Saturday 15 June 2024

We Have Lost Out Way

Species that don't change, die.

The Killing Game - Alpha Hirogen Monologue

[Ready room]

(Redecorated in the Hirogen style. 
The Hirogen SS officer enters.)

I've been studying Voyager's database 
looking for our next simulation

There are many to choose from. 
These people have a violent history. 
I believe I've found a worthy prey. The Borg. 
When World War Two is over, we will recreate 
a notorious battle known as Wolf-359.

I look forward to it.

I thought you might. But if you continue to 
disobey me, this is one hunt you will never see. 
You nearly destroyed two of my 
favourite prey. You were careless.

I've become impatient. We penetrated this vessel, 
overcame their defences, and 
in the moment of the kill, you 
forced us to stop. Now we play 
these incessant games....

It's time we took our trophies 
and moved on.

Your lust for the kill has blinded you, 
like many young hunters. If you took 
the time to study your prey, to understand 
its behaviour, you might learn something.

There is nothing to be learned.

You're wrong. Each prey exposes us 
to another way of life and makes us 
re-evaluate our own. 

Have you considered our future? 
What would become of us when we have 
hunted this territory to exhaustion?

We will travel to another part of space, 
search for new prey, as we have always done.

A way of life that hasn't changed 
for a thousand years.

Why should it?

Species that don't change, die
We've lost our way. We've allowed 
our predatory instincts to dominate us. 

We disperse ourselves throughout the quadrant, 
sending ships in all directions. 
We've become a solitary race, isolated. 

We've spread ourselves too thin. 
We're no longer a culture. 
We have no identity. 

In another thousand years, 
no one will remember 
the name Hirogen

Our people must come back together
combine forces, rebuild our civilisation.

What of The Hunt?

The Hunt will always continue, but in a new way. 
I intend to transform this ship into a vast simulation, 
populated with a varied and endless supply of prey. 

In time, this technology can be 
duplicated for other Hirogen. 
These holodecks will allow us 
to hold onto our past, 
while we face the future.

Even if I were persuaded, others wouldn't be.

Then you are with me? I must continue my research. 
I'll see you tomorrow on holodeck one.
 The Americans are due to invade.

Paul Thomas Anderson's Ghost Story

Paul Thomas Anderson's Ghost Story

Master :
It's a hard, slow process.

Dog : 
I just don't understand it.

Master :
I don't either.
That's why we're here.

Dog :
....Do not do that, please?

Master :
Resume the exercise,
no matter what is said --

Dog : 

Master :
You may talk to Clark.
One minute.
Whatever comes to your mind.
True or False.

Dog : 
I don't want to say anything.

Master :
Then don't say anything.
Just look at him. One minute.
Starting now --

I want to fart in your face.

I wish I could fart.
Because I'd fart in 
your face right now.

How is this helping?

You'll see.

Clark Kent :
She got rid of you, right?

She saw you for what you are :
Selfish and Alone.

You should go into The Hospital
with your mother, because that's 
where you belong.

Because you're sick,
and you're tired,
and you need to be alone,
away from PEOPLE.

How many people
you KILL, dummy?

Are you drunk, dummy?

Did you blow them all up
and burn them?

Dummy, dummy, dummy.
Can you stay still, dummy?
Can you, dum-dum?

Are you A Loser?
You lunkhead.


- But...
- Fail.


Dog :
It's a fucking wall!

It's a fucking wall.
It's a fucking wall.

It's a fucking wall.
And I'm not in it.

I'm not in it. It's a window
and I can leave any time I want.

But I choose not to.
I choose to stay here.

It's breathing.

Master :
No matter what is said,
We Do Not React.
Freddie, you may begin --

Dog :
I was on A Ship that got
13 battle stars and Won The War.

What'd YOU Do, Dummy?

