Saturday 15 June 2024

Paul Thomas Anderson's Ghost Story

Paul Thomas Anderson's Ghost Story

Master :
It's a hard, slow process.

Dog : 
I just don't understand it.

Master :
I don't either.
That's why we're here.

Dog :
....Do not do that, please?

Master :
Resume the exercise,
no matter what is said --

Dog : 

Master :
You may talk to Clark.
One minute.
Whatever comes to your mind.
True or False.

Dog : 
I don't want to say anything.

Master :
Then don't say anything.
Just look at him. One minute.
Starting now --

I want to fart in your face.

I wish I could fart.
Because I'd fart in 
your face right now.

How is this helping?

You'll see.

Clark Kent :
She got rid of you, right?

She saw you for what you are :
Selfish and Alone.

You should go into The Hospital
with your mother, because that's 
where you belong.

Because you're sick,
and you're tired,
and you need to be alone,
away from PEOPLE.

How many people
you KILL, dummy?

Are you drunk, dummy?

Did you blow them all up
and burn them?

Dummy, dummy, dummy.
Can you stay still, dummy?
Can you, dum-dum?

Are you A Loser?
You lunkhead.


- But...
- Fail.


Dog :
It's a fucking wall!

It's a fucking wall.
It's a fucking wall.

It's a fucking wall.
And I'm not in it.

I'm not in it. It's a window
and I can leave any time I want.

But I choose not to.
I choose to stay here.

It's breathing.

Master :
No matter what is said,
We Do Not React.
Freddie, you may begin --

Dog :
I was on A Ship that got
13 battle stars and Won The War.

What'd YOU Do, Dummy?

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