Monday 20 May 2024

What Price, Gloria?

This is sexual harassment!

I don't know what that is,
but I like the sound of it.
Why don't you just explain that 
to me tonight over drinks?

Quantum Leap 02-04 - What Price Gloria - 
Sam turns the tables on Buddy

Al was right.
I wanted revenge.

So I slipped into Samantha's spiked heels,
put on the most revealing dress I
could get my... hairy chest into,
and was ready to give Buddy a lesson
in sexual harassment he'd never forget.

Dr. Sam Beckett :
You wanted me?

Buddy Wright :
How's Gloria?

Dr. Sam Beckett :
In Ann Arbor, visiting
her mother for a few days.

Buddy Wright :
You know, she gave me quite a
little upset Saturday night.

Dr. Sam Beckett :
Well, that's because Gloria doesn't
know how to play the game.

Buddy Wright :
And you…. do?

Dr. Sam Beckett :
What do you think?

Buddy Wright :
I knew it all along.

Dr. Sam Beckett :

Buddy Wright :
I had you figured
from the start. I did.

All of that playing hard to
get in the secretarial pool,
didn't have me fooled
for one second.

Dr. Sam Beckett :
It didn't?

Buddy Wright :
Nope. You were just waiting
for the, uh, "Wright" man.

Dr. Sam Beckett :
Was I?

Buddy Wright :
All that coy, "Oh, I don't
date married men."
That was just a smoke screen.
Right, baby?

Dr. Sam Beckett :
You know me so well.

Buddy Wright :
Buddy, there's, um...
There's just one thing
you don't know.

Buddy Wright :
Tell me, baby.

Dr. Sam Beckett :
I'm A Man.

Buddy Wright 

Dr. Sam Beckett :
I'm A Man —
a male, a person of 
the masculine gender.

Buddy Wright :
What are you talking about?

Dr. Sam Beckett :
You're trying to make it 
with a man.

Buddy Wright :
No way.
Not with this body.

Dr. Sam Beckett :
Bodies can be deceiving.

Buddy Wright :
You can't be a man!

Dr. Sam Beckett :
Why, because I turn you on?

Buddy Wright :
W... Yeah.
Um, ah...

I-I-I mean, no!

No. Oh, no!
I... I, uh...

You, you were a, uh...
You mean you had a...

Y-You did a Christine Jorgensen?

No, no. I didn't say
“I used to be A Man.”

I said, I am A Man.”
And I'll prove it to you.

Buddy Wright :

Dr. Sam Beckett :
If you look closely, you'll notice 
that I walk like a man.

I stand like a man.

And I know things that 
only a man can know.

Like what it feels like to get 
kicked in the crotch,
how the pain just keeps
growing and growing —
And then that wonderful sensation
when it finally subsides.

Or what it's like to walk around high
school with your books in front of you...
to cover up an embarrassing case
of pubescent hormonal overload.

Buddy Wright :
You had a brother?

Dr. Sam Beckett :
Does a brother tell his sister what he
did looking at his first centerfold?

Buddy Wright :
No, you stay away from me.

Dr. Sam Beckett :
I thought I turned you on.

Buddy Wright :
I don't have time
for this stupid game.

Dr. Sam Beckett :
Speaking of games, 
why don't I show you 
how I throw a baseball.

Or better yet,
how I throw a punch.

Not yet. Not yet.

I'm ready to leap now.

Oh, boy.

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