Monday 6 June 2022

The Man from The Moon

Two :
May I join you?

You're a good neighbour, I hope?

There are people who talk
and people who don't,
which means there are
some who leave this place 
and some who do not leave.

You are obviously staying.

Six :
Does it ever occur to You,
You're just as much
A Prisoner as I am.

Two :
Of, My Dear Chap, of course
I know too much -
we're both Lifers.

I am Definitely an Optimist. 
That's why it doesn't matter
who Number One is.
It doesn't matter which side runs The Village.

Six :
It's run by one side 
or The Other.

Two :
Oh, certainly.
But both sides are becoming identical.

What has been created
is an international community,
a perfect blueprint 
for World Order.

When the sides facing each other both realise 
They're looking into A Mirror,
They'll see this is 
the pattern for 
The Future.

Six :
The Whole Earth 
as The Village?

Two :
That is My Hope. 
What's Yours?

Six :
To be the first 
Man on The Moon.

Two :
Well, must go. Delightful chat.
Thank you, Number Six.

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