Sunday 8 March 2020


The presence of a Terran defector on this ship is to be regarded as classified.

Its utterance will carry a penalty of Treason.

Do you understand?

“Every man has a double anima. He comes factory equipped — it is absolutely ingrained—  with two visions of woman. How he manages this dilemma says a great deal about his integrity. 

The first is the heavenly vision, a Beatrice-like figure who leaves him speechless at the world that she opens for him. 

Beatrice appears early in a man’s life, and all he can do is store her away until he is strong enough to reencounter her. 

The other vision is an earthy woman who is lots of fun, sexually attractive, and perfect for courtship. 

She has all the human attributes, as well as the dark aspects —a dragon, a bitch, a whore. 

Every man is torn between the light and dark expectations of woman. 
And every woman has experienced man vacillating between these visions.

The woman’s animus also comes double - a knight on a white horse and a barbarian

Her soul guide, usually a male figure, will guide her in much the same manner as Beatrice guides Dante. 

If you’re homosexual, the same thing happens, but the labels are reversed. 

We all follow the same path.”

Excerpt from: 
"Inner Gold: Understanding Psychological Projection"

Wanting Sumptuous Heavens

No one grumbles among the oyster clans,
And lobsters play their bone guitars all summer.
Only we, with our opposable thumbs, want
Heaven to be, and God to come, again.
There is no end to our grumbling; we want
Comfortable earth and sumptuous Heaven.
But the heron standing on one leg in the bog
Drinks his dark rum all day, and is content.

Terrans exhibited only one physiological difference from prime universe Humans: sensitivity to bright light.

Although this was only stated in "Vaulting Ambition", in mirror universe episodes predating Discovery and following "Mirror, Mirror", Terran starships and habitats are noticeably darker than a Federation starship would be, and Jonathan Archer appeared to squint while in the captain's chair of the USS Defiant.

When building The Tower of Babel (as a direct, intentional affront to God), Nimrod commanded it be constructed with the use of Slime for mortar (instead of mortar).

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