“I Lied. My Testimony in Vienna was A Lie.
I lied to The World.
I'm not the only one
who kept this secret —
There are many —
We were following ORDERS,
from The KGB,
from the Central Committee.
And right now, there are 16 reactors in the Soviet Union with the •SAME• FATAL flaw.
THREE of them are still running
less than •20• kilometers away AT Chernobyl..!!
“Professor Legasov, if you mean to suggest the Soviet STATE is somehow responsible for What Happened, then I must warn you,
•You are treading on very DANGEROUS Ground.•”
“I've already TRODEN on Dangerous Ground —
We're ON Dangerous Ground RIGHT NOW
and our LIES.
They're practically what •define• us.
When The Truth offends,
We LIE and we LIE
until we can no longer remember
it is even there….
But it IS still There.
EVERY Lie we tell incurs
a debt to The Truth.
Sooner or later, that debt is •paid•.
THAT is How an RBMK Reactor Core Explodes :