The Big Man:
Rapists and murders may be the victims according to you, but I,
I call them dogs.
And if they're lapping up their own vomit, the only way to stop them is with a lash.
But dogs only obey their own nature, so why shouldn't we forgive them?
The Big Man:
Dogs can be taught many useful things, but not,
if we forgive them every time they obey their own nature.
Do you know what 'Nemesis' means?
A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by a 'orrible cunt : -

Lyons said she looked like an angel, serene, with a smile on her face and only a small cut on her forehead.
The photograph has never been published.
The Latin designation, popular in Europe since the Renaissance, for the goddess of the hunt, in Greek Artemis, who by this time had only allegorical or symbolic meaning. Statues of Diana with the crescent-MOON in her hair, bow and ARROWS in her hand, accompanied by hunting DOGS, adorned especially the gardens of the baroque period.
On occasion, the legendary scene is represented in which ACTEON, having observed the chaste Diana bathing, is transformed into a stag (see DEER) and tom apart by his own hunting dogs.
The Latin designation, popular in Europe since the Renaissance, for the goddess of the hunt, in Greek Artemis, who by this time had only allegorical or symbolic meaning. Statues of Diana with the crescent-MOON in her hair, bow and ARROWS in her hand, accompanied by hunting DOGS, adorned especially the gardens of the baroque period.
On occasion, the legendary scene is represented in which ACTEON, having observed the chaste Diana bathing, is transformed into a stag (see DEER) and tom apart by his own hunting dogs.
Exclusive extract from Mr Paparazzi in tomorrow's Good Weekend magazine, free with The Sydney Morning Herald.
AN Australian paparazzo who has powerful images of the Princess of Wales close to death will give evidence next week at her inquest.
Darryn Lyons, the owner of one of the world's largest paparazzi photo agencies, will give evidence on Tuesday by video link from a barrister's chambers in Phillip Street, Sydney, accompanied by his British lawyer, Hugh Carlisle, QC.
The original images were confiscated by police in France and London in 1997 but Lyons has copies and has described in his new autobiography, Mr Paparazzi, one particularly strong image of the princess just before she died.
Lyons said she looked like an angel, serene, with a smile on her face and only a small cut on her forehead. The photograph has never been published.
It contrasts with photographs taken of her companion, Dodi Al Fayed. The car crash that killed them in Paris in 1997 was so violent that Fayed's jeans had been ripped off. His chest was opened as doctors had tried to resuscitate him with electric paddles and open heart massage. The images are unprintable.
Lyons believes he has been called as a witness because his London office was broken into soon after the accident. He says nothing was taken and that he had handed over all the images that had been sent to him in London on the night of the crash by his Paris agent, Laurent Sola.
One of two photographers working for Mr Sola appears to be the first person at the crash scene.
Lyons writes that David Kerr and the other photographer, Fabrice Chassery, were driving cars and lost the Mercedes driven by Henri Paul as it left the Ritz Hotel. Paparazzi on scooters roared on ahead, chasing the car, but Kerr and Chassery agreed to call it a night.
Lyons says Kerr headed home via the Alma tunnel and came across the crash scene, where he said there were no witnesses. He estimated the accident had occurred two minutes before.
Kerr parked outside the tunnel then returned to find four other photographers who had been riding on scooters.
(Kerr and Chassery subsequently sued the British television network Channel 4 for "stealing" some of their pictures for use in The Witnesses In The Tunnel, a documentary which was screened in Britain last year. They said the images were held by police and copies must have been stolen.)
Lyons said he believed early news reports that the princess was only concussed and had a broken arm. He alerted the News Of The World that he had a photo of her and says he was offered £250,000.
He writes that the then editor of the paper, Phil Hall, who he says was in contact with its proprietor, Rupert Murdoch, then called Lyons to say the princess was dead and the paper was pulling out of the deal.
Lyons says the paper claimed the image never got to the printing process, "but I have it on good authority that thousands of newspapers were pulped".
In 1998, Lyons says, he was approached by someone who said they were acting for The New Yorker, offering $3 million to $4 million for the crash photos. He said he would never sell any of them.
These details of the crash and its aftermath are told in his autobiography, Mr Paparazzi, to be published on Monday by Viking.
Lyons yesterday visited Geelong, which he left 20 years ago to make a career in London. He worked for The Daily Mail before establishing his own photo agency, Big Pictures.
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