carnival (n.)
From older Italian forms such as Milanese *carnelevale, Old Pisan carnelevare "to remove meat," literally "raising flesh," Folk etymology is from Medieval Latin carne vale " 'flesh, farewell!' "

Show Me Your Warrior Fierceness
It's not funny.
I heard this song on the radio the other day.
And the guy was singing, that his name was 'Carnival.'
It's just crazy, because that's My Clown Name.
At work.
But until a while ago it was like nobody ever saw me.
Even I didn't know if I really existed.
Arthur, I have some bad news for you.
You don't listen, do you?
I don't think you ever really hear me.
You just ask the same questions every week :
"How was your job?"
"Are you having any negative thoughts?"
All I have are negative thoughts.
But you don't listen.
Anyway, I said, for my whole life
I didn't know if I even really existed.
I didn't know if I even really existed.
But I do.
And people are starting to notice.
They've cut our funding.
We're closing down our offices next week.
The City's cut funding across the board,
Social Services is part of that.
This is the last time we will be meeting.
They don't give a shit about People Like You, Arthur.
And they really don't give a shit about people like me, either.
Oh, fuck.
How am I supposed to get my medication now?
Who do I talk to?
I'm sorry, Arthur.
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