Showing posts with label Oceanic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oceanic. Show all posts

Monday 11 April 2022

The Colonialism of Ideology

Col. Breen
Mars is dead, nothing there 
but a few scraps of lichen.

Professor Bernard Quatermass
Five million years ago it may have been very different. 
Suppose at that time there were living beings on it with techniques that let them visit The Earth at a time when the most highly evolved creatures here, our own ancestors, were only a type of Pliocene ape.

Minister of Defense
Go on.

Professor Bernard Quatermass
They may have wanted to found another colony, 
when their own world was doomed, 
but couldn't endure our atmosphere, 
so they experimented.

Minister of Defense
Oh, and The Insects were responsible?

Professor Bernard Quatermass: 
There is clearly some connection. 
My guess is that those were ape mutations 
being brought back for release on Earth.

Col. Breen
And you really believe this was possible? 
That apes were systematically taken from this planet to another and...

Professor Bernard Quatermass
Altered, by selective breeding, atomic surgery, 
methods we can't guess, 
and with new faculties 
instilled in them, 
higher intelligence
and perhaps something else.

In effect, a colonisation.

Professor Bernard Quatermass
It would be a way of 
possessing The Earth. 
Only a colony by proxy, 
but better than leaving 
nothing at all behind.

Surely it had to be carried out on a huge scale.

Professor Bernard Quatermass
Yes, if I'm right, if I'm right, 
we've come on a single instance, 
probably an accident, 
a landing that went wrong and they all died. 
The Thames Valley was swamp then.

Minister of Defense
You realize what you are implying? 
That we owe our human condition here to the intervention of insects.

Professor Bernard Quatermass
I suppose I am.

So what I’m suggesting is that we start working with that — 
Abandon The Personality; 
Abandon The Individual; 
Abandon The “I” 
Because It’s A Lie,
and It has held us down
it’s been like 
A Weight round our necks. 

It was useful for the last two thousand years of history, because it created this out of the chaos that was – and this is more coherent; more useful; more meaningful. It has its problems; everything does; every system has – but we’re getting better.
And I think what we should do is walk away from the crap of the 21st century, and start thinking about what we’ve been experiencing.
My feeling about the 20th century, and about World War II and about Auschwitz and all of that stuff is that we had to go through it. We had to do it. That was humanity’s dark night of the soul, and it will never, ever happen again. But it had to happen.
Every single nightmare image, every image of hell that we have in our minds happened. Everything you can think of; people were flayed, brutalised, gassed, tortured, cut into pieces, turned into pigs – everything you can imagine happened. The world was a wasteland. There were cities completely annihilated. We went through it.
Why did we do that?

Stanislav Grof has a conception of the ‘perinatal matrices‘, which was one of the big influences on the film The Matrix. You might recognise some of this. He says that things that happen to us around birth are really profound, and they have all kinds of weird effects. They effect society, they effect the self; they effect everything. They have reverberations.
And he claims that there are several states, that he calls “Basic Perinatal Matrices”.

The first state is oceanic bliss – which we’re all familiar with, I’m sure. Oceanic fuckin’ bliss, mate. And that is the state of the baby in the womb, untouched – everything is provided for; everthing is there; everything you need will turn up out of the blue.

Basic Perinatal Matrix 2 is a different thing. It’s when the womb starts to turn a little toxic, and begins to suggest we’re about to be expelled. And, y’know, we don’t remember this stuff – what happened? What was the feeling of that fetus in there who suddenly thinks: “My entire universe has been overturned and I’m about to be shit out”? 
Does he know where he’s going? “What the fuck’s this? Y’know, I was happy there. It was cool; I was getting everything I wanted.”

And so on into BPM 4 – which is kind of a release from tension; which is the birth process.
So I’m beginning to think.. as a society – and returning to the idea of ontogeny as history.. phylogeny, or whatever the fuck the word is.. what we’re looking at now is humanity’s process through Grofian matrices.
And what we went through is actually a Stanislav Grof Basic Perinatal Matrix 3 experience.
Every image that he talks about: death camps, control, the idea of people.. babies trapped in tubes.. you’ll recognise all this from The Matrix, as I said.
Oil, mechanisms, machines that hate us; destructive technology.. it all happened.
What if this little baby that is the universe; this little larvae that’s approaching culmination, has had to go through these stages? Because everything does. If you want to get rid of war, how do you get rid of war? You inoculate yourself against war by having the worst fuckin’ war you’ve ever had in your life. And everything after that’s just an aftershock. We’ve done nothing worse than what we did in those few years. Humanity’s never come close to anything like it. We’ve tried; there’s been a few lunatics who’ve tried. But nothing on that scale.
So what if we choose to imagine that humanity has passed through that stage?
We’ve reached the 21st century, and we’re now approaching Basic Perinatal Matrix 4. Which is: victory after war. Which is: the struggle is over. Which is: we’re all here; what do we do next?
There was no apocalypse; there was no Christ. There was no rapture. There is nothing. All this stuff is shit.
There is only us. And we’ve still got another thousand years, and maybe another thousand beyond that, and maybe another twenty thousand beyond that.
What are we gonna do?
Who are we?
Are we gonna stick to these personalities; these bounded, territorial things?
Are we gonna expand ourselves; make ourselves bigger? So that if you happen to like.. [say] ‘world music’ and I don’t, I can tap into your love of ‘world music’, and experience it – and it means something.
So all I’m suggesting here is that we all take up magic. Because basically it works. We can change the world. It’s quite simple; the technology’s there. The Buddhists have been telling us.. as I said, people have been telling us this for so long. And in the last two hundred years, it’s been driven underground and we’ve forgotten.

And people like us are here today to try and recover something of that. And the way to recover it, is to do it. Do the techniques. Go buy an Aleister Crowley book; [or] buy one by Phil Hine or Peter Carroll that’s a bit more up to date, and you don’t have to bother with that 18th century fucking language. But do the shit, and you will find it works.

And We Stand Here Now. This is the counterculture. We are the counterculture.. this is like, this shit. I went to this thing in, like, 1987 and it was Robert Anton Wilson and the whole deal – and I remember sitting in the audience thinking “fuck, rave is dead”. Because it was that kind of thing; that version of it’s dead. The hippy version of it’s dead.