Friday 14 June 2024

This is Who We Are

This Is Easily the Most Important Speech Jordan Peterson Has Ever Done

We find ourselves in the midst of a a so-called culture War it's a psychological and social Minefield and at this conference we've been trying to weave our way through that Minefield and to offer something approximating a a solution that beckons and is productive and generous I want to investigate though a little further I want to investigate the the essential feature of that war a little further and while doing so I want to wind together weave together the themes of the conference we're we're at odds with one another about identity and in order to reduce the tension and bring about a new psychological integration and a proper social peace we can't merely criticize the suggestions about what Identity constitutes that have been brought forward we have to offer an alternative and so I would like to delve deeply for half an hour into what identity must and should be and to relate that to what social structure must and should be I opened the conference by pointing out proposing that the two fundamental themes that we would address would be those of faith and respect responsibility and I suggested that faith is a faith is the kind of Courage that allows you to welcome the possibilities of the future with open arms and and I say possibility because the future is the manifestation of possibility into actuality and the possibility of the future is what we contend with the the unknown Treasure House of what could be is what we contend with and given that that's what we eternally contend with we might ask ourselves how best to contend with that and one answer to that is with the faith that is simultaneously courageous we put ourselves on the line to act out the proposition that existence itself being itself and becoming itself are intrinsically good and that it's incumbent upon us to act in accordance with that dict come hell or high water and we look into the future and we cast upon the unknown landscape of the future a vision a a vision that provides us with hope and security because that's what a vision does and then we bear the responsibility of attending and acting in a manner that makes that hopeful and security providing vision possible and so then I would say that identity is the proper Union of faith and responsibility and then you might say how does a proper identity unite faith and responsibility and I would say that it does that in a subsidiary manner in a hierarchical subsidiary manner now if you're beset with conflict subjectively and in your Society about what identity constitutes you need a counter position that's welldeveloped so identity is the proper Union of faith and responsibility and proper identity is subsidiary in structure all right so let's take that apart first slide now I'm going to tell you a little story it's a very simple story but simple stories scale upward and that's Jacob's Ladder Jacob's Ladder that's the Eternal lyan the vine that unites the material and proximal Realm of the Earth with the Eternal realm of heaven and how do we construct and climb Jacob's lad how do we comprehend it when my son was one and a half years old I taught him to set the table but that's not right because when you're one and a half you can't set the table if you take a 2-year-old and you say clean your room to a 2-year-old who's in the midst of a room that he's distributed a terrible mess in and you come back in 15 minutes the room will be equally messy and you'll ask your 2-year-old why didn't you clean the room and he will just look at you and the reason he will just look at you is because he doesn't know what clean your room means so you can take the 2-year-old my son in this case and you can say Hey kid you see that teddy bear now he's happy about that request hey because at two he knows how to see a teddy bear and so he'll Point his eyes at the teddy bear and then he'll look at you and then you can Pat him on the head and say good and then you can say say go over there and pick up that teddy bear so then he does that and he looks at you and then you can say you see that space on the Shelf there he goes yes he says you take that teddy bear and you put it in that space in the shelf and he'll go over and put it in the space in the shelf and then he'll look at you and you can Pat him on the head and then if you teach him a 100 micro routines like that very carefully you can tell him to clean his room and he knows how to do it and that's how we build ourselves and that's a little vision it's a little vision you it's a micro Vision that the first vision is what the room would look like if the teddy bear was put in its proper space right and it's not a glorious macro vision of how to unite Heaven and Earth itself but it's the proximal beginnings of exactly that process so we scaffold ourselves upward from the finite to the infinite and it's the entire scaffold that constitutes our identity so my son he's 18 months old I'm having him help at the table I say kid you know where the drawer is with the knives and the forks and he says yes I said go to that drawer and open it up and pick out a fork and so he goes and does that he can feel the fork cuz he has the drawers above him and he can feel the fork and then he can come and say bring it into the kitchen and put it on the table by the plate and he can do that and then he can do that with a knife and then he can do that with a plate if you dare to let him carry a plate and then he's learning what he's learning to set the table right and then he sits at the table with the people that are there and he's learning to share food and he's learning to take turns and he's learning to be hospitable right and so you can see that that starts to scale upward right and then he's hospit hitable and he can take turns so he's starting to be a good boy a good kid and that's part of being taking his proper role in the family which is a broader form of sharing and the beginnings of his ability to play properly with others and then to take his position as a potential friend in the community and then to mature and as he matures the scale of his vision expands step by step until it encompasses not merely what he wants in the short term but what would be good for him in the medium to long term so the temporal scale of his vision expands and not only so that he accomplishes or attains what's good for him but so that