? Boodie / Judy ?

Well now, I'm not gonna talk about Judy.
In fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all.
Gabrielle Xavier,
Mother of Legion :
This World makes no sense when you're not in it.
Charles Xavier,
Father of Legion :
I feel exactly the same way.
Is David...?
Gabrielle Xavier,
Mother of Legion :
He's upstairs.
With his friends.
Our baby has friends.
Charles Xavier,
Father of Legion :
Thank God.
Are you all right?
Gabrielle Xavier :
Do you ever think you should have just let me sleep?
In the hospital?
Charles Xavier,
Father of Legion :
Gabrielle Xavier,
Mother of Legion :
I saw demons.
Charles Xavier,
Father of Legion :
Yes, you did.
I saw a monkey with a king in his head —

And together we fought a mad tyrant.
So demons sounds like you got off rather lightly.
I can't do this without you.
He needs us both.
No more travel.
No more bloodshed.
You know, I've always wanted to become a teacher.
Gabrielle Xavier,
Mother of Legion :
Are you gonna kiss me?
Charles Xavier,
Father of Legion :
Damned Terminian :
It's a compound.
They'll see you coming.
If you even make it that far with all the cold bodies heading over.
Carol. How are you gonna do this?
Carol :
I'm gonna kill people.
Damned Terminian :
She got a name?
Hey, she got a name?
Damned Terminian :
She your daughter or something?
She's a friend.
Damned Terminian :
( sighs )
I don't have any friends.
I mean, I know people.
They're just assholes I stay alive with.
The other one your friend?
The woman?
I used to have them.
Used to watch football on Sundays.
Went to church.
( laughs )
I know I did.
But I can't picture it anymore. It's funny how you don't even notice the time go by.
Horrible shit just stacks up day after day.
You get used to it.
I haven't gotten used to it.
Damned Terminian :
Of course you haven't.
You're The Kind of Guy Who Saves Babies.
It's kind of like saving an anchor when you're stuck without a boat in the middle of the ocean.
Been behind some kind of walls, right?
You're still around, but you haven't had to get your hands dirty.
I can tell. See, you're a good guy.
You have no idea about the things I've done.
Damned Terminian :
You're a good guy.
That's why you're gonna die today.
It's why the baby is going to die.
Or... you can get in that car, get out of here, keep on being lucky.
You think you're gonna kill me?
Damned Terminian :
Why haven't you killed me?
How does having me alive help you?
Why the hell are you even talking to me?
Take her, take the car, and go.
I don't want to do this today.
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