Showing posts with label Lord Fanny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord Fanny. Show all posts

Sunday 6 November 2022

You Don't Understand The Implications

“When I was doing The Invisibles… I kind of went method acting on it. So if I had a transvestite witch character then I had to become a transvestite witch and see what that felt like and I had to summon Mayan and Mexican Gods and deal with Them and see what They look like and copy down what they have to say… I became the King Mob character, the Lord Fanny character… I was living out that book. The idea was to do almost like an art installation… you know I wound up in hospital because I had my lead character in hospital. This shaven headed bald guy who had lots of fun and sex and girls. So when he got sick, I got sick and when he got well I got well.
And I found I could put things inand it was very weird I still don’t know what it is and I ask other people to try this… 

Try and implicate Your Art and Your Life to such a degree that You can’t tell the difference anymore and strange things start to happen. Reality becomes very plastic. And it seems as if you can press buttons in Your Little Voodoo World, your little fictional Creation… and real things will happen… 
The more We test it the more it becomes a Human Technology that We can give to EVERYONE…”