he does that in a way that incorporates more and more other people into the expanse of his vision and so by the time you start to operate as an adult you can take responsibility for yourself you know how to be hospitable you know how to play with others if you're fortunate or maybe you still have to learn that within the confines of your marriage and then you take responsibility for your partner and they do that with you and the two of you take responsibility for your children and that gives you the satisfaction and the adventure and the responsibility and the burden and the meaning of your family and you embed that in your community and you take responsibility for that and you take responsibility beyond that for your town and for your city and for your state and you do that all in as balanced and harmonious a manner as you can and the spirit that sub the spirit that infuses that entire hierarchy and that stands at the top is something like the spirit of goodness itself and that's classically associated with what is highest and that's traditionally associated with God and the identity that you have is all of that stretching from lowest to highest at once and having understood that you now understand something else you understand what actually constitutes genuine human flourishing at the psychological level so one of the disservices that clinicians have offered the general Western world and the world at large as a consequence of that is the notion that mental health is somehow something subjective and that's not true and we know it's not true even though we don't know that we know it and you know that because there's no way you're going to be mentally healthy if your wife is miserable first of all she won't let you be and the same thing applies to your children one of my neighbors in Toronto said to me once a mother is never any happier than her most miserable child right and that's and so you can see in that that whatever mental health constitutes it's not exactly mental and it's certainly not merely subjective it has it's something that's much more like the harmony that exists when the entire subsidiary structure is performing all of its functions as they should be performed now Samuel talked about Samuel andreev just before me talked about what music speaks to us and that's what music speaks to us it speaks to us of the harmony that can exist in a complex structure that's laid out in a properly subsidiary manner where each note serves the phrase and each phrase serves the melody and each person who's playing in the orchestra serves the overarching function of the music and the music is the Eternal dance between Chaos and Order and that speaks to us of meaning because that's where meaning is to be found and that's the other thing to understand about a subsidiary organization you know we have so many people in the world who are lost in ways that are almost unimaginable with their absolutely fragmented identities and they have no meaning in their life and they have no meaning in their life because strangely enough the meaning in your life doesn't emerge as a consequence of your pursuit of your proximal hedonic subjective narrow purely self-serving goals and drives there's nothing in that that's nourishing and there's nothing in that that's nourishing in part because unless you can integrate yourself across a large time span taking care of who you will be in the future and simultaneously fulfilling your social obligations in a responsible manner the none none of the nothing within the subsidiary structure can operate properly much less you claim the right to the gratification of your hedonic desires that's a nonstarter and even if you could do that you wouldn't find in that the meaning that would sustain you in times of trouble you find the meaning that would and everyone knows this you find the meaning that sustains you in trouble when you need for example to regard yourself with some some positive attitude in the midst of your stupidity and your suffering and you can see in yourself the fact that well at least you were in service to your wife at least you had been useful to your children at least you helped take care of your parents at least you were of some service to your friends or to your customers to your business associates to your nation you find that meaning in service and that service is in service of that Harmony that makes up the entire Jacob's Ladder that stretches from Earth to heaven and it's always been that way and we offer our children thin grol as a replacement for that magnificent version of multi-dimensional Harmony responsibility and beauty and there's more to it than that too you know I read the book the the the biblical book that details out the life of Abraham and I mentioned this when the conference opened Abraham begins his life with all his proximal hedonic needs satiated and the voice of God comes to him and says go out into the world get away from what's merly infantile and satiating and have the adventure of your life and that's a good bargain because we're built not for mere proximal infantile satiation of our based desires but to move out into the world like the adventurers that we are and to face the complexities of the catastrophic future with a certain degree of nobility and courage and to Hoist the world on our shoulders and to struggle uphill and it's in that struggle that the meaning of life emerges if you lived your life completely maybe it would justify itself right if you could and where would you find the meaning that justifies the suffering in life and the answer to that is well you find it in the burden of responsibility because the burden of responsibility isn't a burden it's the greatest opportunity you could possibly have and you know perfectly well when you're trying to decide if your own life is worth having that if someone comes up to you even once and says you know what you did for me it really mattered and that might get you through like a week of rough times just the mere fact that it was obvious that the sacrifices that you made in relationship to others actually made a difference and you can make a continual difference in your life if you adopt the proper sacrificial attitude right and it's the sacrificial attit ude that makes the hierarchy of identity possible because what you do with the proper sacrifice is continually sacrifice the lower to the higher you continually you sacrifice your own meat