Tuesday 25 June 2024

Bride of Sutekh

You're a Monster. 

And you're a Lawyer!
Nobody's Perfect.

(turns to the dying Bride he just murdered)
Ah, A Stake through The Heart.
You see, sometimes The Legends are right.

This is not one you can 
test too often, though.
I only ever have three 
brides at a time.


Brides, yes
think that's 
The Right Word for it.
You see, um...
[ • ahem  ] ....I am 
trying to reproduce...
...which, frankly
can be a bit of 
A Challenge when 
There is Only 
One of You.

[English] The Master Scene - [The Wedding]
Would you scrub yourself 
and make yourself clean.

My Daughter is 
getting married.

Come and join us.

Leave your worries for a while.
They'll still be there
when you get back.

And your memories 
aren't invited.

Stand wherever you like.

Good day, good day, 
good day, good day.

What a day. What a day.



Clark, big day?

- Big day indeed, sir. - How are you feeling?

I feel pretty well, thank you. How are you?


As long as you hold these bodies,

in this life, you will be man and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Master :
Previous to The Cause 
was awful.... Awful --

It was a cycle
like Life.

Birth, excitement, 
growth, decay, death.

Now... now...
...how about this?

Here it comes... 
a large dragon.

...blood dripping, 
red eyes. 
What do I got?

A lasso. I whip it up.

I wrap it around 
its neck, and I wrestle,
wrestle, wrestle him 
to the ground.

I snap up. I say, 
"Sit, Dragon." 
Dragon sits.

I say "Stay." 
Dragon stays.

Now it's got a leash on it.

I take it for a walk.

And that's where 
we're at with it now.

It stays on command.

Next we're going to teach it 
to roll over and 
play dead.

Love that story. - So, where are you from?

- Huh? - Where are you from?

Lynn, Massachusetts.

- Freddie Quell, how do you do? - I'm Val. I'm his son.

Oh, yeah, I see it.

So what kind of work will you be doing?

- Not sure. - Done any Time Hole work?

- Any what? - Any Time Hole work?

I don't think so. I don't know what that is.

- I'm sure you're going to love it. - I hope so.

- Nice to meet you and welcome aboard. - Looking forward to it.

- How long have you known him? - Good night!

- About three years. - Good night, good night, good night.

Thank you, thank you for being here.

- Norman... - Three years?

Thank you.

- Good night, Master.

 Good night.(turns to Freddie --)
When can we have some 
more of your potion?

Whenever you like, I'll make it.

When I like it, I'll give you a signal.

I'll rub my nose and scratch my ear.

What will you need?

- I'll take care of it. - Good.

- Anything you need. - Thank you, good night.

Good night, everyone.

Don't get up. Don't get up.

- I love you. - I love you, too.

What a day.

We fought against the day and we won. We won.

Freddie, feel free to sit with us.

Can you invite him over?

Say, come on over.

Can you say hi?

He's... been writing all night.

You seem to inspire something in him.

- Yeah? - Mm.

When we're at home, on land,

there's too much pulling him in each direction.

Every time he sits to write, a new attack is launched against him,

and he spends too much time defending himself.

Who's attacking him?

People who are scared.

People who are greedy.


That's what's so nice about being at sea.

- He gets his studies done. - Hm.

Advances the learning. He writes book two.

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