Tuesday 18 October 2022

I DON'T Think So.

Jordan Peterson DESTROYS His Liberal 
friend over Eliot Page's Mean Tweet

"Shall we close up with the Elliott page
tweet? I think that we've talked about it
all through...."

Yeah we have and and I think
that I don't know I don't know if
there's more to really add.... 

"Well so so
here's it with me I mean choose your
words carefully yeah choose your words
carefully criminal physician has a bunch
of connotations if you're is it a
criminal physician if somebody gets
their face tattooed times if they
get implants all over their body there's
a million things that well that's a good
deal that's a good question and that
that's a whole separate discussion right
because you have a not really because
you're picking one out and you're not
looking at the others just like you did
with Justice Jackson well you can't look
at all them at the same time but you
look at one set particularly mostly
recently yeah and it's of a direction I
know I know that but it's also the case

that it's in that set is causing a

tremendous amount of trouble the first
Look, Rick -- 

I knew when the pronoun bill came out, 
I knew that for every trans kid that 
was hypothetically saved, we would
Doom a hundred confused adolescent
females, because it that had already
happened on the anorexia front --
it was like, if you knew the literature, 
it was obvious what was going to happen --

And so this this is there is an element of the
argument that's like "Well, where do
adults have The Right to draw the line
with regards to their own 
surgical transformation?" 

Perfectly reasonable thing to debate, 
"To what degree can Physicians 
be complicit in this?" because then 
is a there is a Hippocratic Oath
problem there? Just because someone wants 
to have horns implanted  in their head
which people have had done, 
doesn't mean The Physician 
has a moral right to do that 
and I know that those lines have to
be drawn, and the the issue with regard
to surgical enhancements say sexual
"Surgical Enhancement is also another
borderline." but this is... 

There is a line here, it's like "We're enticing 
Young People with this fluidity issue -- 
We're enticing Young People to sterilize and
mutilate themselves and not just a few, 
a lot and and the incidence has skyrocketed 
to the point where yesterday, 
or the day before,  The UK closed its 
primary gender transformation clinic -- it's like, 
so this is not just a difference in degree.

With porn It's Kind 

Porn is decimating.... 

Yeah that's right, right but 
don't think it's reasonable to say 
that I shouldn't have gone after the 
trans-minor problem because 
I didn't simultaneously go after 
the porn problem.

but I don't go after a trans minor
problem in a way that made any sense
because you don't know okay well I'm
sorry let's say like Elliott page
is not a rapid onset gender dysphoria
convert who spent too long at
Marlborough School in La maybe Hmm this
may be okay I don't believe so we have
we can I think you could make a case
he isn't
he did it when when this was not trendy
he did it when Ellen Page walked away
from a lucrative career.... 

But people can be unbelievably confused 
for a very long period of time and
the mere fact that it's been a long time 
that they've been confused doesn't mean 
that they've thought it through 
when they make their decision 
and I would say "It hasn't been."

Okay, wouldn't have been public, that's
the thing -- it's like okay, "Why everything
you think through wrong, is public." 

"And we're having a whole conversation about
the fact that you make mistakes, right?"

But, so, here's enticing adolescent girls
to sterilize themselves 

Okay but are you enticing when you make 
that comment about a swimsuit model,
Young Men who worship you and think 
that you're saint-like to act 
like pigs to women?

