Sunday 9 October 2022

I Need You, Brother.



" There are Women for whom we can predict few wooers and Men who are likely to have few friends. They have nothing to offer.

But almost anyone can become an Object of Affection; The Ugly, The Stupid, even The Exasperating.

There need be no apparent fitness between those whom it unites.

I have seen it felt for an imbecile not only by his parents but by his brothers. "


"She became The Voice for his Inner Needs, his Inner Feelings, and in some ways, that's what she becomes for all of their lives."


"She had a Discipline, and a Willpower that was STAGGERING.

She said to me once, "The Only Time in My Life that I cried, in his presence, when he had Polio, was when he called us into The Room, and he showed us :-- 'Look!', he said, 'Look what I can do!'

He was phobic about being caught in A Fire -- Helpless, in A Fire --

He got himself down from The Bed, and he showed them, with great Pride, he slithered on The Floor, using his elbows, to get to The Door --

And with that, Mrs. Roosevelt broke down in tears, and she fled.

And she said that that was The Only Time, she didn't control herself in front of him."

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