Friday 22 June 2018

Evil Bloody Well Exists

" There are some corners of The Universe which have bred the most terrible things....

Things that act against everything that we believe in...

They Must Be Fought. "

There are only 4 questions of value in Life, Don Octavio. 

• What is Sacred? 
• Of what is The Spirit made? 
• What is worth Living for, and 
• What is worth Dying for? 

The answer to each is the same: Only Love.

Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. 

They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. 

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The Cardinal: 
Any confession I may be said to have made in prison, will be a lie, or the result of human weakness.

The Interrogator:  

Every living soul in that sleeping city down there could be broken, if they had to be. The softer the mind, the more sensitive the conscience, the more surely they must be broken. That's the fascination - and the pity of it. 

The Interrogator:
He was broken by a half-truth, a distorted truth. He was too humble. He believed it when I told him his whole life was built on pride. A proud man would have been more skeptical. 

The Interrogator: You're an enemy of society, like the schizophrenic, of the paranoiac. You're dangerous, because you mislead the poor, the uneducated, the silly. Only because you're wrongheaded. In time, we'll get to the root of the trouble. And you can be cured.

The Cardinal: Your believe it?

The Interrogator: Yes, I do believe it.

The Cardinal: God give me cunning against your skill.

The Interrogator:  
We're up against a good man. He's got to show us where his weakness lies before we can use it - to destroy him. Meanwhile, we must wait

[sits down at his chessboard]

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