Saturday 18 May 2024

Give me The Daggers :

Give me The Daggers : 
The Sleeping and The Dead
Are but as pictures : 'tis the eye of childhood
That fears a painted devil. If he do bleed,
I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal;
For it must seem their guilt.

Jordan Peterson - The Truth About Auschwitz Prison Guards

Minister of Defence :
Two dead, two in hospital, and 
Koskov probably back in Moscow, if not dead. 
We're the laughing stock of The Intelligence Community. 
Our first major coup in years, snatched 
from right under our noses 
by the KGB only hours after he defected!

No trace of him?

M :
NothingThen there's 
this Pushkin matter.

Minister of Defence :
Well, I must be off. Meeting 
with the PM this afternoon. 
We have to nip "Smiert Spionom" in the bud
Pushkin should be in Tangiers in two days' time. 
A termination warrant has been issued for him. 

007 :
This plot to kill agents sounds 
rather far-fetched, sir.
I know General Pushkin.

M :
Do you think I don't

007 :
I've dealt with him on several occasions! 
Our paths have crossed over the years. 
He's tough and resourceful, but...
I can't believe he's a psychotic.

M :
Neither did I until today. 
This arrived from Gibraltar. 
It was found near 009's body. 
Your name was on 
Pushkin's List, too, 007. 

007 :
There are a few things I'd like 
to check out first, sir. 
That sniper, for instance. 

M :
Yes. I've read Saunders' report --
You jeopardised The Mission, to 
avoid shooting a beautiful girl.

007 :
I had to make a split-second 
decisionIt was instinct.

M : (nods)
I'll recall 004 from Hong Kong. 
He can do it. He doesn't know Pushkin. 
He follows orders, not instincts. - 
You can take a fortnight's leave.

007 :
No! Sir. If it "has" to be done
I'd rather do it.

"....back when I was 20, something like that -- 20....

I started studying atrocity, right? 

And so, I've always been interested in The Holocaust, in particular, but it's a very particular interest, like -- 
Evil Nazi Germany Auschwitz Prison-guard -- 
Prison-guard who enjoyed his work, right..? 

Because My Question was, 'How could you be 
an Auschwitz Prison-guard who enjoyed his work....?' 

Now,  one answer is, "Well, You're just like a Demon from another planet who's so unlike Me, that I don't even have to worry about it.", and that's a very convenient answer, but it's not True -- many, many many many of the people not all many of the people who were involved in the Nazi atrocities were perfectly Ordinary People they were just like you and you think no I wouldn't do that it's like that's not what the evidence suggests the evidence suggests that the vast majority of people in Nazi Germany went along with it now not all of them were dragged into The Abyss-itself but plenty were and if you think you wouldn't have been one of them that just means it's highly likely that you would have because you have no idea what you're capable of there's a great book about that terrifying book called Ordinary Men and it's about the initiation of a police Battalion from Germany who went to Poland after the Germans marched into Poland now these were ordinary men they were policemen middle-aged who had grown up before the Nazi propaganda Mill got going okay so they weren't indoctrinated Nazis from like the time they were four they're just ordinary middle- class guys plus their Commander told them in Poland when they were starting to do military work even though they were civilian policemen that they could go home that they didn't have to do this job and that there would be no repercussions and in in fact out of the Battalion a number of men right at the beginning said I'm not doing this and they went home Mo the vast majority went along now why okay so now these policemen are in Poland and they've been told a story which is that you know German at War and the reason for that is that evil Jews have conspired up a you know a conspiracy and they've United the Western World against us and they're a fifth column within the country and your patriotic duty is to root them out now that we're in Poland and you're saving the Fatherland and there's going to be Dirty Work associated with it and do you really want to leave all that to your compatriots you know your companions your your guys cuz like if you and I are together and someone that we're working for presents us with a dirty job and I say well I'm not doing that well then I leave it to you so there's a kind of betrayal that's built into that now the guys that left thought I don't care I'm not doing this but most people didn't and part of the reason they didn't do it is because they were loyal to their to their peers by the end of this which took months these guys were taking n naked pregnant women out into the middle of fields and shooting them in the back of the head like and be becoming violently ill because of doing so and tearing themselves into shreds internally like sick sick at heart but doing it and that's a it's a terrible thing to look at and I started looking at that like it's 40 years ago now you know was shocking and so what did I discover well I discover a lot of things I discovered that the ro road to totalitarian hell and atrocity is paved with lies like lies are the pathway to Hell really like practically and metaphysically

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