Sunday 5 June 2022

The Sexhibition

“No, really, though, 
this Sexhibition isn't about 
metrying to get you 
all aroused, it's about 
The Beauty of Sex. 
And how it brings us 
all together. 

How it excites and connects
how it opens people's minds, 
after all, sex got us all here. 
Sex brings Life

I've been building 
this Sexhibition 
since I was 11 and a quarter, 
which is when I first climaxed 
(by accident) on a bidet —

The bidet is, of course, 
exhibited here, as are 
all of the pieces from 
my first ever Sexhibition. 

….All apart from one
few weeks ago one of 
my most delicate pieces 
was stolen from My Studio. 

But in a sense it was a blessing
In fact, her brutal snatching 
made me think of 
the women of the world 
who’ve been robbed 
of their freedom, 
of their happiness, and, 
in the saddest of cases, 
of their bodies

So in many ways I have 
to thank the thief 
for creating 
my most profound piece 
of work to date... 
A Woman Robbed. 


Now, I would ask you all 
to leave your genitals at the door 
and bring your minds 
to these pieces. 

I don't believe people 
always think about sex 
when they see a naked body, 
I believe they think about 
their own minds
their own bodies, and 
their own Power

And that's what this show 
is really about... 
It’s about Power

Thank You. 


“Every woman has an Aphrodite in her. 

She is recognized by her overwhelming femininity and 
vast, impersonal, unrelatable majesty.

This Aphrodite is the great mother goddess as seen through the eyes of her future daughter-in-law. When a woman mediates beauty and grace to the world, often it is the Aphrodite or Venus energy at work. But when Aphrodite is confronting her daughter-in-law she is jealous, competitive and determined to set out hurdles for Psyche at every turn. 

This drama of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is acted out in every culture and is one of the psychic irritants which can contribute so much to a young woman’s growth. 

For a young woman to cope with her Mother-in-Law’s Power System is to attain feminine maturity. She is no longer that dewdrop which came so naively into the world and into her marriage.

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