Tuesday 6 July 2021

Evil Must Be Opposed

DS9 Resistance/Occupation-Evil must be opposed.

(older woman) 
The Dominion is Evil
and the Prophets tell us that Evil must be opposed.

You'll get no argument from me there, Vedek. 
But protests and demonstrations aren't going to change anything. 
They're just going to cause trouble for everyone.

Then what would you have us do to oppose The Dominion?

I don't think there's anything you or the other Vedeks can do right now.

I see. Then as a Bajoran liaison officer, 
what will you be doing to fight the Dominion?

Fighting isn't an option. 
This is different than the Cardassian occupation.

Is it? The Cardassians are in control of this station. 
Bajoran freedoms are being curtailed one by one. 
And soon the first wave of alien troops will be landing on our world.

We're talking about unarmed Vorta facilitators. 
They come in, they do their job, and they're gone.

Can't you see what is happening to you? 
You're becoming an apologist for them, a defender of evil. 
What will it take to make you act, Kira? 
To stop accepting them and start fighting back?

Vedek, you just don't understand.

You are right. I don't. 

Maybe tomorrow we will both understand.

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