Monday 25 December 2023


“It's an interesting peculiarity of The Doctor's prose style that he almost always refers to himself in the third person. He rarely says 'I', he tends to use 'he'. It's almost never 'me', it's 'The Doctor'.

There are many theories about this. My personal favourite, is that "The Doctor' — the title he chose, rather than the name he was born with — is more of an idea in his head, than a statement of his identity. The Doctor is the man he aspires to be, not the man he believes he is
What, then, are we to make of his occasional lapses, because there are many times — some purposeful, some seemingly accidental - when 'The Doctor' becomes 'me'. Are these moments, perhaps, of personal weakness or even fear, when he has failed to live up to the standards he long ago set him-self?”

Also, you will notice, he is happy to invent interior monologues for other people, which betrays the arrogance so characteristic of him. In fairness he is blessed with exceptional levels of empathy, and even low-level telepathy, so we should not assume they are entirely fictional.”

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