Showing posts with label Broom Boy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Broom Boy. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 October 2022


It’s a pity you High-Schoolers 
DIE so easily - 
or I might have a sense of Satisfaction, now….

The Jock :
But I didn't dump my purse out 
on The Couch and invite people 
into my problems. Did I?
So what's wrong?
What is it?
Is it bad?
Real bad?


What did they do to you?

They ignore me.

The Vice :
What did you want to be
when you were young?

The Great God Janus :
When I was a kid,
I wanted to be John Lennon.

The Vice :
Carl, don't be a goof.
I'm trying to make a serious point here.

Carl, I've been teaching for 22 years.
And each year, these kids
get more and more arrogant.

The Great God Janus :
Aw, bullshit, man. Come on, Vern. 
The kids haven't changed. You have.
You took a teaching position 
because you thought it'd be fun, right?
Thought you could have summer vacations off.

And then you found out it was actually work.
That really bummed you out.

The Great God Janus :
These kids turned on me.
They think I'm a big fucking joke.

The Great God Janus :
Come off it.
Listen, Vern, if you were 16,
what would you think of you?

The Vice :
Hey, Carl, you think I give one rat's ass
what these kids think of me?

The Great God Janus :
Yes, I do.
You think about this.
When you get old, these kids -

The Vice :
When I get old, they're gonna 
be running the country.
Now, this is the thought that wakes me up 
in the middle of the night -
That when I get older, these kids 
are gonna Take Care of Me.

The Great God Janus :
I wouldn't count on it.

“One of the saddest days of my life was when 
My Mother told me 
Superman did not exist’.

I was like, 
“What do you mean he's not real…?!?”

And she thought I was crying 
because it's like 
‘Santa Claus is not real’
and I was actually crying because 

There was no-one coming 
with enough Power 
to Save Us.”

Monday 27 August 2018

Teach Me


The funeral is done. People head out from the cemetery.

Ichabod walks with the Van Tassels. Baltus holds Katrina's hand. Young
Masbath runs to catch up with Ichabod.

Mister Constable, sir...

Ichabod stops.

You are Young Masbath...

I was Young Masbath, but now the
only one. Masbath at your service,
in honor bound to avenge my father.

Well, one-and-only Masbath, I thank
you, but your mother will need you
more than I.

My mother is in heaven, sir, and has
my father now to care for her. But
you have no one to serve you, and I
am your man, sir.

And a brave man too, but I cannot be
the one to look after you. I am
sorry for your loss, young Mister

Ichabod moves away, watched disconsolately by Masbath.

Ichabod finds his sleeve furtively plucked by Philipse.


Mr. Philipse...?

Philipse looks around anxiously to see if they're observed.

Something you should know. Jonathan
Masbath was not the fourth victim
but the fifth!

The fifth?

Aye. Five victims in four graves!

But who...?

Philipse sees that Steenwyck has noticed the encounter. He breaks off
and scuttles away.

Ichabod turns his gaze toward...

The fresh grave of Jonathan Masbath, and three more graves almost as
recent: The Van Garretts are just receiving their brand new
headstones, and Widow Winship's grave is marked for the present by a
simple wooden cross with her name on it.

Ichabod sees Killian and nods to him.

Mr. Killian...I will need the help
you offered.


Ichabod lifts the lid of a large feed bin half full of horse feed.

Young Masbath is curled up inside like a mouse in a nest. Homeless.

Find a place in the Van Tassel's
servant quarters. Wake me before
dawn. I hope you have a strong

Ichabod walks away, disgruntled.

Thank you, sir.