No, but I might be encouraging them
to not respect the things I'm saying
because I'm being in cautious and I
would say even if the so make sure
with Elliott page
okay yeah but the the it's the
consequences yeah it's like look you had
you had your psychological problems
whatever they might be I'm not going to
argue about what they are
um you rectified them in a very very
dramatic way and perhaps that was your
right and perhaps it was the right of
the surgeons although I'm not convinced
of either of those things by the way it
may be the case but I'm not convinced of
it but then
you made it not only public but
triumphantly public I finally found my
true self and I'm a model for emulation
it's like I don't think so
I don't think so but if he did do you
believe anyone is trans
I wouldn't like with all the variations
in the world including I know the answer
that question
someone comes to me and asks me that
question because people have asked me
those questions and the answer is we
need to talk about it for hours
that's the answer okay so and so okay
because who knows what someone really is
I mean none of us know who we really are
so if do I believe that that um that men
can be born in women's bodies
I certainly don't believe that statement
is this is in any way an adequate
representation of either the problem set
or the solution here's an example
do you believe that anorexic women who
think they're too thin are too thin
because they sure think they are and I
really I do not see how that's not
and you know we wouldn't have so for me
this is where it taxes the personal yeah
where I have a friend a family member
working class Mexican really funny
really irreverent yeah
went through therapy master's degree two
years of therapy yeah calmly decide a
huge fan of yours yeah
listens to you every night went through
transition only questions that he came
to me with were how how do I be a better
man because I always say it's hard
enough to be one gender to do one gender
well half of us aren't doing it right
yeah it's hard enough to be gay and then
if you want to switch gender and to me
in this in this individual and I I don't
want to get into stats and numbers
because it's it's a different argument
and I'm and I probably can't keep up
yeah this person is the fullest
embodiment of who he is meant to be and
it's somebody who I know intimately
maybe well as much as you could judge
any as much as you are for me in my eyes
so whatever my opinion estimation is
worth well okay that'll switch things
into a slightly different so argument
I'm willing to accept that because if
that's an acceptance then again wait a
sec there's a there's contingency okay
if in finding your true identity you
violate a cultural norm that's so
profound that you destabilize the old
the entire country the entire culture
then maybe you don't have the right to
do that even if it actualizes yourself
um but yeah I don't know right it is the
manner of Twitter right like how many
people who are not activists are you
engaged with regularly with their
in the public Marketplace of ideas like
not a lot right there's a bit they
haven't had a full negotiation with the
American public yet right there's no RV
milk there's no Martin Luther King like
it's it's a conversation that hasn't
happened well I don't even know and he
said that that branch of the the lgbtq
plus Community should be conceptualized
in that manner that's the thing that
liberals do immediately this is another
civil rights battle it's like yeah oh no
maybe not but maybe not but what I'm
saying is is well maybe but maybe not
gets proven if somebody can come forth
who appropriately negotiates with the
culture Acceptance in a manner that is
moral and by moral well it is it doesn't
mean so John Lewis another problem
that's emerged out of this that's very
very complicated it's like okay so now
the trans Community is brought into the
realm of normativity in some sense let's
say and so now and so here's where the
wheel the wheel hits the the road so now
you're a year old and you're you're
wondering about your gender identity and
your sexuality or maybe you're and
you're confused because maybe you're a
pretty feminine boy and maybe you're
tilted biologically towards being
homosexual and now the conversation is
well maybe you should be castrated
and the answer that question is
yeah maybe that'll happen yeah and then
there's another question that comes up
is like
so is it so clear that the gay community
is better off under the Aegis of the
trans umbrella than they were under the
ages of the Monas uh the heterosexual
monogamists and the answer to that seems
to me to be not only are they not better
off they're way way worse wait there's
one more thing there's one more thing
the the inclusion violates the ideal and
the norm and you think well that's
necessary because then it includes but
one of the consequences might be that if
you extend the ideal so that it's too
inclusive you blow the ideal so that
it's even worse for those yeah yeah and
I really do think that's happening I
know that this battle I do too I do too
and I agree with everything that you've
said about the complexities and the
thing that is the hardest is the removal
of counsel
teachers Physicians everybody
psychologists who is no longer no longer
allowed to have these conversations
sometimes say well how do I know they're
not allowed to have these conversations
and the answer is because I have 
lawsuits against me that's right for
having these conversations however badly
I'm having them so so now we are
strategically transform children that we
are not allowed to talk to yes and I
think that Elliot page
aided and abetted that okay and and
pridefully so there's two conversations
that we're having and it's important to
break it down so one of them is in me
saying do you think anyone's trans
there's not a clear answer you can get
for that I have a different opinion that
I believe that there are people that
that is their fullest most embodied self
that's my opinion you don't need to
share it
well I would just say I don't know
because I have to talk to them great so
then so talk to them and I mean people
have all sorts of weird identities you
know so a God only knows but so part of
it for me and then there's the whole
issue of how it's moving through the
culture which I do not want to defend
because I don't agree with that so I
don't want to get pulled into a defense
from me saying this of you saying well
that's what you liberals do all the time
you bring it in and you normalize it and
you pull it and then you decimate what
the norm is I'm saying well there's all
I'm saying some advantages to to
bringing in the margins into the center
to the degree that you can manage so
what I'm saying is is it has that is a
conversation that has gone too fast
given Twitter in the pace of
conversation like if you're blowing up
Dave Chappelle right right and Dave
Chappelle is like especially for that
comedy performance did you listen to it
do you think he's anti-trans are you
utterly clue I would never hesitate to
have Dave Chappelle at my house with my
transgender godson at the table and
think it would be anything

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