We stand here. 
And we’re looking ahead. 
What are we gonna do?

Abandon The Personality 
is what I suggest.

Get rid of the Sense of Self. 
Get rid of the sense of “I”, 
Make yourself 
something bigger. 

Imagine that every time you want to learn something new, it’s a new computer program; you can buy the operating system; the update. You can learn to fly a plane in seven days according to Neuro-Linguistic Programming – so why not? Let’s do it.

Do we want to change things? Or are we just sitting here talking?

No answer.

Friday 11 March 2022

Psyche’s Cave

"Uh, well, apparently, 
I am mind-bendingly lonely 
basically anywhere."

-- Dr. Agnes Jurati


Dr. Agnes Jurati :
Right. Okay. Okay. Okay, 
let's run the alternatives here : 

Uh, "I'm crazy.", although I feel like 
I could come up with a better delusion.
"I'm Dead.", although see last supposition 
and replace "Me" with "God". 

"I'm in a crazy mirror universe." 
where it turns out I'm EXACTLY the same
only with slightly more sophisticated 
pet-programming skills. 

The Youth of Psyche 
Having seen something of The Nature of Aphrodite, the older, more primitive level of femininity, let us look at the new expression of the feminine. 

Unlike Aphrodite, who was born from the sea, Psyche was born when a dewdrop fell on The Land. 

This change from the ocean of Aphrodite to the land of Psyche is a progression from the early oceanic Feminine quality to a new form which is more human-like. 

From oceanic proportions we move to a smaller more comprehensible scale. Psyche's nature is so magnificent, so innocent, so unworldly, so virginal that she is worshipped; but she is not courted

This is an utterly lonely experience and poor Psyche can find no husband. 

In this sense, there is a Psyche in every woman, and it is an intensely lonely experience for her. 

Every woman is, in part, A King's Daughter, too lovely, too perfect, too deep for The Ordinary World. 

When A Woman finds herself lonely and not understood, when she finds that people are good to her but stay just a little distance away, she has found The Psyche Nature in her own person. 

This is a painful experience and women are often aware of it without knowing its origin. To be caught in this aspect of The Feminine Character is to remain untouched and unrelated

All manner of nonsense goes on when a woman tries to bring her Psyche nature into the everyday give-and-take of relationship. If the Psyche nature is a large part of a woman, she has a painful task on her hands. She bursts into tears and says, "But nobody understands me.

And it is True

Every woman has this quality within her; it makes no difference what her station in life may be. If you see this quality and can touch it in a woman, the great beauty and divinity of a Psyche can be made conscious in her and a noble evolution begins. 

If a woman is very beautiful, the problem is compounded. Marilyn Monroe is a touching example; she was worshipped far and wide and yet had great difficulty relating closely to any one person. 

Finally she found life intolerable. 

Such a woman is the carrier of a goddess-like quality, an almost un- approachable perfection that finds no place in the ordinary human realm of relationship. You can set in motion the evolution required of Psyche if you understand this dynamic. 

I once saw a film in which two horribly disfigured people in an institution fell in love with each other. Through the magic of fantasy each became infinitely beautiful to the other and a love affair went on between these two handsome, beautiful people. At the end of the movie, the camera blurred back to show the two originally disfigured faces; but the audience knew where they had been; they had seen the god and goddess within, which were stronger than the outer reality of disfigurement. 

This shows the breach between the interior goddess and the exterior everydayness that is the heart of our story. 


Psyche is the despair of her parents because, while her two older sisters have happily married neighboring kings, no one asks for Psyche's hand. 

Men only worship her. 

The King goes to An Oracle, who happens to be dominated by Aphrodite, and she, irate and jealous of Psyche, has the oracle give a terrible prophesy! 

Psyche is to be married to Death, the ugliest, the most horrible, the most awful creature possible. Psyche is to be taken to the top of a mountain, chained to a rock, and left to be ravished by this dreadful creature, Death

Oracles were unquestioned in Greek Society; they were taken as Absolute truth. Psyche's parents, believing, made a wedding procession, which was a funeral cortege, took Psyche as instructed, and chained her to the rock at the top of the mountain. Mixed together were floods of tears, wedding finery, and funeral darkness. 

Then the parents extinguished the torches and left Psyche Alone in The Dark. 

What can we make of this? Psyche is to be married--but to Death! 

In truth the maiden does die on her wedding day; an era of her life is over and she dies to many of the feminine elements she has lived thus far in her life. 

Her wedding is her funeral in this sense. Many of our wedding customs are actually funeral ceremonies carried over from primitive times. The Groom comes with his best man and friends to abduct The Bride; the bridesmaids are the protectors of the virginity of The Bride. A Battle, in ritual form, is carried out and The Bride cries as is befitting the death of a section of her life. A new life opens for her and the festivities are to celebrate the new power as Bride and Matriarch. 

We are not sufficiently aware of the dual aspect of marriage and try to see it only as white and joyous; the dying to an old part of life should be honored or the emotions will surface later in a less appropriate form. 

For example, some women may experience a fierce resentment toward marriage months or even years later. I have seen pictures of a Turkish wedding party in which boys of eight or nine each had one foot bound to their thigh and were hopping on one leg. This was to remind everyone that Pain was present at the wedding as well as Joy. 

In African weddings, unless The Bride arrives with scars and wounds, it is not a valid wedding. Unless she has been abducted there is no true wedding. 

If the sacrificial element of a wedding is given its due, The Joy of The Marriage is possible

Aphrodite does not like Maidens to die at the hands of Men. It is not Her Nature to be carried off by A Man. So the Aphrodite in A Woman weeps at the ending of her maidenhood. 

Aphrodite plays her paradoxical role of demanding the wedding but resenting the loss of The Maiden. 

These echoes from long ago still lie deep in us and are best honored by conscious ceremony. 

Here again we observe The Paradox of Evolution

It is Aphrodite who condemns Psyche to Death but who is also the match-maker who brings about the very wedding she is opposing. 

The forward evolution toward marriage is accompanied by a regressive tug of longing for the autonomy and the freedom of things as they were before. 

I once saw an insightful cartoon that summed up the archetypal power of a wedding. It showed the thoughts of each of the parents during the wedding. 

