Sunday 19 May 2024

The Grind

Julia, Mother of 
The Possessed :
Oh, my God…..
What do we do

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
Coffee. Uh, the demons, they 
grow more strong in the night. 
I'm going to need my energy. 

But you should try to get some rest


Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
How long will this take

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
That is hard to say
Hours. Days, maybe. 
This Demon is very strong. 
The Boy won't last long. 

What we need to do is to find out 
its name in order to exorcise it. 
That is the only way 
we can save The Boy. 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
How do we do that? 

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
With prayer
Constant prayer

The Demons, they 
are self-preserving
They do not understand suffering

Eventually, He will give himself up because 
he cannot stand the pain of the prayer. 
You understand me? 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
Good. Good. Now, you must 
confess your sins. 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
The Demon can smell your sins 
if they are not absolved. Come. 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
[SIGHS] Forgive me, Father, 
for I have sinned

It has been, uh... eight months 
since my last confession... 

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
Did you just say eight months 
since your last confession? 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
Yes. I... 

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
Okay, we just have to get this done
Y-You are a Man of God
simple enough. Si

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
And you are very, very sorry 
for all of your sins. Si

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
Okay. May Almighty God have mercy 
on you and having forgiven your sins
lead you to eternal peace. Amen.

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
What rites of 
The Exorcism 
do you know? 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
Uh... none

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
It has never come up….

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
What prayer do you know that you could 
say over and over, even under pressure? 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
The Hail Mary

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
[Mutters in ITALIAN] 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
But if it is under pressure
I would prefer to say it 
in Spanish

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
That's fine. Your Job is to pray
Do not engage with The Demon. 
Do not respond to anything it says or does
Your job is to be implacable
Relentless. Okay? [PATS ARM] 
Good boy. [CHUCKLES] 
Do you know any jokes? 

Fr. Tomas Esquibel, 
Parish Priest :
Uh, no

Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 
Exorcist-General :
You should learn some. 
The Devil does not like jokes. 

Bring The Box. 


I see you've brought your friend. 
He looks a little scared, Gabe. 
Mind if I call you Gabe, Gabe? 
Readying for Battle? 
You ran out on me last time, 
like The Coward you are, Soldier-boy. 
Not very becoming of The Chief Exorcist. 

Fr. Gabriel Amorth,
Exorcist-General :
So, who do you want to 
be vanquished by, today :
Jesus or His Mother?

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