Wednesday 8 May 2024

It’s Nick’s World….

Loki rides into Battle
The Saviour of Asgardto 
arrive Right in The Nick

Thor :
You’re Late.

Loki : (wincing)
You’re missing An Eye

“….The most efficient way for us to do this is for each one of us 
to try and attempt to imagine what it is like 
inside of the possessed mind. 
[holds up a joint] For examplea dope fiend 
refers to the reefer butt 
as a "roach". Because
it resembles — a cockroach

You will notice that I have distinguished FOUR
Four DISTINCT States of Being in the 
cannabis or marijuana society. 
They are : "cool", "groovy", "hip" and "square". 

Seldom, if ever, does one aspire to be "square".

If he figures out What is Happeningthen 
he can rise one notch and become "hip";

and then if he can convince himself 
to approve of What is Happening, 
then he becomes "groovy".
[ominously] Groovy! 

And then after that he can actually 
raise himself to the rank of "cool". 
He can become one of 
those... "cool guys".

Cut to the cafeteria. Today it's kraut-dogs or spaghetti. 
The camera pans past the steam table as the kitchen staff doles out the food. 
It pans up to show Xander and Oz sitting at a table finishing their lunch.

But... It's just that it's buggin' me, this 'cool' thing. (cut to them
I mean, what is it? How do you get it? Who doesn't have it? 
And who decides who doesn't have it? What is the essence of cool?

Not sure. (reaches for a chip)

I mean, you yourself, Oz, are considered more or less cool. Why is that?

Am I? (eats a chip)

Xander: Is it about the talking? You know, the way 
you tend to express yourself in short, noncommittal phrases?

Oz: (considers) Could be.

Xander: (smiles) I know! You're in a band! That's like a business-class ticket to cool with complementary mojo after takeoff! I gotta learn an instrument. Is it hard to play guitar?

Oz: (shakes his head) Not the way I play it.

Xander: Okay, but on the other hand : eighth grade. 
I'm taking the flügelhorn and gettin' zero trim. 
So the whole instrument thing could be a mislead. (thinks
But You need A Thing,
one thing nobody else has. 

What do I have?

An exciting new obsession. Which I feel makes you very special.

Now, with The Mocking…. Which I can handle 
because I know I'm right about this — I'm on the track. 
I just need to find my thing. (gets lost in thought)

It seems like You're over-Thinking it. 
I mean, You got some Identity-issues. 
It's not...

Cut to the library that evening
Giles walks out of the cage past Buffy.

The End of The World?

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