The Father of The Bride is angry at that fellow who is audacious enough to snatch His Darling away from him; 
The Father of The Groom is triumphant at the supremacy of the males of the community; 
The Mother of The Bride is horrified at The Beast who is carrying away Her Child; 
The Mother of The Groom is angry at the vixen who has seduced her son away from her. 

Many of the ancient archetypes, those embedded patterns of thought and behavior laid down in the unconscious of the human psyche through countless years of evolution, were depicted in the cartoon. If we do not observe them at appropriate times they will intrude later and cause much trouble.

In order to destroy Psyche, as she wished to do, Aphrodite engages the assistance of her son, Eros, the god of love. Eros, Amor, and Cupid are various names that have been given to the god of love. 

Since Cupid has been degraded to the level of valentine cards, and Amor has been shorn of his dignity, let us use The Name Eros for this noble god. 

Eros carries his quiver of arrows and is the bane of everyone on Olympus; not even the gods escape his power. 

Yet Eros is under the thumb of his mother who instructs him to enflame Psyche with love for the loathsome beast who will come to claim her, thus ending Psyche's challenge to Aphrodite. 

One of Aphrodite's characteristics is that She is constantly regressive

She wants things to go back where they were; she wants Evolution to go backward

She is The Voice of Tradition, and ironically, it is this very tendency that carries our story forward in its evolution. 

There are many levels from which to view Eros. He may be seen as The Outer Man, The Husband, or The Male in every relationship; or He may be seen as The Principle of Union and The Harmony that is the culmination of our story. 

Eros is not only sexuality: remember that he aims his arrows at The Heart, not at The Genitals. 

We will speak of these aspects of Eros as our myth continues. 


Eros goes to do his mother's bidding, but just as he glimpses Psyche, he accidentally pricks his finger on one of his own arrows and falls in love with her. 

He decides instantly to take Psyche as his own bride and asks his friend, the West Wind, to lift her very gently down from the top of the mountain into the Valley of Paradise. 

The West Wind does this, and Psyche, who was expecting Death, finds herself in a heaven-on-earth instead. She does not ask Eros any questions but luxuriates in her unexpected good fortune. 

Eros comes to Psyche, and even beautiful as he is, he is Death to her. 

All husbands are death to their wives in that they destroy them as maidens and force them into an evolution toward mature womanhood. It is paradoxical, but you can feel both gratitude and resentment to. ward the person who forces you to begin down your own path of growth. The oracle was right; a man is death to a woman in an archetypal sense. 

When A Man sees an anguished look on his partner's face, this is a time to be gentle and cautious; it may be that she is just waking up to the fact that she is dying a little as maiden. He can make it easier for her at this moment if he will be gentle and understanding. A Man rarely understands that marriage is death and resurrection both for a woman, since he has no exact parallel in his own life. 

Marriage is not a sacrificial matter to A Man, but there is much of that element in A Woman's experience. She may look at her husband in horror one day because she realizes she is bound in her marriage as he is not. She is even more profoundly bound if there are children. She may resent this, but not to be caught in this way by life is an even worse death.

There are women of fifty who have never been to The Death Mountain, though they may be Grandmothers. The dewy quality is not off The World for them even in middle age. There are also young girls of sixteen who know that experience, have been through it and survived it and have a terrifying wisdom in their eves. 

These things do not happen automatically at any particular age. I knew a girl of sixteen who had a baby. She went off to have it privately and quietly and gave the baby away in adoption so that she never saw it. She came back and nothing had happened to her; she had not learned anything of The Death Mountain. Several years later she married, and if anybody could be called virginal, she had that quality. Psychologically she had not been touched, even though she had been through the experience of childbirth. 

The Eros in each woman terminates her naivety and childlike innocence at vastly different times in Life; it is not just when she marries. Many girls are through it very early in life, which is a cruel experience; others never experience it at all.

Marriage is a very different experience for A Man than for A Woman. The man is adding to his stature; his world is getting stronger, and he has risen in stature and position. He generally does not understand that he is Killing The Psyche in his new wife, and that he must do this. If she behaves strangely, or if something goes dreadfully wrong, or there are many tears, he usually doesn't understand that marriage is a totally different experience for her than for him. A Woman takes on a new stature in her marriage but not until she has been through The Death Mountain experience.

Psyche finds herself in A Magnificent Paradise. She has everything one could wish. 

Her god-husband, Eros, is with her every night and puts only one restriction on her; he extracts from her the promise that she will not look at him and will not inquire into any of his ways

She may have anything she wishes, she may live in her paradise, but she must not ask to know or see Him.
Psyche agrees to this. 

Nearly every Man wants this of His Wife. If she will not ask for Consciousness and do things His Way, there is perfect peace in The House. 

He wants the old patriarchal marriage where The Man decides all the important issues, The Woman agrees, and there is peace

Most men harbor the hope that things will go in this manner and for a little while there is the possibility that marriage will be like this. This is likely an echo of some primitive patriarchal structure in which The Woman is subject to The Man. 

There are still remnants of this patriarchal world in our modern customs, for example, when A Woman bears The Man’s Name. 

Eros insists that she not ask any questions, never see him; these are the conditions of the patriarchal marriage. 

Every immature Eros is a Paradise-maker. It is adolescent to carry a girl off and promise her that she will live happily ever after. 

That is Eros in a secretive stage; he wants His Paradise, but no responsibility, no conscious relationship. 

There is a bit of this in every Man. 

The feminine demand for Evolution and Growth — and most growth comes from the feminine element in the myths — is a terrifying experience to a man. He wants just to remain in paradise. 

Listen to lovers build A Paradise! 

The talk and vocabulary is of another world, the paradise world. It is a brief preview of a true paradise that will be attained much later by very hard work. One can not criticize such a preview, but an onlooker knows the first glimpse of paradise will not be stable or longlasting. 

There is something in the unconscious of a man that wishes to make an agreement with his wife that she shall ask no questions of him. Often his attitude toward marriage is that it should be there for him at home but it should not be an encumbrance

He wants to be free to forget about it when he wants to focus elsewhere. This is a great shock to a woman when she discovers this attitude in her man. Marriage is a total commitment for A Woman; it is not so all encompassing for A Man. I remember A Woman who told me she cried for days when she discovered that their marriage was only one aspect of her husband’s life though it was the primary fact of hers. 

