It’s not her —
it’s Vader.
He’ll Attack, Next.
He Doesn’t Have
The Paitence for a Siege.
Joyce is serving dinner to Faith.
So you're A Slayer, too.
Isn't that interesting!
Do you like it?
(sets down the bowl)
God, I love it!
(wants the bowl)
Uh, Mom?
Joyce: (waves her off)
Uh, just a second, honey.
(scoops broccoli onto Faith's plate)
You know, Buffy never talks that way. Why do you love it?
Buffy gives up and grabs a pair of tongs to take some fries for herself.
Well, when I'm fighting, it's like
The Whole World goes away and
I only know one thing:
That I'm gonna win
and they're gonna lose.
I like that feelin'.
(digs into her food)
Joyce smiles at that and takes her seat.
Well, sure. Really beats that dead feeling you get
when they win and you lose.
I don't let that kind
of negative thinking in.
(points at Faith)
Right. (shakes her finger)
Right. That could get you hurt.
Buffy can be awfully negative sometimes. (to Buffy)
See, honey, you
gotta fight that.
(smiles back weakly)
I'm workin’ on it.
(keeps taking fries)

There's no way out, Master. ( Straining ) Admit you are beaten. Roken: What is it? What's wrong? It's over. I'm going back. You can't quit. I fought for too long. You can't just throw that away. It won't make a difference. They want all of us. Vader wants me. If you surrender, she died for nothing. He'll keep coming. That's why I have to stop him. You're going to fight him? He expects me to surrender. He knows I'll do everything I can to protect these people. You'll be on your own. No. Haja, look out for her, will you? You want to tell me how you're gonna fight without a weapon? There are other ways to fight. ( Grunting ) Stormtrooper: Seize him. Come on, where is it?
Inform Lord Vader,
Kenobi is ours.
He's on his way.
You're gonna die soon.
Ben :
( Whispering )
You're not bringing him to me.
I'm bringing him to you.
This isn't over yet —
There are families back there. Children.
Are you gonna let him do it again,
what he did to you?
We could end this together.
What Makes You THINK
He Won't SEE it Coming?
Because ALL He’ll See is ME.
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