Monday 20 May 2024

Assemble The Squad

The Exorcist - Ringing Regan's Father

Chris McNeil : 
Something INSIDE our girls 
called out for Help.

It brought you to me.
It PUT me in that room.

Those girls are connected now.
Their families are connected.

I have studied The Rite of Exorcism 
in every culture that I could find.

They all have different ceremonies, 
but the ONE thing they ALL have in common, 
the most important thing of all, is People.

We go to church in times of Trouble 
because we believe it’s the house of God.

But also, there are PEOPLE there, 
OTHER people whether it’s family 
or neighbors or strangers.

Yes, they’re all there to affirm their faith in God, 
but they’re ALSO there to affirm their faith in each other.

It’s not over.

Maybe Regan IS gone, but 
YOU can bring your daughter BACK.
You’ve GOT to bring everyone together.
THAT’S what will make this WORK —

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