She had discovered her husband in his Eros, paradise-making nature. 


All paradises fail

Each one has A Serpent in it that demands The Opposite of The Peace and Tranquility of the Garden of Eden. 

The Serpent quickly appears for Psyche’s paradise in the form of her two sisters, who have been mourning her loss — though not with deep sincerity. 

They hear that Psyche is living in a garden paradise and that she has A God as a husband. Their jealousy knows no bounds! They come to the crag where Psyche had been chained and call down to her in the garden, send their best wishes, and inquire about her health. 

Psyche naively reports all this to Eros. He warns her over and over that she is in great danger. He tells her that if she pays attention to her inquiring sisters, there will be a disaster

And if Psyche continues unquestioning, her child will be a god and immortal; but if she breaks her vow of not questioning, the child will be born a girl and a mortal. 

Worse than this, Eros will leave her if she ever begins questioning him. Psyche listens and again agrees to ask no questions. 

The sisters call again and finally Psyche extracts permission from Eros to let them come for a visit. Soon after, the sisters are wafted down from the high crag by the West Wind, and are deposited safely in the lovely garden. 

They admire everything and are entertained lavishly. Of course they are consumed with envy and jealousy at what has happened to their young sister. 

They ask many questions and Psyche, in her naivete, describes her husband through her own fantasy though she has never seen him. 

She heaps extravagant presents upon her sisters and sends them home. 

Eros warns again and again, but the sisters come back. 

This time Psyche, forgetting what she had told them before, tells a different fantasy about her husband. When the sisters return home they discuss this and brew up a venomous plan. 

On a third visit they will tell her that her husband is actually a serpent, a loathsome creature, and that when her baby is born, he plans to devour both mother and child! 

The sisters also have a plan to save Psyche from this horrible end. They advise Psyche to get a lamp, put it in a covered vessel, and have it ready in the bedchamber. 

She is to take the sharpest knife available and have it beside her on the couch.

In the middle of the night, when her husband is fast asleep, she must expose the lamp, see her loathsome husband for the first time, and sever his head with her knife. 

Psyche quickly falls under the spell of this advice and prepares herself to unmask her terrible husband. 

Eros comes to the couch after dark and falls asleep beside Psyche. 

In the night she takes the cover off the lamp, grasps the knife, stands over her husband, and looks at him for the first time. 

To her utter amazement and bewilderment, and now overwhelmed with guilt, she sees that he is a god, the god of love, the most beautiful creature in all of Olympus! 

She is so shaken and terrified by this that she thinks of killing herself at her terrible mistake. She fumbles with the knife and drops it. She then accidentally pricks herself on one of Eros’ arrows and falls in love with The Husband she has seen for the first time. 

She jostles The Lamp and a drop of oil from it falls on Eros’ right shoulder. He wakes in pain from the hot oil, sees what has happened and, being a winged creature, takes flight. Poor Psyche clings to him and is carried a little way just far enough to be taken from the paradise garden. She soon falls to the earth exhausted and desolate. 

Eros lights nearby and says that she has disobeyed, broken her covenant, and destroyed the paradise garden. He tells her, as he had warned, her child will be born a mortal and a girl. 

He will go away, punishing her by his absence

Then he flies away to His Mother, Aphrodite.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

You Don't Agree, But You Don't Refuse - I Know You.

We put The Police there. Right? 
We put them there. And we don’t want to go there, 
because we are smart people; we are cool people. 
We don’t want to go and hit anyone. 

We don’t want to go and enforce The Law – 
Because we don’t really believe in it. 
But we know some poor bastard has to enforce it.

Why do we hate those guys when we put them there?

Why do we hate ourselves for creating this society?

Why are so many people in America obsessed 
with Marilyn Manson; corpses; dead people; 
misery; John Wayne Gacy… 

John Wayne Gacy’s a fucking prick. 

Y’know, he killed a few people 
and did some shitty paintings. 
What’s that? Why should we be engaged with that? 

And yet that has become.. 
what, “Apocalypse Culture“?

Where do we go from there, that isn’t that? 
Where do we go that isn’t playing with our own shite?

The Answer… back to 
The Individual.

Oh, you look so tired 
Mouth slack and wide 
Ill-housed and ill-advised 
Your face is as mean 
As your life has been --

Crash into my arms,
I want you.
You don't agree,
But you don't refuse
I know you.

Trudging slowly over wet sand
Back to The Bench where 
Your Clothes were stolen

This is The Coastal Town
That they forgot to close 
Down, Armageddon,
Come Armageddon!
Come, Armageddon! Come!

The myth of Tuamat and Marduk, the Enuma Elish... extraordinary.
Absolutely extraordinary.
There are archetypal forms... to become as gods... 
The Bacchanal. Apotheosis. It's almost.... It's almost as if... As if the act itself...

The act of violence... Some trigger in the brain. is if it were...

Oh dear God.
Dear God, what is this Aethyr I am come upon?
What spirits are these, labouring in what heavenly light?

No, this is dazzle, but not yet divinity. Nor are these heathen wraiths about me spirits, lacking even that vitality.

What, then?
Am I, like Saint John The Divine, vouchsafed a glimpse of those last times?
Are these the days my death shall spare me?

It would seem we are to suffer an apocalypse of cockatoos...
Morose, barbaric children playing joylessly with their unfathomable toys.
Where comes this dullness in your eyes? How has your century numbed you so?

Shall man be given marvels only when he is beyond all wonder?

Your days were born in blood and fires, whereof in you I may not see the meanest spark!
Your past is pain and iron!
Know Yourselves!

With all your shimmering numbers and your lights, think not to be inured to history. It's black root succours you. It is INSIDE you.
Are you asleep to it, that cannot feel it's breath upon your neck, nor see what soaks it's cuffs?

See me! Wake up and look upon me! I am
 come amongst you. I am with you always!

You are the sum of all preceeding you, yet you seem indifferent to yourselves.
A culture grown disinterested, even in it's own abysmal wounds.
Your women all but show their sexes, and yet this display elicits not a flicker of response. 
Your own flesh is made meaningless to you.

