Artificial Cage
"Who do you think that is, there...?"
Well, fairly self-evidently, it's a female bearing Prince's symbol that he was showing us.
That's his sigil - his True Name. Inverted.
"The original trio recorded a few demos before Prince met the then-named Denise Matthews, a model and Canadian B movie actress, in January 1982. Prince was so taken by her charisma that he decided she would be the perfect frontwoman for his "Hookers" project. Matthews was eventually re-christened Vanity.
Prince had originally suggested that she use the stage name "Vagina" (to be pronounced /vaginɑ/); she declined and renamed herself "Vanity" instead.
Other versions of the story suggest that it was Prince himself who coined the name "Vanity", as he said that looking at her was like looking in a mirror at the female version of himself.
Around this time, Prince and Vanity began a romantic relationship. "
"We expect Brother Nelson to be resurrected here on Earth, just like the Bible says, when Jehovah cleanses this Earth of all it's evil, there'll be a resurrection and we will welcome him back - and he'll be right [here] like flesh and blood, like you and me are talking here right now.
It's a deep, deep belief that we have."
Any day now, we expect to see him, in the flesh, alive and well.
He just might be Sister Nelson then.
And we will welcome him back with love and open arms.
"Electric Fetus"...?
This was his final tweet.
"Electric word 'Life', it means 'forever' and that's a mighty long time, but I'm here to tell ya - there's something else :
The AfterWorld."