why should we trust you?

If I don’t deliver you to the Keymaker, she can kill me.

All right.

But you have to make me believe I am her.

All right.

Terrible. Forget it.

Wait. Okay.

Ahh, yes. That’s it. I envy you. 
But such a thing is not meant to last. 

Come with me.

Not again!

It’s all right, boys, they’re with me. 
These fellas work for my husband, they do his dirty work. 
They’re very good, very loyal. Aren’t you, boys?

Cain and Abel: 
Yes, Mistress.

They come from a much older version of the Matrix, but like so many back then, they caused more problems than they solved. 
My husband saved them because they’re notoriously difficult to terminate. 
How many people keep silver bullets in their gun? 

You can either run to the restaurant and tell my husband what I have done, 
or you can stay there and die. 
He’s in the ladies’ room… 
[to Neb crew] 

My name is Neo.

Yes, I’m the Keymaker, I’ve been waiting for you.

Oh God, my God, Persephone how could you do this, 
you betrayed me [speaking French]!

Cause and effect, my love.

Cause? There is no cause for this, what cause?

What cause? 
How about the lipstick you’re still wearing?

Lipstick? Lipstick? 
What craziness you are talking about woman, there is no lipstick.

She wasn’t kissing your face, my love.

Ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai, woman, this is nothing, 
c’est rien, c’est rien du tout. 
It’s a game, it is only a game.

So is this. Have fun.

All right. All right. Let us find out where this goes. 
You two, get the Keymaker.

That’s a nice trick.

I cannot go back.

I’ll handle them.

Handle us? You’ll handle us? 
You know, your predecessors had much more respect.

Okay, you have some skill. Kill him.

You see, he’s just a Man.

Damn it, woman, you will be the end of me. 
Mark my words, boy, and mark them well. 
I have survived your predecessors, and I will survive you!

(Mobil Ave. train station)

Are you from the Matrix?

Yes. No. I mean, I was.

Why did you leave?

I had to.

I had to leave my home too.

Sati! Come here, darling. 
Leave the poor man in peace.

Yes, papa.

I’m sorry, she is still very curious.

I know you.

Yes, in the restaurant at the Frenchman’s. 
I am Rama-Kandra. 
This is my wife Kamala, my daughter Sati. 
We are most honoured to meet you.

You’re programs.

Oh, yes. I’m the power plant systems manager for recycling operations. 
My wife is an interactive software programmer, she is highly creative.

What are you doing here? 
You do not belong here.

Kamala! Goodness, I apologize. 
My wife can be very direct.

It’s okay. I don’t have an answer. 
I don’t even know where ‘here’ is.

This place is nowhere. 
It is between your world and our world.

Who’s the Trainman?

He works for the Frenchman.

Why’d I know you were going to say that?

The Frenchman does not forget and he does not forgive.

You know him?

I know only what I need to know. 
I know that if you want to take something from our world into your world that does not belong there, you must go to the Frenchman.

Is that what you’re doing here?

Rama, please!

I do not want to be cruel, Kamala. 
He may never see another face for the rest of his life.

I’m sorry. 
You don’t have to answer that question.

No. I don’t mind. The answer is simple. 
I love my daughter very much. 
I find her to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. 
But where we are from, that is not enough. 
Every program that is created must have a purpose; if it does not, it is deleted. 
I went to the Frenchman to save my daughter. 
You do not understand.

I just have never…

…heard a program speak of love?

It’s a… human emotion.

No, it is a word
What matters is the connection the word implies
I see that you are in love. 
Can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection?


Then perhaps the reason you’re here is not so different from the reason I’m here.

(Matrix: inside a subway train)

That’s him.

Get away! Get away from me!

We don’t want trouble.

Get away from me!

We need your help.

I can’t help you. No one can help you!

(Matrix: a subway stop [Stellma?])
{the Trainman prepares to jump across the tracks in the path of the LOOP train}

Oh, no.
{the train passes, the Trainman is gone}

Damn it.

(Mobil Ave. train station)

When is the train due?

It’s already late. 
It’s not like the Trainman to be late.

You think it has something to do with me?

I cannot say. Who knows such things? 
Only the Oracle.

Neo: You know the Oracle?