How would I seem to you? Some antique fiend or penny dreadful horror, yet you frighten me!
You have not souls. With you I am alone.

Alone in an Olympus. Though accomplished in the sciences, your slightest mechanisms are beyond my grasp. 
They HUMBLE me, yet touch you not at all.

This disaffection. This is Armageddon. Ah, Mary, how times levelled us. We are made equal, both mere curios of our vanished epoch in this lustless world.

This World, wherein comparison I am made ignorant, while you....
you are made virtuous.

Do you understand how I loved you? You'd have all been dead in a year or two from liver failure or childbirth. Dead. Forgotten.

I have saved you. Do you understand that? I have made you safe from time and we are wed in legend, inextricable within eternity.

Know that I am...

— Jack The Ripper

Business!" cried The Ghost, 
wringing its hands again.
"Mankind was My Business.  
The Common Welfare 
was My Business; Charity, Mercy, 
Forbearance, and Benevolence, 
were, all, My Business.  

The Dealings of My Trade were 
but a drop of water in 
the comprehensive ocean 
of My Business!"

“I think what we should do is walk away from the crap of the 20th century, and start thinking about what we’ve been experiencing.

My feeling about the 20th century, and about World War II and about Auschwitz and all of that stuff is that we HAD to go through it. We HAD to do it. That was Humanity’s Dark Night of The Soul, and it will never, ever happen again. 
But it HAD to happen.

Every single nightmare image, every image of hell that we have in our minds happened

Everything you can think of; people were flayed, brutalised, gassed, tortured, cut into pieces, turned into pigs – everything you can imagine happened. The world was a wasteland. There were cities completely annihilated. We went through it.

WHY did we do that?

Stanislav Grof has a conception of the ‘perinatal matrices', which was one of the big influences on the film The Matrix

You might recognise some of this. He says that things that happen to us around birth are really profound, and they have all kinds of weird effects. They effect society, they effect the self; they effect everything. They have reverberations.

And he claims that there are several states, that he calls “Basic Perinatal Matrices”.

The first state is oceanic bliss – which we’re all familiar with, I’m sure. Oceanic fuckin’ bliss, mate. And that is the state of the baby in the womb, untouched – everything is provided for; everthing is there; everything you need will turn up out of the blue.

Basic Perinatal Matrix 2 is a different thing. It’s when the womb starts to turn a little toxic, and begins to suggest we’re about to be expelled. And, y’know, we don’t remember this stuff – what happened? What was the feeling of that fetus in there who suddenly thinks: “My entire universe has been overturned and I’m about to be shit out”? 

Does he know where he’s going? “What the fuck’s this? Y’know, I was happy there. It was cool; I was getting everything I wanted.”

And so on into BPM 4 – which is kind of a release from tension; which is the birth process.

So I’m beginning to think.. as a society – and returning to the idea of ontogeny as history.. phylogeny, or whatever the fuck the word is.. what we’re looking at now is humanity’s process through Grofian matrices.

And what we went through is actually a Stanislav Grof Basic Perinatal Matrix 3 experience.

Every image that he talks about: death camps, control, the idea of people.. babies trapped in tubes.. you’ll recognise all this from The Matrix, as I said.

Oil, mechanisms, machines that hate us; destructive technology.. it all happened.

What if this little baby that is The Universe; this little larvae that’s approaching culmination, has had to go through these stages? Because everything does

If you want to get rid of War, 
How Do You Get Rid of War

You inoculate yourself against War by having 
The Worst Fuckin’ War 
You’ve Ever Had in Your Life

And everything after that’s just an aftershock

We’ve done nothing worse than what we did in those few years. Humanity’s never come close to anything like it. We’ve tried; there’s been a few lunatics who’ve tried. But nothing on that scale.

So what if we choose to imagine that Humanity has passed through that stage?

We’ve reached the 21st century, 
and we’re now approaching Basic Perinatal Matrix 4.

Which is: Victory after War. 
Which is: The Struggle is Over. 
Which is: We’re All Here; What Do We Do Next?

There was no apocalypse; there was no Christ
There was no rapture. There is nothing. 
All this stuff is shit.

There is only Us. And we’ve still got another thousand years, and maybe another thousand beyond that, and maybe another twenty thousand beyond that.

What are we gonna do?
Who Are We?

Are we gonna stick to these personalities; these bounded, territorial things?

Are we gonna expand ourselves; 
make ourselves bigger? 

So that if you happen to like.. [say] ‘world music’ and I don’t, I can tap into your love of ‘world music’, and experience it – and it means something.
So all I’m suggesting here is that we all take up magic. 
Because basically it works.”

Thursday 28 May 2020


The more I looked into it, the more I began to see 
that we have these mutants living 
among us, right now

The people from the 21st century; 
from the end of the 21st century are here

But there is no context for them. 

If, on the other hand, you look at these people, who are the mutants… and what do they call it? 

Multiple Personality Disorder.

This is what lies beyond the personality; the “I”; the bullshit.
Because if you take “I” to the limit

What would happen if we decided to abandon the personality, and replace it with a multiple personality complex? 

Dahmer strongly identified with evil and corrupt characters from both The Exorcist III and Return of the Jedi - particularly the level of power held by these characters. 

Expounding on the significance of these movies on Dahmer’s psyche and many of the murders committed at the Oxford Apartments, Dietz explained that Dahmer occasionally viewed scenes from these films before searching for a victim.

Dietz diagnosed Dahmer with substance-use disorder, paraphilia, and schizotypal personality disorder.

If you go WAY down into the structure of The Current Culture Wars, what you see is that at The Very Base of it -

There's Two Things that the Postmodern NeoMarxists are full-scale assaulting :

One is Categorisation, because They believe that 
The Only Function of Categorisation is Power.

The other is,
There's a War on Competence -

Because, if you admit that there are hierarchical structures that are predicated upon Competence, 
then you have to grapple with the issue of Competence, 
and you have to grapple with the issue of Valid Hierarchy.

If All Hierarchy is Power
All Power is Corrupt
All Corrupt Power is Tyranny

then, you can't admit to Competence.

But the downside is, there's a terrible price to be paid for that, because 
Every Value System Produces a Hierarchy.

So if you dispense with the hierarchy, 
You dispense with The Value Systems.

