Thursday 23 June 2022

Officer Presence

Sergeant MacDonald will continue
with the training discussion
on Officer Safety. Sergeant?

Sgt. MacDonald :
We've been talking about
Patrol Bureau Memorandum 39.
Like it says, an officer gets into
many different kinds of 
emotionally charged situations.

The best guarantee 
any of you have
that such a situation 
won't get out of hand is 
"Officer Presence."

In simple English, that means...
...remember, when you're 
up against a criminal,
if YOU believe that 
You're a Better Man than he is,
he'll believe it, too.

Any questions?
All right, fall in for inspection.

Reed :
I guess there is more to Officer Presence than just being there.
Does that mean, you got more Presence if you're as big as Baldwin?

Mallory :
That's not Presence, that's lard.
I had a partner once that had the best appearance of anybody I ever saw.

Reed :
Is that right?
How was his Presence?

Mallory :

Reed :

Mallory :

Reed :
About that Officer Presence business, does it really work?

Mallory :
It depends.

Reed :
On what?

On whether you really understand how to use it.

Reed :
The Trouble is, I don't think 
I DO understand.

Mallory :

Reed :
How to use it.

Mallory :
Well, why didn't you ask some questions 
back at roll call?

Reed :
I don't know. 
I guess I was just afraid of 
sounding stupid back there.
You know, in front of 
the whole watch.

Mallory :
Besides, you figured you could always ask me.

Reed :
You're My Partner. 
It's supposed to be part of your job.

Mallory :
Okay, ask.

Reed :
I'd like to know how you impose Your Presence 
other than by, well, just being there.

Mallory :
You let people know 
Who You Are, 
What You Represent.
Mostly, its The Way You 
Talk to 'em.

Reed :
You really think that does it, huh?

Mallory :
Usually. Unless your voice cracks in the middle.

Reed :

Mallory :

Reed :
Just one thing, did you know
your gun was empty?

Mallory :
Yeah, I knew it.
Trouble was if I'd stopped to reload, 
I could've wound up dead.

[police radio chattering]

Reed :
You know that stuff The Sergeant was
talking about today, 
Officer Presence?
I guess I just got The Message.

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