Thursday 13 October 2022

Dark Fruit

Ship :
Welcome. Analysis reveals 
Ship operating at 
37% efficiency
Would you like to assume 

Luthor :
Yes, I would
Yes, I would

Ship :
Very well. Let's begin. 

The Kryptonian archive contains knowledge 
from 100,000 different worlds. 

Luthor :
Good. Teach me

Ship :
Alexander Luthor, 
your security override 
has been accepted. 

Genesis Chamber ready 
to analyse genetic sample. 

Acknowledging presence 
of genetic material. 

I've identified the host 
as General Zod of Kandor. 

Acknowledging presence 
of foreign genetic material. 

Luthor :
You flew too close to The Sun. 
Now look at you. 

Ship :
Advising. Action forbidden. 
It has been decreed 
by The Council of Krypton 
that none will ever again 
give life to a deformity 
so hateful to sight and memory. 

The Desecration without Name. 

Luthor :
And where is 
The Council of Krypton? 

Ship :
Destroyed, sir. 

Luthor :
Then proceed. 

Ship :
Very well. 
Preparing chrysalis and 
commencing metamorphosis. 

"And so we are left to wonder if Superman was aware of the threat and did nothing, was he then complicit in the Capitol tragedy?" 

Perry White :
Still no Kent? 

"His disappearance raises questions." 


"There are still so many unanswered questions. 
Chief among them, whether Superman was involved in the planning of this attack. 
I mean, here's an individual 
who has unlimited Power, 
yet did nothing to stop the bomb 
just a few feet away from him. 
It just doesn't add up for investigators. 

Burn him, burn him, burn him. 
Burn him, burn him, burn him. 

For 20 American, he didn't see you. 
Same for me. 

Now one FBI official familiar with this case 
told me they found quote, 
"A jackpot of bomb materials 
inside Keefe's apartment. " 

What they need to determine now 
is whether he had any help 
in the planning and execution 
of the bomb. 
And they haven't ruled out the idea that Superman was a co-conspirator

Now, my sources are telling me they are getting a barrage of anonymous and credible tips with all roads in this investigation leading to the Kryptonian visitor. 

Gotham Cop :
All right, Lois. 
You gotta go. 

Lois Lane :
He didn't know he was gonna die. 
He just bought groceries. 

The Martian Manhunter :
The Wheelchair and The Bullet 
from The Desert were made 
from the same metal. 

Lois Lane :
I know. The Desert. The Hearing
Everywhere Superman goes
Luthor wants Death

The Martian Manhunter 
But, Luthor goes through 
all of that Trouble..
Creates A Bomb out of 
A Wheelchair
and then alters it to 
reduce The Blast? 

Lois Lane :
What do you mean...? 

The Martian Manhunter 
The inside of The Chair 
was lined with Lead.
Lois Lane :
….You couldn't stop it;
You couldn't see it. 

On a Mountaintop :

Johnathan Kent's Ghost :
Something, isn't it? 
We Men of Kansas live on a pancake, 
so we come to The Mountains. 
All downhill from here, 
down to the floodplain. 
Farm at The Bottom of The World. 

I remember one season 
The Water came bad
I couldn't have been 12. 
Dad handed out the shovels 
and we went at it all night. 
We worked till, I think, I fainted. 
But we managed to Stop The Water. 
We Saved The Farm. 
Your grandma baked me a cake. 
Said I was A Hero. 
Later that day we found out 
we blocked The Water all right. 
We sent it upstream
The whole Lang farm 
washed away. 
While I ate My Hero Cake, 
their horses were drowning. 

I used to hear them 
wailing in my sleep. 

Clark :
Did the nightmares ever stop? 

Johnathan Kent's Ghost :
Yeah. When I met 
Your Mother. 
She gave me Faith that 
There's Good in This World. 
She was My World. 
I miss you, son. 

Clark :
I miss you too, Dad. 


Alfred :
You know you can't win this. 
It's suicide

Bruce Wayne :
I'm older now than 
My Father ever was. 
This may be the only 
thing I do that matters. 

Alfred :
20 years of fighting criminals 
in Gotham amounts to nothing

Bruce Wayne :
Criminals are like 
weeds, Alfred. 
Pull one up, another 
grows in its place. 
This is about The Future 
of The World

This is My Legacy

My Father sat me 
down right here. 
Told me what 
Wayne Manor 
was built on. 

real estates, 
and oil. 