“Say, for instance… most of us here are mostly pretty counter-culture types – 
Y’know, we like our drugs, 
We like this and that; 
We like breaking a few rules. 

But we don’t like The Police, in general. 
Who here loves The Police? Hands up.

Nice one! 
Coz I’m gonna teach you to love The Police.

Why do we hate The Police? 
If we want to change things – everyone in here, let’s go down to the local precinct and join up. 

Are we gonna do it? 
Who here’s gonna do it with me? 
Coz I’m not gonna do it..

And why? 
Why are we not doing that?

["Coz they're dumb!"]

Right. So we’re hating these guys who’ve taken on this thing… we’ve chosen the biggest lunkheads in society to protect ourselves from the fuckers in Rikers Island! 

Because we are scared of them!
Y’know, we are scared of them. 

We are middle-class, libertarian liberals who are shit-scared of being raped in prison.

So we create The Police
And we get these lunkheads… 
Who will obey what we tell them do to. 
They’ll actually obey us; those fuckers will do what we tell them.

And we say to them: 
“Protect us from those real fuckers; those bikers, and those black guys, and all those awful guys who are gonna come and fuck us up and kill us and steal all our stuff.”

We put The Police there. Right? 
We put them there. 

And we don’t want to go there, because we are Smart People; 
We are Cool People. 
We don’t want to go and hit anyone. 

We don’t want to go and enforce The Law – 
because we don’t really believe in it. 
But we know some poor bastard has to enforce it.

Why do we hate those guys when we put them there?
Why do we hate ourselves for creating this society?

Why are so many people in America obsessed with Marilyn Manson; corpses; dead people; misery; John Wayne Gacy…

John Wayne Gacy’s a fucking prick. 
Y’know, he killed a few people and did some shitty paintings. 
What’s that? Why should we be engaged with that? 

And yet that has become.. what, “apocalypse culture“?
Where do we go from there, that isn’t that? 
Where do we go that isn’t playing with our own shite?

The Answer… 
Back to The Individual.

If The Individual doesn’t work – 
If Patrick McGoohan was wrong; 
Number 6 was wrong to stand on that beach screaming 
“I am not a number, I am a free man!” 

– what do we have left?

Because ultimately the guy who’s not a number and not a free man experiences neurosis, the longer he goes down that path. 

I’m sure there’s a bunch of people here, like me, who eventually… 
You’ve worked your way through this stuff; 
You’ve read the books, you’ve done this shit;
 You’ve taken the drugs; you’ve been there, you’ve seen it. 

We’ve all experienced enlightenment in little bits. 

You know it’s out there; you know this stuff is true: 
The consensus doesn’t explain our lives. 

But what does?

Imagine getting rid of 
The Individual. 

Imagine getting rid of that scaffolding. 

What do we have left? 
And here’s what I’m about to offer:
The more I looked into it, the more I began to see that we have these mutants living among us, right now. 

The people from the 21st century; from the end of the 21st century are here. But there is no context for them. 

In the same way that – y’know, if you lived in… Tunguska two hundred years ago, and you were an epileptic, you would be a shaman. 

There was a context for you. 

In this society, you’re an epileptic. 

It’s quite simple; it’s a disease, and nothing you say is of any worth because it’s considered pathology.
If, on the other hand, you look at these people, who are the mutants… and what do they call it? 
Multiple Personality Disorder.

This is what lies beyond the personality; the “I”; the bullshit.
Because if you take “I” to the limit – and like I said, I’m sure a lot of us here have done this – it becomes… all that happens is that self questions self. Endlessly; repetitively. “Am I doing this right? Is this the right way? Should I think about these people like this? Should I approach them this way; should I involve them this way?” 

Self questions self, endlessly, and it reaches a peak… it goes nowhere.

On the national scale, that same thing – self questions self; self encounters not-self; equals borders, war, destruction.. that’s where it goes. 
That’s where it ends. That thing ends in disaster.
It ends in neurosis on a personal level. 
And it ends in war on the national level.

So I began to think: 
“What could we replace that with?” 
And I was looking at these poor MPD fuckers. And I realised they just don’t have a context.

What would happen if we decided to abandon the personality, and replace it with a multiple personality complex? Because as we all know – everyone in here, I’m sure.. I mean, I feel as if I can say this for certain, knowing human beings as they are: sometimes you do things that you don’t want to do. Sometimes you do things that are contradictory to what you think. Sometimes you fuck yourself up.

Why? Because there’s not one person in here; there’s hundreds.

And if you start giving them names, and you start shuffling them about; if you start playing with them, you become a bigger human being. Because you’ve no longer allowed yourself to stop at your boundaries.

Imagine the personality as… let’s choose Windows, even though that’s a contentious one. 

Imagine the personality as Windows. Instead of the personality.. there’s so many people, I’m sure you’ve met them.. you talk to them, and they say “No, this is the way I am. I’ve worked on this. This is me. And I won’t change. And you’ll just have to work with that. This is me; this is important; this is what I’ve come to, and this is what I’ve Made Of Myself.

Bullshit. It’s a trap. They don’t go anywhere; they’re stuck there.

What if those same people were then given Personality 2000? Which is an upgrade, and an add-on? And here’s a bit of your personality that likes hip hop? Here’s a bit to your personality that likes ballet? And because we’ve all got them. And we’ve got the fucker.. we’ve got the serial killer inside; we’ve got the wonderful new-age bastard… we’ve got whatever we like. We’ve got James Bond in there. We’ve got Pussy Galore in there. They’re all there.

So what I’m suggesting is that we start working with that. Abandon the personality; abandon the individual; abandon the “I” because it’s a lie, and it has held us down; it’s been like a weight round our necks. It was useful for the last two thousand years of history, because it created this out of the chaos that was – and this is more coherent; more useful; more meaningful. It has its problems; everything does; every system has – but we’re getting better.

And I think what we should do is walk away from the crap of the 21st century, and start thinking about what we’ve been experiencing.

My feeling about the 20th century, and about World War II and about Auschwitz and all of that stuff is that we had to go through it. We had to do it. That was humanity’s dark night of the soul, and it will never, ever happen again. But it had to happen.

Every single nightmare image, every image of hell that we have in our minds happened. 

