Wednesday 6 October 2021

It's Bad Business.

The SS will manage certain industries itself inside Plaszow.
A metalworks, brush factory,
another for reprocessing 
Jewish clothing from the ghettos 
for use by bombed-out families back home.

But it's Private Industry 
like yours that stands to benefit most
by moving inside The Wire of
Commandant Amon Goeth's camp...

Oskar Schindler :
No, no, no. Sit, sit. 
Julian, how are you?
Good to see you, my friend.

Oskar Schindler.
Leo John.

Oskar Schindler :
Franz, good to see you.

Hello, Oskar.
Glad you could join us.

Oskar Schindler :
My Pleasure. 
Julius. How are you?
You lost weight.

Only in the shoulders.
Please, everybody, sit down.

Oskar Schindler :
How are you doing?
Oskar Schindler.

We started without you.

Oskar Schindler :
Fine. I miss anything good?

I was explaining to Herr Bosch
and Herr Madritsch 
some of the benefits of moving
their factories into Plaszow.

Oskar Schindler :
I meant the food.

Since your labor is housed on-site,
it's available to you at all times.
You can work them all night if you want.

Your factory policies,
whatever they've been in the past,
they'll continue to be.
They'll be respected.

S.S. Commandant Amon Göth :
I have to know,
where do you get a suit like that?
What is that? Is that silk?

Oskar Schindler :
Of course.

S.S. Commandant Amon Göth :
Ja. It has a nice sheen about it.

Oskar Schindler :
Thank you.

S.S. Commandant Amon Göth :
Very nice.

Oskar Schindler :
I'd say I'd get you one, 
but the man who made it 
is probably dead. I don’t know.


Oskar Schindler :
I go to work the other day.
Nobody's there.

Nobody tells me about this. 
I have to find out.
I have to go in.

Everybody's gone.

S.S. Commandant Amon Göth :
No. No.
They're not Gone. 
They're Here.

They're mine! Every day that
goes by, I'm losing money.

Every worker that is
shot costs me money.

I have to find somebody else.
I have to train them.

We are going to be making so much money
that none of this is going to matter.

It's Bad Business.

S.S. Commandant Amon Göth :
Thank You.
Leave The Bottle.

Take that.
Lena, Thank You.

S.S. Commandant Amon Göth :
Scherner told me 
something else about you.

Oskar Schindler :
Yeah? What's that?

S.S. Commandant Amon Göth :
That you know the meaning
of the word "gratitude."

That it's not some vague thing 
with you like it is with others.

You want to stay where you are.
You've got things going on The Side.
Things are Good.

You don't want anybody
telling you What to Do.

I can understand all that, 
you know. I know you.

What you want is your own sub-camp.
Do you have any idea what is involved?
The paperwork alone,
and then you've got to
build the fucking thing.
Getting the fucking permits is
enough to drive you crazy.

Then The Engineers show up, 
they stand around, they argue about 
drainage, foundations, codes, 
exact specifications, 
parallel fences four kilometers long, 
1,200 kilograms of barbed wire, 
6,000 kilograms of electrified fences, 
ceramic insulators, 
three cubic meters of air space per prisoner.

I'm telling you, 
you want to shoot somebody. 
I've been through it, you know? 
I know.

Oskar Schindler :
Well, you know
You've been through it.
You could make things easier for me.
I'd be grateful.

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