Wednesday 26 October 2022

The Patient

Dr Willis?

Dr. Willis :
I must have certain undertakings...
Authority over The Patient,
access to him at all times.

Prime Minister Pitt :
You will reside here at Windsorand 
Parliament will have to be kept informed
so you will need to write bulletins.

They must be confident, optimistic.
The Survival of The Government
depends upon it --

....and, Dr Willis, 
You are My Doctor.
Do You Understand?

Dr. Willis :
I'm The King's Doctor, sir.

Prime Minister Pitt : is the same thing.

In here, sir.

Dr. Willis :
Do you know, Mr Greville,
the state of Monarchy
and the state of Lunacy,
share a frontier?

Some of my lunatics
fancy themselves kings.

He... is The King.
Where shall his fancy take refuge?

We do not use the word 'lunatic',
sir, in relation to His Majesty.

Dr. Willis :
Oh.....Well, who's to say what's 
'normal' in A King? Hmm?
Deferred to, agreed with,
acquiesced in.

Who can flourish on such 
daily diet of Compliance?

To be curbed -- stood up-to...
in a word, thwarted....
Exercises the character,
elasticates the spirit,
makes it more pliant --

It's the want of such exercise
that makes rulers rigid.

Sharp, sharp!
The King, The King!

This is The King, sir.

Dr. Willis :
.....Whom I must cure.

Dr. Willis :
...As straight as a ruler,
straight as a ruler
done by a ruler.
And another beside that
until you have
as pretty a ploughed field
this side of Cirencester.
(Willis) I have a farm.
Put us out of our kingdom.
We'd not want for employment.
Give me the management
of 50 acres, and I could do it.
I said...
I have a farm, Your Majesty.
This gentleman, sir,
has made the illness
under which Your Majesty labours
his special study, sir.
A mad doctor, is it?
I'm not mad, just nervous.
I shall endeavour to...
alleviate some
of the inconveniences
from which Your Majesty suffers.
And salt besides rubbed
into these wounds. Look!
By your dress, sir,
and general demeanour,
I'd say you were
a minister of God.

That's true. I was once
in the service of the church.
Now I practice medicine.
You've quitted a profession
I've always loved
and embraced one
I most heartily detest.
Our saviour went about
healing the sick.
But he had not
Ha ha ha!
Well, that's not bad
for a madman.
I have a hospital
in Lincolnshire.
Yes, I know Lincolnshire.
Fine sheep there.
Admirable sheep.
Pigs, too.
But I know of no hospitals.
My patients work, sir.
They till the soil, cultivate...
and in so doing,
they acquire a better
conceit of themselves.
I'm king of England.
A man can have
no better conceit of himself.
Do you look at me, sir?
I do, sir.
I have you in my eye.
No, I have you in mine.
You're bold, sir.
But by God, I'm bolder.
Don't look at me!
I'm not one of your farmers!
You must behave!
Must? Whose must is this,
your must or my must?
Get away from me,
you bum sucker.
Lincolnshire lick-fingers!

Clean your tongue, sir.

I will not! I'll be a guest
in the graveyard first.
Very well. If Your Majesty 
will not behave, you 
must be restrained.

When felons
were induced to talk,
they were shown first the
instruments of their torture.
The king is shown
the instrument of his
to induce him not to talk.
Well, I won't, I won't.
I won't.
Bring him back. Bring him back!
What are you doing?
This is the king!
What are you doing, sir?
No. No. No. No.
This is the king, sir!
This is the king!

I'm The King!
Take Your Hands off Me!
This is The King!

Dr. Willis :
Sit him down. Sit him down.

I'll have your hospital...
Help me! Help!

Dr. Willis :
If The King refuses Food,
he will be restrained.

If he claims to have no appetite, 
he will be restrained.

If he swears and indulges
in meaningless discourse...
he will be restrained.

If he throws off his bedclothes,
tears away his bandages,
scratches at his sores,
and does not strive every day
towards his own recovery —
then he must be restrained.

King George III :
I am The King of England!

Dr. Willis :
No, sir!
You are The Patient!

Not permitted.
Not permitted!
We recommended him,
and still it is not permitted.
None of them know him.
Come, Baker, for heaven's sake

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