Saturday 11 May 2024


1916 Executions | Michael Collins (1996)

Cease firing!
Cease firing!

 Move forward!

 Come forward!

 Keep your hands in the air and 
your weapons visible at all times.
 Form up, in three columns...
 across the square.

 Now, ground your arms.

 Take three paces back...


 Move three paces back, now!

 The Game's over, Harry. 
We lost again.


 Pick your feet up!

 Move it, you Fenian bastard!

 Open the gates!

 Show me the ringleaders 
of this little farce.

 Pearse... with the gunner eye.


 Thomas Clarke.


 Get up, you Fenian swine.

 Wait, Michael. Wait.

 Till when?

 Till the next time.

Eamon de Valera.

 What happens next time?

 We won't play by their rules. 
We'll invent our own.


 "The fact... that I was born in... 
America... might save my hide.

 Either way... I am ready... for what... comes.

 The Irish Republic... 
is a dream... no longer".


"It is daily sealed... by the lifeblood... 
of those who... proclaimed it.

 And every one of us... they shoot... 
brings more people... to our side.

They cannot imprison us... forever.

And from... the day... of our release... Michael...
we must act... as if The Republic... is...
a fact.

We defeat... The British Empire...
by... ignoring it".

The Big Fellah :
 They let us out of jail so we can do our best 
to be put inside again.

 Don't you see a certain 
paradox in that?
 A contradiction.

 An immovable force meets an 
immovable object kind of thing.

 Look, isn't that a lovely picture?

 Maybe we should settle down.
 Just the two of us?

 And him.


 How are you?

The Big Fellah :
 How long has that man been there?

 As long as we have. 
Half an hour or so.

The Big Fellah :
 How'd They know we were coming?

 They know what we ate for breakfast.

The Big Fellah :
 There's only one way to beat Them, then.
 Find out what they eat for breakfast.

The South Bank Show: Michael Collins (1996) (20x06)

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