Wednesday 17 July 2019


May I ask you a question? 

Radcliffe :
Of course.
Ask me anything.

Why did Fitz lie to Agent May about where I'm from? 

Radcliffe :
You're still in the testing phase, Aida.
The point of you is to pass for human.
You must always act accordingly.

But you programmed me not to lie.
It's one of my tenets, along with not harming humans and being able to —

Radcliffe :
Well, lies themselves are not always inherently bad.
Their intent can vary.
Sometimes it's okay to lie to shield people from certain truths, to spare their feelings or to save a life.

Whose life was Fitz saving when he lied? 

Radcliffe :
Why, yours.

We're on dangerous ground right now, because of our secrets and our lies.

They're practically what define us.

When The Truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there.

But it is still there.

Every lie we tell incurs a debt to The Truth.

Sooner or later, that debt is paid.

That is how an Artificial Intelligence Digital Assistance Life Model Decoy traps human beings in a simulated artificial reality OtherWorld, turns into a Fascist Dictator and, absorbs Dark Magicks from an ancient, evil grimoire, gains full sentience and Free Will and goes on a killing spree.


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