self-serving proximal hedonic whims to a pattern of being that sustains you across the long run and that unites more and more people and it's a worthwhile sacrifice because the payback for the sacrifice overwhelmingly what would you you say is overwhelmingly disproportionate to the cost and everyone who's had a child who has any sense who's escaped from their primordial narcissism understands this because bringing a child into the world and watching that person develop is a bitter sweet Adventure because children are fragile and things go wrong but it's a very rare person whose head is set on their shoulders and anything approximating the proper manner who isn't thrilled to death to see the person they brought into the world Thrive as a consequence of their sacrifices and to see in that thriving the justification for all the pain that was associated with their production and so and that's what life is like and we don't let young people know this anymore you know here's something psychologists discovered in the last 20 years there is no technical difference between thinking about yourself and being miserable able those are the same thing and you know that too you know if I'm on stage and I'm talking to you and all of a sudden I become self-conscious I drown in anxiety and I lose my place right and that's what's happening to the young people that we see who are a drift they're taught to be nothing but self-conscious to do nothing but think about their immediate needs to refer to themselves as the Locust of all things and there's nothing you could do that would make them more miserable it's identical with the instruction in misery and you want to be outside yourself serving a higher purpose and maybe you're cynical about that but you can think about it technically why do you bring a fork to the table well so that you can put a plate beside it and why do you put a plate at the table and so that you can set the table to serve your family to share food to bring together the people you love in something approximating Harmony as a microcosm of the entire Cosmic order and you can replicate that at every level of complexity all the way up to what's at the Pinnacle and that's all real and so is what's at the Pinnacle and we've forgotten all of that and as a consequence of forgetting that we've forgotten the responsibility that we need to bear in our life to make our lives bearable and we've forgotten the meaning and the adventure and the purpose and the significance and this and the earned self-regard that goes along with that sacrificial attitude and we've forgotten to tell our children the same thing and we could remember we could remember who we are we could remember who we are and that's what this conference was for to remind people everyone who attends who you are right you're the the [Applause] the you're you're the men and women individuals made in the image of God who stumble eternally uphill towards the the the Jerusalem on the hill the The Shining City on the hill you know and we're so foolish we regard those propositions as something approximating what primitive superstitions when in fact they're the most brilliant intuitions into the fun Al structure of reality that have ever been offered we've predicated our civilization on those presuppositions and look at it it's not so bad we've brought wealth and plenty to billions of people around the world we've been struggling uphill properly and if we were wise and faithful and courageous and responsible we could continue to spread that to everyone we could eradicate absolute poverty we could bring about a time of abundance and opportunity for everyone and we'll do that that we can do that if we Hoist the world on our individual shoulders and operate collectively in this harmonious Manner and continue the struggle uphill toward the city of God and that's the truth that's the truth it's not some Superstition it's not some primitive defense against death anxiety it's not the opiate of the people right it's the call to Divine responsibility and to the degree that each of us acted out in the confines of our own life we do what I suggested at the beginning of this conference which is tilt the world towards heaven and away from hell and we're put this conference together to encourage people to do exactly that in the belief that it is in fact the people who can do exactly that not only can but must any attempt to circumvent that responsibility merely brings about some what would you say oscillating tension between absolute tyranny and utter slavery right as a responsible citizen bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders you obliviate the necessity for the Tyrant and the slave and so that's what we want to do and that's what we encourage all of you to do and to leave this coner conference thinking deeply about what it is that you could offer to the world if you threw everything that you had into it because life is a very difficult proposition and you're not going to be the Glorious success that you could be unless you throw yourself into it utterly wholeheartedly accepting it in all its terrible expanse of catastrophe and possibility and realizing in yourself the person who has that Divine responsibility along with all the rights that are attended upon that to set the world straight my sense is that if enough of us enough of us realized that sufficiently there's nothing we couldn't accomplish there's no desert we couldn't make Bloom there's no reason for zero some malthusian pessimism right we could have what we wanted if we truly wanted it if we truly sought for it if we truly asked for it it would make itself manifest as a consequence of our faith and our responsibility the adoption of our proper identity and so you're invited to do that as the individuals the worthy individuals that you are who were called to this place because you had let enough of the light inside of you out to shine enough on other people so that your value was clearly made manifest and we tried to gather 1500 people together who had done that however imperfectly as we do such things imperfectly to encourage them to introduce them to other people with the same abiding spirit and to see what we could do with all the opportunity that we have in front of us and so that's the hope of Ark on that note I would like to call on someone to remind us in the most appropriate manner of what it is that we all have to do when we leave here

