Friday 26 December 2014

Hollywood Accredits the Memes : Hitler of the Week - How Hollywood Vilifies Whole Nations

Exodus - Movement of de White People

(Where's Yul Bryner when you really need him...?)

"When the reports are that the film is being banned for being inaccurate to history, it makes me wonder how many other films they've banned for similar reasons, because "historical inaccuracy" is Hollywood's middle name."

Well, when everyone  in the movie set in AFRICA is white, but where the Pharoah (as in 300) is clearly depicted as being oriental (meaning, ARAB), slaveholding (there is no history of chattel slavery in Africa) and effeminate (he's wearing make-up - check out the eyebrows), and "Moses" is depicted as being occidental, well-groomed, manly Judeo-Christian and fully-dressed, you can't blame the Arab States for interpreting it as Jewish Hollywood blood libel against Egypt and the Arabs....

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