Sunday 23 June 2024


R. D Laing's Glasgow (1975)

Dr. R. D. Laing :
Some terrible things
happen in The Name of Love.

Angie :
Well *I* love you Ronnie.
....Do you love me?

Dr. R. D. Laing :
....Love's a *terrible* 
burden to inflict on someone.

Angie :
What's the matter?

Dr. R. D. Laing :
You know Syd's Mother died
'cause she loved him so much?

-- I don't think My Mother
would've died to Save Me...

She didn't even want anyone
to know she was pregnant --
Maybe she didn't want me...

Certainly don't remember
her ever kissing me, or 
holding me or puttin'
her arms around me.

Our House was not
A Place of Love.

Angie :
...where was Your Dad?

Dr. R. D. Laing :
Doctors said it was 'overwork',
nowadays they'd call it
a Nervous Breakdown.

Angie :
So You were alone
with Your Mother..?

Dr. R. D. Laing :
I've been holding one
hand or another ever since.

[Father breathing rapidly]

Dr. R. D. Laing :
I've spent My Life
Listening to people
that no one else
gives A Fuck about --

Angie :
You sound angry.

Dr. R. D. Laing :
I'm not angry
I'm just tired
I just need sleep...

I need to go away to
Glasgow to see Suzie;

She's still under 
The Weather.

Angie :
I'll come with you.

Dr. R. D. Laing :
...Nah, I don't think that's 
a good idea, she's 
really not herself --

Angie :

Dr. R. D. Laing :
Oh, for fuck's sake,
it's not a family outin';
My Daughter's ill.

She just needs to spend
a bit of time with me.

.....I didn't *tell*
You to LEAVE them --

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