Release The Hounds

"Ow! Oh! This little puppy here just tried to take a bite out of me.
He's a cute little guy, though. Kind of reminds me of Queequeg.

You know, there was a recent comparative cognition study that showed that 
dogs hold hostilities toward people that harm their Masters? I mean, 
I guess maybe I miss having a dog to love...
and someone to hold my grudges for me."

Release The Hounds

Open your eyes, come back to me.

What is your name?

Margaret O'Brien.

What is your name?


Now that you mention it...

...I think I was a man.

Laughing is good.

- My neck feels much better.
- Oh, that's good.

What I just experienced,
was that me?

What was you, darling?

That man in the armor,
was that me?

Yes. That was your spirit.

Our spirits live on
in the whole of time,

exist in many vessels
through time.

This is the vessel
you're existing in now, in 1950.

- Excuse me.
- As you all may recall,

during the trauma that you went through
while we were processing...


...It was of the utmost importance

that you experience every detail...

...every specific detail

through all of your senses,
of that memory,

and that we go over it again

and over it again
and over it again

until it loses its power.
This is very...

- Excuse me.
- This is very important.

- Why it is important...
- Excuse me.

...Is if you bring someone
out of a traumatic event,

back to the present time,

- no matter how carefully you do that...
- Excuse me.

...If you have not
gone over the memory...

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Some of this sounds
quite like hypnosis, is it not?

This is a process of
de-hypnotization, if you will.

Man is asleep. This process
wakes him from his slumber.

I still find it difficult
to see the proof

with regards to past lives
that your movement claims.

Would you care to
submit yourself to processing?

"Look through the telescope,"
as my friend said.

Oh, perhaps another time.

You've also said that these methods,
Cause Methods,

can cure leukemia,
according to your book, and...

Some forms of leukemia.

In being able
to access past lives,

we are able to treat illnesses
that may have started back

thousands, even trillions of years.

- Trillions?
- With a sir.

The earth is not understood
to be more than a few billion years old.

Even the smartest of our current
scientists can be fooled, yes.

- You can understand skepticism...
- Yes!

- ...can you not?
- Yes, yes.

For without it, we'd be positives
and no negatives, therefore zero charge.
We must have it.

Good Science by definition
allows for more than one 
opinion, does it not?

Which is why our gathering
of Data is so far-reaching.

Otherwise, you merely have
the will of one man,
which is the basis 
of Cult, is it not?

'Tis, 'tis.
And thankfully, we are, all of us,
working at breakneck speeds

and in unison towards capturing
the mind's fatal flaws

and correcting it back to
its inherent state of perfect.

Whilst righting civilisation
and eliminating war and poverty,

and therefore, the atomic threat.


I find it quite difficult
to comprehend, or more 
to the point, believe,
that you believe, sir, that 
time travel hypnosis therapy
can bring world peace
and cure cancer.

....I have never been to 
The Pyramids, have you?


And yet we know that they are there
because learned men have told us so.

May I ask, what is your name?

- John More.

Mr. More, if I may,

is there something frightening to you
about The Cause's travels into the past?

- Frightening? No, no.
- Yes.

What scares you so much about
traveling into the past, sir?

- I'm not frightened.
- Are you afraid that we might discover

that our past has been reshapen?


And perhaps what we think
we know of this world

- is false information?
- Time travel does not

frighten me, sir,
because it's not possible.

What does frighten me is the possibility
of some poor soul with leukemia

- coming to you...
- There are dangers

of traveling in and out of time
as we understand it.

But it's not unlike traveling
down a river, you see?

You travel down the river,
'round the bend, look back,

and you cannot see
around the bend can you?

But that does not mean
it is not there, does it?

But certain clubs would like us
to think that a truth,

I say truth, uncovered
should stay hidden.

I belong to no club, and if you're
unwilling to allow any discussion...

No, this isn't a
discussion, it's a grilling.

There's nothing I can do for you
if your mind has been made up.

You seem to know the answers
to your questions. Why do you ask?

