Tuesday 19 February 2019

The Oracle of Lost + Forgotten Meanings

18:18 -
Restate my assumptions. 

 Language is the Modality of Conscious, Reasoning Rational Human Thought (COGNITION)

Words Have Meanings -
Sometimes, rarely, 
Fixed and Concrete, 
Often, and Usually 
Maleable, Mutable and Fuzzy.

Three :
Everything around us -
at least in the 
Strictly Physical, Material Realm
- Can be Understood, Misunderstood,
Represented and Mis-represented 

If you monitor the trends of any system operated by and interactive with, large populations made-up of reasoning individuals engaged in any micro-scale 
personal, elective and volitional activity 
Patterns Emerge.

My Hypothesis :
If any individual or other interested party were to take a sampling of trending search terms on any recognised and authoritative website able to provide greater clarity and higher resolutions of certainty and deviations as to what certain, paticular English words actually meant originally,and Why -
Such as person or party would therefore be granted a profound oracular insight as to what People, Worldwide were THINKING -
With respect to the Anglophone Sphere, at the very least.
That's 375,000,000


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