The first generation 
made their fortune 
trading with The French. 
Pelts and skins. 
They were Hunters

Alfred : falls The House of Wayne. 

"We gotta wait for more evidence, 
but The Question still remains, where is he? 
If Superman was not involved, if he's got nothing to hide, then why hasn 't he been seen since the day of this tragedy? You can't point a finger and... I'm not pointing anything, Warren. Look. Ten fingers, see? 
If there is going to be a criminal... 
The night is here. Excuse me. 
Don't I know... 

Luthor :
Plain Lo in the morning. 
Lola in slacks. 
Lois Lane. Mmm. 
Come see The View. 
Um... Mmm-mmm. 
Now The Secret to The Height 
is the building material
It's light metals which 
sway a bit in the wind. 
Hmm. And you know something 
about LexCorp metals, 
don't you, Miss Lane? 

Lois Lane :
I've proven What You've Done

Luthor :
Wow, you're feisty. 
Unfortunately, that will blow away. 
Like sand in The Desert. 

Lois Lane :
You're psychotic. 

Luthor :
That is a three-syllable word 
for any thought too big 
for little minds

Hmm. Next Category : Circles
Round and round and round they go 
to find Superman. 

Wrong category, boy. 
No, no, Triangles
Yes, Euclid's Triangle Inequality
The shortest distance 
between any two points 
is A Straight Path
And I believe the straightest path 
to Superman is a pretty little road... 
Mmm. Called Lois Lane. 

He shoves her off The Building --
Superman catches her -- of course.

Luthor :
You came back. You came back
Boy, do we have problems up here! 
The Problem of... of
Evil in The World. 
Uh, The Problem of 
Absolute Virtue

Superman :
I'll take you in without breaking you. 
Which is more than you deserve. 

Luthor :
The Problem of You on top 
of Everything Else.
You above all. Ah, because 
That's What God Is. 

Horus. Apollo. 
Jehovah. Kal-El. 
Clark Joseph Kent. 

See, What We call 
'God' depends upon 
Our Tribe, Clark-Joe. 
Because God is Tribal. 
God Takes Sides

No man in the sky intervened 
when I was a boy to deliver me 
from Daddy's fist and abominations. 
Mmm. I figured out way back, 
if God is all-powerful
He cannot be all-good
And if He is all-good, then 
He cannot be all-powerful. 
And neither can you be. 

They need to see 
the fraud you are
With their eyes. 
The blood on 
your hands. 

Superman :
What have you done? 

Luthor :
Hmm. And tonight, they will. Yes. 
Because you, My Friend, have a date. 
Hmm. Across the bay. 
Ripe Fruit, his hate. 
Two years growing. 

But it did not take much 
to push him over, actually. 
Little red notes, big bang. 
'You let your family die!' 

And now you will fly to him. 
And you will battle him. To The Death. 
Black and Blue. Fight Night! 
The greatest gladiator match 
in the history of the world. 
God versus Man. Day versus Night. 
Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham. 

Superman :
You think I'll fight him for you? 

Luthor :
Hmm, yes, I do. I think 
you will fight-fight-fight 
for that special lady in your life. 

Superman :
She's safe on The Ground. 
How about you? 

Luthor :
Close, but I am not talking about Lois. No.
Every boy's special lady is His Mother
Martha, Martha, Martha. Hmm. 
Why, the mother of a flying demon 
must be A Witch. 
The punishment for 
witches, what is that? 

That's right. Death by Fire. 

Superman :
Where is she? 

Luthor :
I don't know! I would not 
let them tell me! 
Uh-uh-uh! If you kill me, Martha Dies. 
And if you fly away, mmm, 
Martha also Dies. 
But if you kill The Bat... Martha Lives.
There we go. There we go. 
Hmm. And now God bends to my will. 

Ooh, now the cameras are 
waiting at your ship. 
For the world to see the holes in the holy. 
Yes, The Almighty comes clean 
about how dirty he is when it counts. 
To save Martha, bring me 
The Head of The Bat. 

Ah. Mother of God, would 
you look at the time? 
When you came here, 
you had an hour. 
Now it's less.

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