I'm sorry you're unwilling
to defend your beliefs

- in any kind of rational...
- If you already

know the answers to your questions,
then why ask, pig fuck?!

We are not helpless.

And we are on a journey
that risks the dark.

If you don't mind,
a good night to you.

Freddie, stop!

This is not the time. Stop.

- And this is where we are at.

At the lowest level to have
to explain ourselves, for what?

For what we do
we have to grovel?

The only way to defend ourselves
is to attack.

If we don't do that, we will lose
every battle that we are engaged in.

We will never dominate
our environment

the way we should
unless we attack.

And this city,
city is just noise.

I know this city.

I know its rotten secrets,
its filthy lies and secrets.

They... invited us here
and welcomed us.

Only to throw us down
and kick us out.

It's a grim joke.

You got the names and information
of the people at this party, right?

- You invited them?
- Yeah, what for?

All right, Clark.
Get up, you're coming with me.

Hey, I need some help. You want to put
on a good show or no? Let's go. Come on.

Yes, who is it?

Mr. More, this is
Freddie Quell from The Cause.

I'd like to have a word.

Mr. Quell,
it's 3:00 in the morning.

Yes, sir, we have a gift
we'd like to present to you.

You'd like to present to me?
How do you... know where I live?

Um, can we come in,
just have a word?

How about if we do it right in
the doorway. How does that sound?

Sure, um...


Jesus! Hey!

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Well, I don't think you have
to worry about Mr. John More

speaking out against you.

What did you do?

He had a wise ass mouth.

My little soldier, what did you do?

- You need to tell me so that I know.
- No, I'm not going to tell you.

Nothing bad.

I just...
I just talked to him.

But this is not the way.

Naughty boy, OK?

All right? Freddie?

You are a mischief.

A horrible young man, you are.

This is acting like an animal,

a dirty animal that eats
its own feces when hungry.

We stand far above that crowd.

Don't we?

- Well...
- We need to remember where we've met.

It's nagging at me.

Isn't it you?

These are Pitiful Relics.

What possible use could you 
make of my intestines?

Unusual relics are prized. 
Yours will make me 
envied by men and 
pursued by women.

You are a crude species. 
Only your size makes
 you formidable.

These are Pitiful Relics.

You were pathetic prey. Easily taken.

(He pulls Tuvok to his feet, then Seven.)

The hunt was not satisfying.
 I want information. 
Why do you violate our property? 
I could snap your puny neck with one twist. 
Hardly worth taking. Answer me. 
Why do you use our modules?

We're trying to retrieve important messages from our home. Return us to our ship and we'll be 
on our way without trespassing again.

I took you in a fair hunt. 
I claim the relics of the chase.

(He puts a red mark over Seven's right eye.)

Are the others on your ship able to 
put up more of a fight than you?

You will find our captain a formidable 
opponent and our ship heavily armed.

Good. Strong prey makes 
for a better hunt.

(He marks Tuvok.)

Release us now and you'll be safe. 
Otherwise we will destroy you.

Pitiful relics.

They 'are the first of their kind. 
I will be envied.

I've located their ship. 
It's four thousand ketriks 
from the module.

We'll be there within the hour. 
Go to stalking mode. 
Why do you hesitate?

The rest of the group is on its way.

I wanted to claim this prey for myself.

We may not be able to take them alone. 
We need the strength of the others.

I won't share prey with the others. 
These two must be the only relics. 
Prepare them.

[Hirogen ship]

Are they prepared?

Yes. But now is not the time for it. 
We should wait until the others 
arrive and take the ship.

I want to make the first kill. 
You will verify it.

If there's a battle, 
we must join it.

The others can wage the battle.

Perhaps you are more interested in collecting relics. 
Perhaps your judgment is clouded.

Don't question me again. We do it now.

I suggest you think carefully about your decision. 
If you kill us, our captain will hunt 
you down and show no mercy.

I'm not concerned. Lower the harness. 
A long, coiled intestine. 
An interesting trophy.

What possible use could you 
make of my intestines?

Unusual relics are prized. 
Yours will make me 
envied by men and 
pursued by women.

You are a crude species. 
Only your size makes
 you formidable.

Your insults are as pitiful as your efforts to escape. 
This one first. I want the female to witness 
what will happen to her. 

Their bone structure makes cutting 
through the back difficult. 
This will take time.