Everything you can think of; people were flayed, brutalised, gassed, tortured, cut into pieces, turned into pigs – everything you can imagine happened. The world was a wasteland. There were cities completely annihilated. We went through it.

Why did we do that?

Stanislav Grof has a conception of the ‘perinatal matrices‘, which was one of the big influences on the film The Matrix. You might recognise some of this. He says that things that happen to us around birth are really profound, and they have all kinds of weird effects. They effect society, they effect the self; they effect everything. They have reverberations.

And he claims that there are several states, that he calls “Basic Perinatal Matrices”.

The first state is oceanic bliss – which we’re all familiar with, I’m sure. Oceanic fuckin’ bliss, mate. And that is the state of the baby in the womb, untouched – everything is provided for; everthing is there; everything you need will turn up out of the blue.

Basic Perinatal Matrix 2 is a different thing. It’s when the womb starts to turn a little toxic, and begins to suggest we’re about to be expelled. And, y’know, we don’t remember this stuff – what happened? What was the feeling of that fetus in there who suddenly thinks: “My entire universe has been overturned and I’m about to be shit out”? Does he know where he’s going? “What the fuck’s this? Y’know, I was happy there. It was cool; I was getting everything I wanted.”

And so on into BPM 4 – which is kind of a release from tension; which is the birth process.
So I’m beginning to think.. as a society – and returning to the idea of ontogeny as history.. phylogeny, or whatever the fuck the word is.. what we’re looking at now is humanity’s process through Grofian matrices.

And what we went through is actually a Stanislav Grof Basic Perinatal Matrix 3 experience.
Every image that he talks about: death camps, control, the idea of people.. babies trapped in tubes.. you’ll recognise all this from The Matrix, as I said.

Oil, mechanisms, machines that hate us; destructive technology.. it all happened.

What if this little baby that is the universe; this little larvae that’s approaching culmination, has had to go through these stages? Because everything does. If you want to get rid of war, how do you get rid of war? You inoculate yourself against war by having the worst fuckin’ war you’ve ever had in your life. And everything after that’s just an aftershock. We’ve done nothing worse than what we did in those few years. Humanity’s never come close to anything like it. We’ve tried; there’s been a few lunatics who’ve tried. But nothing on that scale.

So what if we choose to imagine that humanity has passed through that stage?

We’ve reached the 21st century, and we’re now approaching Basic Perinatal Matrix 4. Which is: victory after war. Which is: the struggle is over. Which is: we’re all here; what do we do next?
There was no apocalypse; there was no Christ. There was no rapture. There is nothing. All this stuff is shit.

There is only us. And we’ve still got another thousand years, and maybe another thousand beyond that, and maybe another twenty thousand beyond that.

What are we gonna do?

Who are we?

Are we gonna stick to these personalities; these bounded, territorial things?

Are we gonna expand ourselves; make ourselves bigger? So that if you happen to like.. [say] ‘world music’ and I don’t, I can tap into your love of ‘world music’, and experience it – and it means something.

So all I’m suggesting here is that we all take up magic. Because basically it works. We can change the world. It’s quite simple; the technology’s there. The Buddhists have been telling us.. as I said, people have been telling us this for so long. And in the last two hundred years, it’s been driven underground and we’ve forgotten.

And people like us are here today to try and recover something of that. And the way to recover it, is to do it. Do the techniques. Go buy an Aleister Crowley book; [or] buy one by Phil Hine or Peter Carroll that’s a bit more up to date, and you don’t have to bother with that 18th century fucking language. But do the shit, and you will find it works.

And we stand here now. This is the counterculture. We are the counterculture.. this is like, this shit. I went to this thing in, like, 1987 and it was Robert Anton Wilson and the whole deal – and I remember sitting in the audience thinking “fuck, rave is dead”. Because it was that kind of thing; that version of it’s dead. The hippy version of it’s dead.

We stand here. And we’re looking ahead. What are we gonna do?

Abandon the personality is what I suggest.

Get rid of the sense of self. Get rid of the sense of “I”, and make yourself something bigger. 
Imagine that every time you want to learn something new, it’s a new computer program; you can buy the operating system; the update. You can learn to fly a plane in seven days according to Neuro-Linguistic Programming – so why not? Let’s do it.

Do we want to change things? Or are we just sitting here talking?

No answer.

Are we talking at all? Do we want to change things? Yeah! Right – that’s why we’re fucking here, man. That is why we’re here!

So what are we gonna do?

If you want to change things, the first thing you have to change is yourself.

Because if you don’t change yourself, you will take on the world as if it is yourself – and fuck up. You will really fuck up, because you don’t understand your own dark side. If you don’t understand your own weird, shitty side.. if you don’t understand the fact that there’s someone in there who will kill your mother, if need be – if you can’t take that on; if you can’t take that on board and realise that Charles Manson and me and you are not much different; that John Wayne Gacy and me and you are not much different – except that he did it. Y’know, there’s those days when I’m gonna kill that motherfucker over there – but we don’t do it.

But it’s in us, and it’s there. And so much of this is denial. That we have no dark side. You know: the hippies, and those lovely people in the rave era who were all on ecstasy – they tried to pretend we have no dark side. And what happened was they got fucked up by their own dark side. As will always happen.

So let’s kiss our dark sides; let’s fuck our dark sides. Get him down there where he belongs. And he can tell us stuff. Y’know, that thing’s useful.

But above all: let’s become plex-creatures. Complex, superplex – be able to take on new personality traits; able to take on new ideas; able to adapt; able to extend our boundaries into what was previously the ‘enemy territory’ – until the point where we become what was once our enemy, and they are us, and there is no distinction."

And they’ll be watching, going: 
“Man, that guy’s getting fucked; I wish I was.”
And they want in. They want in on this. 

So let’s, like Doug said, 

Invite them in. 
Let’s take them in. 

Let’s be like the diseased prion that destroys its host, and CJD.
Let’s go in there and give them something they cannot digest. 

Something they cannot process. Something so toxic, so dangerous, so powerful.. that it will breed, and destroy them utterly.
Not destroy them – turn them into us. 

Because that’s what we want. We want everybody to be cool. We don’t want to go in and think: 

“That guy over there’s gonna kill me; that guy hates me; that guy’s got some fucking weird agenda.”