Everyone knows the Oracle. 
I consulted with her before I met with the Frenchman. 
She promised she would look after Sati after we said goodbye.

Goodbye? You’re not staying with her?

It is not possible. 
Our arrangement with the Frenchman was for our daughter only. 
My wife and I must return to our world.


That is our karma.

You believe in karma?

Karma’s a word. Like ‘love.’ 
A way of saying ‘what I am here to do.’ 
I do not resent my karma – I’m grateful for it. 
Grateful for my wonderful wife, for my beautiful daughter. 
They are gifts. And so I do what I must do to honour them.

Papa, the train!

Yes! Get your bags, quickly!

Can I carry that for you?

All right.

Hurry it up, I’m late!

{Kamala and Sati pass, Trainman stops Neo}

Who are you?

He’s a friend.


I know you. 
So that’s what they wanted.

I need to get back. 
I’ll pay you anything you want.


One way or another I’m getting on this train

Oh, no, no, no. You’re gonna stay right here until the Merovingian says different. 
If I know him, you’re gonna be here for a long, long time.

I don’t want to hurt you.

You don’t get it. I built this place. 
Down here I make the rules. Down here I make the threats. 
Down here, I’m God. 
*to Rama-Kandra* 
Get on the train, or you’ll stay here with him.

(Matrix: inside a car)

We should return to the Oracle. 
She’ll know what to do.

No. We know what has to be done.

(Mobil Ave. train station)


(Hel Club garage)
Q-Ball Gang Member #1: 
You’ve got to be kidding…

Q-Ball Gang Member #2: 
Holy shit, it’s Wingless.

Q-Ball Gang Member #1: 
I get it. 
You must be ready to die.

I need to speak with him.

Q-Ball Gang Member #1: 
The only way you’re getting through this door is over my big dead ass.

So be it.

(Hel Club elevator)
There are no weapons allowed in the club. 
At the bottom of this elevator, there is a coat check girl. 
And if we’re lucky, one man for checking guns.

And if we’re unlucky?

There will be many men.

(Hel Club entrance)

Coat Check Girl: 
Can I take your… oh my God.

{Hel Club shootout}

(Hel Club – VIP lounge)

What in the hell? 
I don’t believe this.

*to the DJ* 
Hey. Hey! 
*to Seraph* 
The prodigal child returns. 
L’ange sans ailes (Trans: The angel without wings). 
Are you here for the bounty, Seraph? 
*laughs heartily* 
Tell me, how many bullets are there in those guns? 
I don’t know, but I don’t think you have enough.

We only want to talk.

Oh yes, I’m sure you do, you have fought through hell to do so, yes? 
I’ll tell you what I’ll do. 
Put down the guns and I will promise you safe passage out of here.

All three of us.

Oh yes, yes. Of course.

{Trinity, Seraph, and Morpheus put down the guns and are escorted up the stairs}

Quelle bonne surprise, n’est pas? 
(Trans: What a fine surprise, isn’t it?) 
Who could’ve guessed we’d all be seeing each other so soon after our last meeting? 
A fate too kind. And since you, my little Judas, have […] here, I can only surmise that the fortune teller has found herself another shell? 
Disappointing, but not unexpected. I do hope, however, she has the good manners to learn her lesson, and to remember that there is no action without consequence. 
And if you take something from me you will pay the price.

You know why we are here.

Come, now. What kind of question is this? 

Of course I know. It’s my business to know. 

The Frenchman’s Wife glares at her pompous, pretentious prick of a husband.

Some might think this a strange coincidence, but I do not. 
I am curious, though, as to how it actually happened. 
Do you know?


No? I didn’t think so. 
But it is always best to ask.

We want to make a deal.

Always straight to business, huh, Morpheus? 
Okay. I have something you want. 
To make a deal, you must have something I want, yes? 
And it so happens there is something I want. 
Something I’ve wanted ever since I first came here. 
It is said they cannot be taken, they can only be given.


The Eyes of the Oracle. 

I have told you before, there’s no escaping the nature of the universe. 
It is that nature that has again brought you to me. 
Where some see coincidence, I see consequence. 
Where others see chance, I see cost. 
Bring me the eyes of the Oracle, and I will give you back your saviour. 
That seems a particularly fair and reasonable deal to me. Yes, no?

