"Dodi had all the money in the world, but he wanted fame.
He died with the most famous woman in the world.
He couldn't have scripted it better."
His later film ventures were less distinguished than his first, though Robert Mandel's F/X (1986) was an intriguing, if far-fetched tale of a film special- effects expert who is hired to stage a fake assassination and finds himself part of a sinister real-life crime.

Lyons said she looked like an angel, serene, with a smile on her face and only a small cut on her forehead.
The photograph has never been published.
It contrasts with photographs taken of her companion, Dodi Al Fayed. The car crash that killed them in Paris in 1997 was so violent that Fayed's jeans had been ripped off.
His chest was opened as doctors had tried to resuscitate him with electric paddles and open heart massage. The images are unprintable.

F/X (1986) was an intriguing, if far-fetched tale of a film special- effects expert who is hired to stage a fake assassination and finds himself part of a sinister real-life crime.

F/X (1986) was an intriguing, if far-fetched tale of a film special- effects expert who is hired to stage a fake assassination and finds himself part of a sinister real-life crime.
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