Showing posts with label Borg Queen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Borg Queen. Show all posts

Sunday 21 August 2022

The Longing for Fathers

I and My Kind inherited a utopia 
built on Human Suffering. 

Mine is NOT any 
World You Know.


[Borg operating room]
(The entity originally Picard is being augmented. 
He gets a prosthetic forearm with attachments, 
and his skin turns white. 
A single tear rolls from his eye.)

Real Policemen, of course,
Don’t DO This
they go around 
in pairs.

— Kim Newman,
Commentary Track,
Exorcist III : LEGION

Robocop :
Aim for Me.

Submission to 
a Loving Authority.

It's okay not to know 
what you want. 

No, I know what I want. 
I know EXACTLY what 
I want right now. 

What's that? 

It's BAD

It's okay. 

I want someone to tell me 
What to Wear in The Morning. 

Okay, well, I think there 
are people who can —

No, I want someone to tell me 
what to wear every morning. 

I want someone to 
tell me what to eat, 
what to like, what to hate
what to rage about
what to listen to
what band to like
what to buy tickets for
what to joke about
what not to joke about. 

I want someone to tell me 
what to believe in
who to vote for
and who to love
and how to tell them. 

I just think I want 
someone to tell me 
How to Live My Life, Father, because 
so far I think I've been 
getting it wrong

And I know that's why people 
want people like you in their lives. Because you just tell them 
How to Do It. 

You just tell them 
What to Do, and 
What They'll Get 
out of the end of it. 

And even though I don't believe 
your bullshit
and I know that scientifically,
nothing I do 
makes any difference 
in the end anyway, 
I'm still scared! 
Why am I still so scared?! 

So just tell me 
what to do. 
Just fucking tell me 
what to do, Father! 



Just kneel.

"Almost all of The Book was based on stories my friends told me and stunts we pulled together. The rest was just a matter of looking for the themes, the topics that brought people together in Excited Conversations.

The Longing for Fathers 

was a theme I heard a lot.

The Resentment of Lifestyle Standards imposed by Advertising was another.

The Goal all along was to write a novel based on Being with People and Listening to Them. That's why so much of Fight Club was written In Publicat parties, in bars, at the gym, at work."

-- Palahniuk 

….Yes, it was a Day of Mourning 
for the families of 113 people 
known dead at this hour, 
among them, 
Two former United States Presidents 
who had retired in the Santa Barbara area.
A Day of Mourning for Our Country.

Police Union representatives and OCP continue negotiations today in hopes of averting a citywide Strike by Policescheduled to begin Tomorrow at Midnight.
Justin Ballard-Watkins has more :

‘They're still On Duty, 
but what about Tomorrow?’

That's The Question we put to people in the crime-plagued 
Lexington area —

“They're Public Servants.
They got Job Security.
They're not supposed to strike.

“It's a Free Society
except there ain't nothin' Free,
'cause there's No Guarantees, you know?

You're on Your Own.
It's The Law of The Jungle."

Be very careful.
Excuse me, please.
They must be remodeling.
Hiya, Barbara.

Listen, I'm here to see Dick Jones.
But when I'm done,
I've got some free time.
Maybe you could fit me in.

He's expecting you, Mr. Boddicker.
You can keep The Gum.

This looks good.

Get a measurement on that.
Bring a hammer, too.

Hey, Dickie boy. How's Tricks?

That Thing is Still Alive.
I don't know what you're talking about.

The Police Officer who arrested you, 
The one you spilled your guts to.

Hey. Take a look at My Face, Dick.
He was Trying to Kill Me.

He's a Cyborg, You Idiot.
He recorded every word you said.
His Memory's Admissible as Evidence.
You involved me.
You're gonna have to Kill It.

Listen, Chief.
Your Company built the fucking thing.
Now I gotta deal with it?
I don't have time for this bullshit.

Suit yourself, Clarence.
But Delta City begins construction 
in two months.
That's 2 Million Workers 
living in Trailers.
That means drugs, gambling, prostitution.
Virgin Territory for 
The Man who knows 
how to open up new markets.
One Man could Control it AllClarence.

I guess we're gonna 
be Friends after all, Richard.

Destroy It.

Gonna need some major firepower.
You got access to military weaponry?

We practically are The Military.

The Policeman :
Did You bring The Gun?

Partner :
The Precinct was deserted.
Half The Force didn't 
Show up for Work Today.
Everyone else Walks Out at Midnight.
I guess We're on Strike.

I wasn't sure What You Needed.
I sort of grabbed things.

Your Gun.
You asked for this?

(She produces from her bags several jars of pureed Orange & Apricot-Flavoured RoboCop Baby-Food.)

Partner :
I Brought You 
Some Food.

The Policeman :
No, Thank You --
I'm not hungry.

You may not like 
What You're Going to See.

Using the pit-mechanic's power-drill,
he begins to methodically 
unscrew and then remove 
his plate-armoured facial visor, 
one long retaining-screw at a time,
until finally --

Partner :
It's really Good to See You Again, Murphy.

The Policeman :
Murphy, had a Wife and Son --
What happened to them?

Partner :
....after The Funeral, 
she moved away.

The Policeman :
Where Did They Go?

Partner :
She Thought You were Dead.
....She started-over again.

The Policeman :
I can Feel Them.
But I can't Remember Them.

……Leave Me alone.