Thursday 5 March 2020

Lies’ll Kill Ya.

“Some time into our relationship it occurred to me that you have the family you are born with and the family you consciously appoint. 

Meredith became an appointed mother. I don’t mean for this to diminish the vital role of my own mother, nor do I mean to say that I have depended on Meredith to the enormous degree that the word ‘mother’ suggests. 

It is that on some biochemical or philosophical level I recognized her as a portal for maternal nurture of a type that I required as an adult. 

A mentor is a type of hero and a hero is a symbol, much of the work they do for you is in effect done by you, yourself, in your own mind. 

Take the example of Meredith and the revealing question she asked in this instance. She revealed to me that I was living dishonestly and demonstrated, by her own being, that there was an alternative. 

Now I don’t need to set up camp at the foot of her bed or be there at the breakfast table sobbing, while she feeds her actual family, to receive the benefits of her wisdom. I just need to be open to education, willing to change. In this way we author our reality.

I determined to make Meredith a ‘mother’. I decided to accept her nurture.”

Excerpt From
by Russell Brand

Lies’ll Kill Ya.

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