Tuesday, 17 December 2019


I sent my wife away.
l sent Peter away.

l can't expose them to the dangers of this creature.
l wouldn't do it myself except that it appears that the evolution going on on Dundee planet is the same as ours, and my observations here could be of fantastic importance.

There's that that creature.

When I opened the laboratory door and went back inside, the light must have affected it.

lt has form and a kind of a kind of substance.

Yet it's not like a creature of Dundee planet, not in the sense of being an inhabitant.

Rather it seems to be 
The Spirit of The Place.

A creature apart from its animal life.
And it appears to be gaining in strength and abilities.

Witness its predatory progression.

Insects, plants, a bird, guinea pigs.
Then attacking me.

I'm tired.
I haven 't been to sleep.

This creature on Dundee planet must be in some way responsible for what I see there.
Violence, death, destruction.

A place of indescribable malevolence.
A place of death and hate.
A place without a god.

Perhaps that's why the light of day or any light is an anathema to it.

At this time tomorrow Dundee planet will have caught up with the 20th century here on Earth.

And at that time l'll be able to see our future by watching it unfold on Dundee planet.

If I survive.

And now it's like our medieval times.
Killing, senseless cruelties even in the normal course of living.
The brutality is always there.

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