Tuesday 19 October 2021



Private property cannot be confiscated.

How long are the schools going to be closed?

I do not know.

"Article 47, pillage is formally prohibited."

You don't know anything!

I am familiar with the Hague Convention.

They come into our house and tell
us we don't live there anymore.

It now belongs to a certain SS officer.

Please. I only know What They Tell Me.
And What They Tell Me changes from day to day.

Aren't you supposed to be able to help?
I mean, what if I just took this thing off?
What are They going to do about it?

They will shoot you.
Why don't you stop this silly talk?

Itzhak Stern!
I'm looking for Itzhak Stern.

Are you Itzhak Stern or not?

I am. 
Where can we talk?

There's A Company you did the
books for on Lipowa Street.
Made what? Pots and pans?

By Law, I have to tell you sir, 
I am a Jew.

Well, I'm a German. 
So there we are.
( of-interest is the fact that he does not, at this stage (openly) conceed that you can be both -- although, Stern is Polish, in any case)

A good Company, you think?

Modestly successful.

I know nothing about enamelware. 
Do you?

I was just The Accountant.

Simple engineering though, wouldn't you think?
Change the machines around, whatever you do...

You could make other things, couldn't you?

Field kits, mess kits. Army contracts.

Once The War ends, forget it
but for now it's great.

You can make A Fortune, don't you think?

I think Most People right now
have other priorities.

Like what?

I'm sure you'll do just fine once you get the contracts.

In fact, the worse things get,
the better you'll do.

Well, I can get The Signatures I need.
That's the easy part.

Finding The Money to buy
The Company, that's hard.

You don't have any money?

Not that kind of money.
You know anybody?

Jews, yeah. Investors.
You must have contacts in
The Jewish Business Community, working here.

What Community? 
Jews can no longer own Businesses.
That's why this one's in Receivership.

But they wouldn't own it. I'd own it. 
I'd pay them back in Product, pots and pans.

Pots and pans.

Something they can use.

Something they can
feel in their hands.

They can trade it
on the black market,

do whatever they want.
Everybody's happy.

If you want, you could
run the company for me.

Let me understand.
They'd put up

all the money,
I'd do all the work.

What, if you don't mind
my asking, would you do?

I'd make sure it's known
the company's in business.

I'd see that it had
a certain panache.

That's what I'm good at, not the work.
Not The Work.

The Presentation.

I'm sure I don't know anybody
who'll be interested in this.

Well, They should be, Itzhak Stern.
Tell them they should be.

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