Thursday 20 June 2024

You are Superior to NO ONE!

[Kapitan's office]

(The Kapitan is a human, and an SS officer.)
Ever since my days at the university 
I've admired this painting, and 
now it's mine

Our fellow officers might prefer gold or land, but for me the greatest prize of war is art.

Trophies of The Hunt. But was The Hunt fair?

We entered this city with superior firepower against a weakened prey. Do you really deserve these prizes?
KAPITAN: We are German. The German people deserve Europe and everything in it.


Sir, you question our destiny?

Of course not. But I want to 
hear it in your own words. Tell me, 
why are we the Master Race?

Our blood is pure. Our people lived and hunted 
on this land for a thousand years before
 the degenerate races brought their corruption. 
Europe must be purified.

You yourself, are you stronger 
than these degenerate races? 
More cunning?

Yes, of course.

And if you were alone without an army supporting you, 
would you continue the hunt?
 If your prey were armed instead
of defenceless, what then?

I, Colonel, I, I don't know what you're trying --

(The Hirogen grabs his throat.)

You are superior to no one
Never underestimate your prey or 
disrespect its abilities. If you do,
 you will become the hunted. 

When the opposing army invades 
this city, remember my words.

(The Kapitan nods. There is a knock on the door.)
KARR: Enter.
(Torres is shown in. A copy of Da Vinci's lost Leda and the Swan is one of the paintings on the wall.)
KAPITAN: Brigitte.
TORRES: I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to come here. Don't blame him. I told him that I was ill and I had to see you.
KARR: I will leave you two alone.
KAPITAN: Heil Hitler!
(The Alpha leaves without returning the salute.)
KAPITAN: It's all right, the Colonel is in a strange mood today.
(He hugs Torres.)
KAPITAN: What's wrong? Is it our child?
TORRES: I don't know. I was dizzy.
KAPITAN: I'll call the doctor.
TORRES: No. I feel better now. Maybe I just needed to see you. Why haven't you shown me this place before?
KAPITAN: I didn't want your neighbours to see you coming here. They make it difficult enough, knowing we're together.
TORRES: I don't care what they think. It's beautiful.
(She is referring to a small sculpture on a side table.)
KAPITAN: Praxiteles, master sculptor of ancient Greece. There are only three like this in all of Europe.
TORRES: So many wonderful things.
(Including a soldier with headphones on sitting at a radio set.)

[Sainte Claire - Street]

(Two Hirogen are walking together. )
TURANJ: The Kommandant would have us continue this simulation until we rot. It's pointless. We should begin the hunt. He believes we must learn more about our prey, but I have learned enough. Ready your weapon. Avoid the cranium.
(Neelix is wheeling his bicycle along the street. They shoot at him. People scatter, but Seven shoots back.)

Nazi seduces Hirogen

[Le Coeur de Lion]

(Turanj pours himself a glass of wine.)
TURANJ: Synthetic, and undrinkable. I am tired of this simulation.
KAPITAN: Mein Herr, a word with you.
TURANJ: And these holograms are becoming annoying as well.
KAPITAN: What are we waiting for? Why don't we execute these prisoners?
TURANJ: Orders from the Kommandant.
KAPITAN: If I may speak freely. The Kommandant has been acting strangely the past few days. He's been questioning German superiority. Perhaps we shouldn't follow his orders so blindly.
TURANJ: You will do as he says, as long as I tell you to.
KAPITAN: I don't know how much longer I can stand being trapped in here.
TURANJ: Perhaps you would enjoy some entertainment. Sing.
SEVEN: I will not.
TURANJ: Sing or you will die.
SEVEN: Then I'll die.
TUVOK: Seven, you are a valued member of this crew. The logical response would be to grant his request.
SEVEN: Logic is irrelevant. One day the Borg will assimilate your species despite your arrogance. When that moment arrives, remember me.
KARR [OC]: Bridge to holodeck one.


KARR: I've come to an agreement with Captain Janeway. Call a ceasefire.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

TUVOK: Captain?
JANEWAY [OC]: It's true, Tuvok.


JANEWAY: Our first order of business is to call off the troops. I want you to find Chakotay

[Le Coeur de Lion]

JANEWAY [OC]: And have him convince his soldiers to pull out of the city.
TUVOK: Aye, Captain.
KARR [OC]: Turanj


KARR: Order our hunters to end the fighting.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

KAPITAN: This is madness. We're winning this battle.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

KARR [OC]: Our civilisation depends on this agreement.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

TURANJ: Acknowledged. You heard him, release the captives. I'll tell the others. Order all units to withdraw to these positions
KAPITAN: I have always thought highly of you.
TURANJ: Have you?
KAPITAN: Yes. But the Kommandant is a fool. He doesn't understand. He's never embraced the Fuhrer or his vision. One does not cooperate with decadent forms of life. One hunts them down and eliminates them. The Kommandant speaks of civilisation. The ancient Romans were civilised. The Jews are civilised. But in all its moral decay, Rome fell to the spears of our ancestors, as the Jews are falling now. Look at our destiny. (the flag behind the bar) The field of red, the purity of German blood. The blazing white circle of the sun that sanctified that blood. No one can deny us, no power on Earth or beyond. Not the Christian Saviour, not the God of the Jews. We are driven by the very force that gives life to the universe itself. We must countermand the Kommandant's orders, stay and fight. We must be faithful to who we are.
TURANJ: You two, follow me.

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