Don’t we just wanna talk? And let it all go, and just say: 

“Hey, I’m interested in you; what have you got to tell me?”

That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? We communicate; we join up; we make networks; we make things happen.

And there are some people in the world who don’t wanna do that.
So let us infect them.

Infect them to the point where they become us.
Where there’s nothing left in this world, but us.
And then some kid’ll come up and fuck that as well.
And that’ll be exactly what we need at the time.
And that’s me finished, so thank you very much.

"So here’s my version of what happens :

Doing the comic, I set up these characters – the whole thing was set up as an adventure story, where there are some bad guys who live in another dimension, who want to enslave us all. And there’s some good guys who live in another dimension, who want us all to have a good time. In the middle, there is us. And we are obviously trying to have a good time; everybody wants to have a good time, y’know? Hitler wanted to have a good time. And, uh..

We all want to have a good time. So we’ve got to understand that, as a starter.

The more I set up these dualities – the more I set these people against the opposition – the more it started to seem like a complete crock, and that we’ve been sold this nonsense of opposition. And I began to find that the closer I got to the end of the series, the whole ‘opposition’ element of it was the least meaningful, least important part of it. And that we’ve actually been deluding ourselves in a lot of ways.

Beyond that, I found we’ve actually been deluding ourselves in the worst way of all by believing in the individual.

Stay with me on this.

Kafka, Orwell, Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner.. everyone told us The Individual was the most important thing we could be.

Everyone is fucking ‘quirky’ these days; every shit in their window of MTV is ‘quirky’. Everyone’s cool; everyone’s smart… it’s not true.

What if the individual was the fake? What if the individual’s the crock? And we’ve actually been sold that by “them”; by the man, the establishment.. whatever you want.

Because what occurred to me is that when you talk about the individual, and you deal with the individual, you find that the end of the individual is neurosis. To be individual means that there is “self” and “not self”. Okay?

So where I stop.. the boundaries of “me”, right, this physical body; the boundaries of me that stretch out.. things I believe in.. I’m sure we’d all be friends if we talked – but would we be friends with Newt Gingrich? No.

But that’s the point: I stop, where Newt Gingrich starts. Why is that? Why do I stop there? Why does *he* define my self-sense? And I can’t absorb him?

Why do these fuckers.. why does the Skull And Bones Society, or the CIA.. why do the 33º Masons – why are they different from us?

They’re not – they want to explain things. They want an answer. They’ve found an answer that seems to suit them – which seems kind of uncool and cruel to me, because it involves exploiting other people. But they’re looking for an answer.

We’re all looking for the same thing: 



Why *are* we here? What are you doing here today? What do you expect? What do you expect to take home with you?

Can anyone answer? Can one person tell me what you expect to take home from all of this? Come on, put your hand up.



Exactly. Because that is all we have. And that is all I can offer you, is experience. Of having done this shit, tested it, put it in the crucible to see what happens – and it works.

So I began to think more and more about the individual, and I looked into what that actually meant. And what it was, was a structure that was pretty much created… the ego structure was created out of what Julian Jaynes calls the “bicameral mind” becoming one mind.

And apparently – according to him – he says that back in the old days of the Greeks, and the earliest writing of the world, people didn’t have self-consciousness in the way that we have. They didn’t have egos. They didn’t understand themselves as “I” in the same way that we do. Because the corpus callosum – that connects the two hemispheres of the brain – wasn’t connected.

So if you heard a voice, that voice was God

And Homer, and all those guys, you’ve got plenty of examples of people hearing the voice of God, and acting on that. Alexander constantly acted on the voice of God.

Julian Jaynes suggests that it wasn’t the voice of God – it was the voice of the left hemisphere of the brain communicating with the right hemisphere of the brain, interpreted as a god.

So okay: now we’ve got the two things joined together. We’ve got this beautiful bridge in the middle that links the two. But we have the ego structure – which was created when those things linked.

Suddenly we’re like: 
“Oh fuck.
 I am I. 
I am the I Am. 
This is my.. my god is this. 
I am separate; I am one.”

We made this idea that we’re somehow separated from nature.

No we’re not. 


Again, I read New Scientist last month, right – and they’re talking about nature: “We must control nature; we must do this. How do we deal with our relationship with nature?”

We *are* fucking nature! 
There’s nothing on this planet that is not “nature”. 

Power stations are nature; 
atom bombs are nature. 

Because nature made us to make those things. 

Either you trust nature, 
or you don’t trust nature – 

and I trust nature.

So we have to ask: 
what is nature getting at here?

If we ignore this crap that we’re somehow isolated from nature; that we somehow have to tame nature… nature knows exactly what it’s doing.

The planet is not in danger.
We are.

The planet’ll survive. 
The planet’s been through, like, ammonia atmospheres and impossible-to-live-on, and everything dead – and it gets its way back out of it.

We’re in danger. Or so we think, because our hubris tells us that we are in danger. 
Our hubris tells us that we’re about to destroy the world; we’re gonna destroy the planet; 
we’ll fuck the atmosphere.

No. We’ll fuck *our* atmosphere. 
But some trilobites’ll come along and live in anything we create.

So that is not the problem.

The problem is we’re standing here at the 21st century, stuck with individuality. 

Because we’ve believed in it so much; it *seemed* so important that we should all be distinct. 

What happens if we stop being distinct?

And what happens if we think about individuality as something that was actually just scaffolding for where we are now?

So if you create a skyscraper, you put up your scaffolding, you build the building – and what’s happened here is that we’ve overlooked the building, and focussed on the scaffolding.

Y’know – why aren’t we taking the scaffolding down?

Let’s do it today: take the scaffolding down.

Because the individual was a way to get us to this point. 

And what I really think.. and basically why I’m here is to try and punt this notion.

After doing this comic book for six years; after thinking about this stuff for six years; after proving that it works for six years, I’m left with this notion: we’ve been fooled, and we’ve fooled ourselves, and we continue to fool ourselves – and, like Doug said: there is no “us” and no “them” – there’s just us. And somehow we’re trying to make this thing work. And it *does* work.
Say, for instance… most of us here are mostly pretty counter-culture types – y’know, we like our drugs, we like this and that; we like breaking a few rules. But we don’t like the police, in general.