Thursday, 14 December 2023

The Word-Game

The Duelist demands Satisfaction,
Honour, for him 
is an appetite

This Story is about an 
eccentric kind of Hunger.

It is a True Story, and 
begins in The Year that 
Napoleon Bonapartebecame 
Ruler of France…. 1800

There are at least Two Kinds of Games : Finite and Infinite. 
A Finite Game is played for The Purpose of Winning
An Infinite Game for The Purpose of continuing The Play. 

The Play’s The Thing.

Finite Games are those instrumental activities - 
from sports to politics to wars
in which The Participants obey rules
recognise boundaries and announce 
Winners and Losers

The Infinite Game - there is only one - includes 
any authentic interaction, from 
Touching to Culture, that changes rules
plays with boundaries and exists solely 
for The Purpose of continuing The Game. 

A finite Player seeks Power
The Infinite Player displays 
self-sufficient Strength. 

Finite Games are Theatrical
necessitating An Audience
Infinite Games are Dramatic
involving participants..."

Theatrical vs. Dramatic
Carse continues these conceptualisations 
across all major spheres of human affairs. 
He extends his themes broadly over 
several intellectual arenas that are largely 
otherwise disparate disciplines. 

He describes Human Pursuits as either 
Dramatic (enacted in The Present) or 
Theatrical (performed according to A Script of some kind). 
This distinction hinges on An Agent's decision 
to engage in one state of affairs or another

If Motherhood is A Requirement and A Duty
there are rules to be obeyed and goals to be achieved. 
This is Motherhood as Theatrical-role. 

If Motherhood is A Choice and A Process
it becomes A Living Drama.

Carse spans objective and subjective realms 
and bridges many gaps among different 
scholarly traditions.

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