I don’t have time for this shit.

{Hel Club upstairs fight}

You want to make a deal, how about this? 
You give me Neo, or we all die right here, right now.

Interesting deal. 
You are really ready to die for this man?

*cocks gun* 
Believe it.

She’ll do it. If she has to, she’ll kill every one of us. 
She’s in love.

It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity.

Time’s up. What’s it gonna be, Merv?

(Mobil Ave train station)
Ok. You got yourself into this. 
You can get yourself out.

(Matrix: inside a car)
Are you ready for us?

Almost, sir. They got some pretty ancient hacks here, we’re working on it. 
Did you find Neo?

 Can’t you see him?

No, sir. We were reading something but I couldn’t tell what it was.

I can’t leave yet.

{Trinity looks over at him}
I have to see her.


This is my last chance.

(Oracle’s kitchen)
That’s it. That’s the secret. 
You’ve got to use your hands.


Cookies need love like everything does.


was hoping to have these done before you got here. 
Oh well. Sati, honey, I think it’s time for a tasting. 
Take the bowl to Seraph and find out if they’re ready.

*to Neo* 
I’m glad you got out.

Neo: Me too.

So, do you recognize me?

A part of you.

Yeah, that’s how it works. 
Some bits you lose, some bits you keep. 
I don’t yet recognize my face in the mirror, but… I still love candy. 
*offers Neo a piece of red candy*

No, thank you.

Remember what you were like when you first walked through my door, jittery as a junebug? And now just look at you. 
You sure did surprise me, Neo, and you still do.

You gave me a few surprises, too.

I hope I helped.

 You helped me to get here, but my question is why? 
Where does this go? 
Where does it end?

I don’t know.

You don’t know or you won’t tell me?

I told you before. 
No one can see beyond a choice they don’t understand, and I mean no one.

What choice?

It doesn’t matter. It’s my choice. 
I have mine to make, same as you have yours.

Does that include what things to tell me and what not to tell me?

Of course not.

Then why didn’t you tell me about the Architect? 
Why didn’t you tell me about Zion, the Ones before me – 
why didn’t you tell me the truth?

Because it wasn’t time for you to know.

Who decided it wasn’t time?

You know who. 
*She points at the Temet Nosce sign above the door*

I did. 
*Oracle nods* 
Then I think it’s time for me to know a few more things.

So do I.

Tell me how I separated my mind from my body without jacking in. 
Tell me how I stopped four sentinels by thinking it. 
Tell me just what the hell is happening to me.

The power of the One extends beyond this world. 
It reaches from here all the way back to where it came from.


The Source. 
That’s what you felt when you touched those Sentinels. 
But you weren’t ready for it. 
You should be dead, but apparently you weren’t ready for that, either.

The Architect told me that if I didn’t return to the Source, Zion would be destroyed by midnight tonight.

*rolls eyes* 
Please… You and I may not be able to see beyond our own choices, but that man can’t see past any choices.

Neo: Why not?

He doesn’t understand them – he can’t. 
To him they are variables in an equation. 
One at a time each variable must be solved and countered. 
That’s his purpose: to balance an equation.

What’s your purpose?

To unbalance it.

Why? What do you want?

I want the same thing you want, Neo. 
And I am willing to go as far as you are to get it.

The end of the war. 
*Oracle nods* 
Is it going to end?
Oracle: One way, or another.

Can Zion be saved?

I’m sorry, I don’t have the answer to that question, but if there’s an answer, there’s only one place you’re going to find it.


You know where. 
And if you can’t find the answer, 
then I’m afraid there may be no tomorow for any of us.

What does that mean?

Everything that has a beginning has an end. 
I see the end coming. 
I see the darkness spreading. I see death. 
And you are all that stands in his way.

Very soon he’s going to have the power to destroy This World, but I believe he won’t stop there; he can’t. 
He won’t stop until there’s nothing left at all.
What is he?
He is you.
 Your opposite, your negative, the result of the equation trying to balance itself out.
What if I can’t stop him?
One way or another, Neo, this war is going to end. 
Tonight, the future of both worlds will be in your hands… or in his.